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Everything posted by xanna

  1. An anti-bug report. I don't know if this is intentional, but TLD now loads WAY faster on my system than it ever has (playing via Stem natively on Linux). Thanks, @Admin!
  2. It's gonna affect me, I can never find the hacksaw! I like to always harvest by hand where poss to save tools and max skill points anyway, so this is going to compel me to change my playstyle. That's not a bad thing!
  3. Oh, I didn't notice that. That's a big change!
  4. Over on lemmy, @rbos has done a great job of summarising details glimpsed in the release video: new item weights, vit C content etc.: https://lemmy.ca/post/10711212
  5. Oh cool, thanks! I had it set to update automagically, but I will press the button. Thanks so much @Renn
  6. Uh-oh, getting ptamigans just got more challenging
  7. The new region, items, afflictions and animations are all looking awesome, but WOW look at all those bug fixes! I'm really happy about all those too. Amazing work, @Admin!
  8. The Part 4 update includes this bugfix, so I guess some people did find them before they were ready. I experienced a Tales cache appearing when I mapped, but not a Tale bunker.
  9. Lads, we've been rumbled. No more fire-placing for steady movement
  10. The carcass harvesting animations look really great!!
  11. Steam just added the update to my queue. Update for me is at 11:11pm UTC.
  12. Update video went live 12 minutes ago, update itself will be arriving from now!
  13. Wow, that was brilliant. Thank you so much @Raphael van Lierop and team.
  14. It's Raph himself! We are honoured
  15. Lots of names I recognise from Twitch in the chat ❤️
  16. Thanks for this! Youtube chat has pretty limited scrollback, at least it does if you don't have a login.
  17. Oh wow, this is a big one I forgot: I have never played Stalker. Not even loaded into Stalker accidentally.
  18. Doesn't it though? 😁 The perfect music. The video does talk about TLD, but so frustratingly briefly.
  19. Suddenly your post makes a lot more sense! 😆 I am not a big reader, but this video Fear of Cold talks about several books which have survival and cold as central themes, list of books in the video description.
  20. Oh yeah, for sure. I meant the tactic specifically, not other uses of the hotkey. That hotkey makes such a difference to long harvesting and cooking marathons!