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Everything posted by Pınar51-06

  1. I agree. I also like their backpacks so ı wanna see more of them ın Episode 5.
  2. Sometimes ı play just to take screenshots. Even in the middle of fog ın AC.
  3. Rope bridges in Ash Canyon. Ravin Falls Trestle. (I died twice in my early times) When you climb on a rope, the time you understand you couldn’t get the top. And that painful sound.
  4. My favourite is from Episode 1 One Last Thing side quest “Losing a child…” says McKenzie. ”Is like losing your own life.” answers Grey Mother. I am not a parent or a crybaby person but that quote always makes me sad. RIP Lilith Baker.
  5. Aynı sorunu ben de yaşadım oyun tam römorka girerken takılıyordu ancak bilgisayarımda sorun olduğunu düşünerek yan görevi tamamlamadan bölümü bitirmiştim. (Steam)
  6. Before the DLC update, I had a moose attack in Ash Canyon (twice) and my bedroll (around &80 condition) had ruined too.
  7. Forge ın Forlorn Muskeg. I mean why they build a forge in a homestead? What did Spence Family think about it? They could build another building for forge. It seems odd.
  8. Tail Section in Timberwolf Mountain:The guy under the plane. He was alive. Maybe he saw the Mountainers Hutt, he wanted to go there but he didn’t make it, he just fell off. And he didn’t take anything in the plane. I mean he could use the flare gun maybe?
  9. For me, ıt’s the coastal house at Jackrabbit Island in Coastal Highway. I can hear the sound of sea in clear and sunny weather, ıt’s lovely.
  10. Spoiler Spoiler Idk ıt counts but ı found a death note key at miners folly in Ash Canyon. The key opens a box (some heavy fish in there) upon a boat next to Anglers Den I found another note in Mountainers Hutt (and ıt refers to Chasm Case ı guess) but ı haven’t gone yet. Btw ı did not buy DLC yet ı just start a new survival save.
  11. For these three options, ı choose Camp Office because ı love that place. But my Astrid fade into the long dark yesterday by jumping off the ravine.
  12. I remember ı found a jerry can at back of a car near the wrecked house (next to the rural store)
  13. Definitely fishing. I am around 460-465 days on pilgrim, ı had some good level 5 skills but fishing is only level 3.
  14. You have a point, ı wanted to see some survivors maybe in sidequests but we had only Molly and some survivors eith Father Thomas. I also wonder about ‘Foresttalker’ which we help in episode 2 ‘Lake Gunshot’ sidequest. We choosed to give or not some ammo with a little backpack. Did he make it or did he fade to the long dark. If he made it, where was he going to?
  15. It is nice when sun is up otherwise not so good 🥶
  16. By choice😂ı just want to hang out ın Broken Railroad around the station and the hunting lodge🙂
  17. That is something ı did for one day but yours is something else. Really funny challange. Good luck.
  18. Yep a little part of this show had been influence developers edp. the blackout part but beautiful winter scenes, colours and aurora borealis make this game so unique ımo.
