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Everything posted by Pınar51-06

  1. I saved him when ı play episode 2. I wish we see the result of our choice ın episode 5. I like reading Foresttalker theories like this. Thanks for the topic.
  2. Coal mine 3 is really rich for coal and close to the forge ın rıken. And also my favourite mine.
  3. I like your ideas but my favourite is birch bark container. That would be really nice to see. I also think we will see something big and important about Foresttalkers. Maybe ın the end, Suzuki Station is their main hideout.
  4. Not my favourite choice but ı am ok with that. Finally we saw an agreement on this. So ıt begins. Not BR BARK ıt ıs.
  5. It really likes a good ıdea but personally ı wanna say no because the rope bridges are really frightened and ı had a nearly heard attack almost every time. And ı died two times when passing a rope bridge (one survival and one story mode)
  6. Thanks! I wish Broken Railroad is in center of the map. Small, dangerous but such a good region.
  7. I had similar thoughts about him and ı guess we will see him ın episode 5 around Suzuki. Mackenzie will have a chat with him and after that Astrid will come and say ‘Who are you talking to, honey? No one ıs here’
  8. also no dead body ınside as ı remember. Some are close the car like 'Matt's Truck' area ın DP but noone ınside.
  9. Although ı find prepper caches and loot dead body, there was a lack of deer carcass ın PV. Now ı am ın AC and ı haven't seen any deer carcass that ıt should have been. Also there was no corpse ın Fire Overlook and near Hıgh Meadow bridge. I hear sound of crows but there was no body or feather.
  10. Lol ıt really looks funny. Maybe Jace is trying to do something ınteresting.
  11. My favourite broken bridge is in BR and ı haven't seen the ravine part of Broken Railroad before. There was so much carcass and dead body than ı ımagine and more crow feather than ı expected lol.
  12. How about we called it just ‘B’ ? It’s cool isn’t it? BP is not a region ıt’s a building. BRM is like TWM but ıt does not contain ‘mountain’ word also Blackrock has no summit. Yeah we see it but not climb (by the way ı love to see and climb it)
  13. Achievements really motivates me but my only goal is collecting all stuff in quinset garage and opening the garage. I saw great videos that people organize and place perfectly in Camp Office or Trappers or PV Farmtead and ı wanna do that. Always tried and always died in stupid ways but ı believe one day ı will do that. I looted all BR, FM, MT and ML and now ı am in PV (almost done) While doing this ı also have a goal that collecting all polaroids, notes and buffer memories.
  14. I have same problems for several days. I killed a wolf and a deer but there was no crow for 2 game days. Also one or two feather only. I just start to be good in bow.
  15. I like the topic ı reaaly appreciate Hinterland but we need some new lines. I would like to hear some happy reactions when we have a level up in any skills. Esp. when we have level 5 cooking we can say “now ı need a horse alive” Also when we change our clothes the player could say “well, ıt really suits me ha” or now that is a proper coat”
  16. I couldn’t find even prepper cache. I try even pilgrim but the region is really cold. Looks like Pleasant Valley. My only luck is finding polaroid. I have no idea Blackrock has a polaroid lol.
  17. I spend couple of days (in game time) in the region but ı couldn’t get the transition zones for PV and TWM yet. Thanks for the info. But ı must say i am surprised ‘long curve’ connects PV to Blackrock. I always thought ıt connects with Milton-Crushed Prison Bus. My only disappoinment in blackrock is change of the mine road. I got to rope bridge and it said ‘destroyed’. I liked the mine road in story but ı must figure it out.
  18. I start a new run but ı guess blackrock is upper side of the mape than ı guessed so ı am in blackrock map for finding connecting zones but did not fine yet. I liked we have a bench in Blackrock too. Good luck for your run.
  19. I was in mystery lake but ı guess ı will start a new run. My guess is this transition zone in Pleasant Valley is ‘end of the road’ near derelict cabins.
  20. After the december developer diary, HTL said blackrock region has 2 transition zone: one with Pleasant Valley and another with Timberwolf Mountain. Then my theory is a little bit true ı guess. So happy😄 Now ı wonder where are this transition zones?
  21. Thanks for your hard work Hinterland. Really appreciated. And also splitting story and survival modes will be much better for game ı think.
  22. Maybe it is realistic but that makes as slower than before ı guess. Also when we carry at least 30kg pack ı don’t prefer.
  23. For me- leave it just the way it is But ı don’t know if it is a bug, there was no light for my last save. I went in and out for several nights with and without aurora but there was no light and ı am a little disappointed cause ı like its spesific appearance. I hope it is a bug and it fixs in time.
  24. I haven’t noticed that situation until you mentioned it. That make me curious too. My only explanation is power of the water. Cause the river runs so much wildly in episode 4. And also all the waterfalls in ısland do not seem frozen except the waterfall near the frozen creek in Mystery Lake.