  19. Yep, ı liked this series. Thanks for reminding.
  20. I have missed too many stuff before and catched later (luckily) -Two accelerant in crates at Hermit’s Cabin in Mountain Town -A rifle in Hibernia Station under the bed. -5 rifle ammo behind the door at Grey Mother’s House (in her bedroom) -5 birch saplings above Grey Mother’s house (again:)) (ın pilgrim level) -A dead body and a rifle right above landing gear in Timberwolf Mountain
  21. I also hope happy ending for them but ı guess we won’t see everyone in episode 5 (like father thomas or greymother) and we will lost some of them😔
  22. Journal Day 1 I am a local journalist who is interested in mystical stories about nature and after hearing some crazy news about Great Bear Island, ı wanted to visit this place personally. I picked up my camera, a detailed map of the region, my notebook, pens and the most important ones, my curious eyes. So It begins. Day 2 After ı fell asleep in plane, ı woke up suddenly with a huge crash. It was freezing inside but somehow ı throw out myself. Luckily ı could able to breathe and walk so ı got my camera and tried to take some picture. You can see how bad this is. Immediatly ı pick some medical stuff, a pair of gloves, a wool hat, bottle of water and soda. I was going out (have no idea where ı am) but when ı go outside, blizzard got me so ı went inside and look up for cockpit. Captains are also dead (which ı never forget that scene). I waited for blizzard ıt finally ended about 2 hours later and ı found some biscuits and chocolates. I go outside on the other side of plane and ı freezed for what ı saw. I really don't remember how ı got this picture but ı remember my freezing tears did not hurt me more than that scene. Deads are everywhere, arms, shoes, fingers and blood, blood, more blood. I was thinking how ı am still alive but ı ran away when ı heard wolves. Day 4 I found a cave near the plane crash, start fire after my infinite attempts and ate some plane foods, wound up my legs and left arm. It was colder and colder every hours so sun was showing up a little, ı walked and saw a big red building like barn. I got down with a rope and walked to red barn when ı saw some beautiful birch trees.It was an amazing birch labyrinth which ı wanted to take a picture. For a second, ı forgot where ı am, how miserable ı am. Isn't ıt beautiful? After that, ı heard some crow voices and ta da! Another dead bodies. I got curious what happened to these guys. Thanks to guy on the left, he had a bottle of water so he resolved my thirst. When ı was ın this amazing labyrinth, ı got lost and realised ı was rounding circles. It was getting dark and crows were getting louder. I ran, ran, ran and ı found a building with a fire barrel. It wasn't perfect but ı found some canned foods like soup and after some warm weather, ı wanted to take a look. Look what ı found. I realized a wolf was eating bunnies when ı take pictures. I freaked out and got back to fire barrel but ı decided to go and find that red barn. I couldn't resist and go on take some pictures because this mystic area was like a golden mine for me. Day 5 Wow. What a night. My eyes and my whole body witnessed an aurora borealis this night. I am a journalist but ı can't tell how brilliant this was. Although ı never seen any alive persone in this time, ı felt Great Bear Island is alive. Don't ask me how cause ı don't know. After that amazing night and sunrise, ı found my red barn. Day 7 Now ı know ı am in Pleasant Valley. I found a map, a little documents and a tale book about the ısland in the barn and ı decided to go Coastal Highway. There was a gas station named Quonset and the note ı found ın barn says locals were gone to Quonset Gas Station after the 'First Flare' and they were gathering around to going to Suzuki Station for more sources and facility of communication. But first, ı used the mine road for reaching the coastal region so ı need a lantern for mine. Day 12 I got to the Gas Station. Unfortunately, there was no one except a dead guy near the station. I found and old laptop and ı don't think ıt works but somehow ı was waiting for it. There was no map or note or letter how ı got this Suzuki Station and my camera is about to die. Day 23 I was just letting go but that night, suddenly all lights are open and old laptop is working. There was an open mail screen but ı was able to log in and send and e mail to my friends. Hope they got it. I go outside with my camera for watching beautiful aurora but ın the door, ı freezed. There was a bear! With some shiny fur on it. I take a picture, click, and he saw me, run towards to me and ı go in station. After that, lights were gone and ı waited and waited in the dark. I really don't know what ı do. Hope ı tell you this personally but if ı couldn't do, journal and photos will do that for me. First of all, sorry about my language mistakes. I hope you like it. I know ıt wasn't perfect like @piddy3825 's amazing stories and screenshots but ı wanted to try.😬
  23. Always searching the bunkers in ML and PV. I know there is a bunker in Blackrock but couldn’t find yet. I like searching those places and finding very valuable stuff esp. tools and hunting bunker. I would like to see a mixed bunker with a little amount of food, cloth, tools, medical and guns and ı would like to find a special book like guns,guns,guns or maybe HL brings us new skill books about survival (there was also a new topic in forum about new skills)
  24. I would like to keep Coastal Highway as a one map. But also ı wish to add some birch area with a long waterfall nearby above the ‘Silent Clearing’ area with a little farmstead with a barrel, a car and workbench.