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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. There still seems to be room left for another update beyond that. There is the Mountain Pass regions. The site mentions a hidden remote installation, so maybe that ties into Episode 5. Then there is stuff like safehouse customization, The Hunted Part 3, the trader, or camera mode. And I'm really looking forward to graphical improvements. Would love some anti-aliasing, more draw distance and getting rid of flickering plants for example. More bug fixing is great. Animal behavior for example has become a bit screwy over time. I've seen teleporting bears for example and timberwolves are also weird in some areas.
  2. Specifically I'm thinking of the Bleak Inlet kitchen / break room. There is a fire barrel right under a window, but somehow you can't use the magnifying lens. But this could also apply to the two cabins on the far side on Forsaken Airfield. Or the train station at Transfer Pass. Not sure about the Mountaineering Hut. There is the hole in the roof. Or maybe require an open door.
  3. Does anyone still have issues finding memento keys in cars? I thought the fix was retroactive. But I don't have any keys in Bleak Inlet. They are supposed to be in the cars at the radio tower and/or the bridge
  4. I'd love killer rabbits for the Halloween event
  5. In the BR Maintenance Yard there is always something in one of the boxes up the ramp. And I also found something in my current game in a box opposite the bathroom. Didn't know about that before, so I can't say if that's always there.
  6. It's not chance based. There are a handful of very specific crates that have stuff in them.
  7. Here is the climb @54:55 at the back right of the pond. You don't even need the rosehip climb.
  8. Qonset isn't as bad as it's often made out to be. I'd avoid it on Stalker, but on Interloper it's pretty comfortable. You have to be a bit careful but a lot of the time the wolves don't bother you. There are long stretches where they just hang out on the ice. And then every now and then one takes a stroll through town. Just watch out when you return. And pay extra attention when carrying meat as that will attract from where they are. My main base (in the sense of where I store a lot my stuff) is actually the hydro dam. Not in any way cozy, but it's centrally located in regards to the whole island. Lots of storage. And a cave nearby for cabin fever when you craft a lot. You can also hunt and collect sticks in peace in the Ravine. Minor bonus is a huge amount of birch bark.
  9. The interior temps in indoor locations is generally constant. The exception is some open areas like the front of the Maintenance Yard in BR. Otherwise what happens outside really doesn't matter. I've always slept through in the early game and never died. Short of a bug that should only happen if some buff like warming up or extra condition wears off. The sleeping in intervals thing is only something you need to do outdoors, and even then many people overdo it. At least in warmer regions with the best clothing.
  10. There are two modes to the radio. A yellow/orange one for finding caches with some items. That's what you were on. They can be a bit hard to see. You can ignore that if you want to. The mode for finding bunkers is blue. But you are not going to get to the Airfield Bunker right away. You need to repair the other transmitters first. The objectives are shown in a tab in the journal. There is also a map of the transmitters there and what regions they cover. It really tells you what you need to do after each step, but you can pick the order yourself. There are 5 more transmitters and 4 bunkers. Two of the transmitters (in DP and Blackrock) are optional and only lead to caches. They also aren't listed in the quest. The rest have caches and bunkers. See also:
  11. The worst game breaking bugs were fixed pretty quickly. And before playing future big updates I'd back up the save game, so nothing gets messed up. Otherwise it looks like some of the fixes have been retroactive. For example there was a bug where visor notes didn't spawn. When that was fixed they were also added to old saves. Not just news ones. So I feel pretty good about long games being fine even with something like that happens.
  12. I don't think that was always like this. The game is relatively old now and has been through a lot of changes from the earlier days. But they have done that for years now.
  13. That area is very wolfy, but it's generally not that bad. On Interloper it's about 3-4 around the maintenance yard, and the same at the lake. And two at the lodge. It would be more on Stalker.
  14. I never saw the point in grinding skills. They go up fast enough regardless. So I don't do it for that. But I like the arrows as an alternative to stones. It's a bit easier to hit things from farther away.
  15. It's not in Deer Clearing, but a little beyond it. That turn is extremely easy to miss. If you've seen the bear up there go where he comes from. Or walk along the edge that has the caves. And then look for a fallen tree (the game often uses those to mark things). That's where you turn left and then kind of follow the left edge. It's also not the last rope, but the rest is straight forward.
  16. Rose hip pie restores fatigue. So getting three of them is pretty nice. It should list the amount though, given that the calories listed are per piece.
  17. Another idea would be for auto walk to turn off when you press for the forward key. That's where most of the confusion happens for me. I press W thinking I'm in control, but you really need to press the backwards key to cancel it.
  18. The abandoned cache is a different issue altogether. They revamped the scene and made it look more abandoned. It seemingly only did some things like get rid of the bed, but behind the scenes it seems to have changed more.
  19. Yeah, and that's part of the game. Things don't always go as you want. You may have take a small detour or try to lose the wolf in the terrain. Maybe go up some rock and jump down the other side where the wolf can't follow you. Or just keep walking and ignore the creepy growling. Personally I find it a lot more interesting than just carrying a torch everywhere. And unless you're in a tight canyon or something similar it's not necessarily an issue. You can really get pretty close to wolves before they attack.
  20. I'm careful enough that I almost never get surprised by wolves that close. And when one notices me I just walk away if I can't kill him. Otherwise there's the distress pistol for emergencies, but that's not so easy to get anymore. Later on you can get into a wolf struggle and survive in many cases.
  21. To me this sometimes happens when I want to light a torch in non-stressful situations. It can happen very easily. So I agree that it's a bit of an issue. But this meta of always carrying around a torch on Interloper is somewhat silly. Silly in the sense that so many people try to sell it as the only way to play. Which just isn't true in any way. You can certainly do it (and it's sometimes very useful), but it's not needed. It's not needed to defend against wolves and it's not necessary to always have a fire everywhere. So yeah, do something about it. But not because of Interloper.
  22. No, there aren't too many ingredients. The amount of cooking oil, flour and salt is fine. Many regions have just one location where you get them. I want to use the recipes and they aren't renewable. Not many potatoes and carrots though, but I think that's more of an issue with the recipes in general. Making things rarer doesn't make things harder. Food usually isn't an issue in most places. There is already so much man made food and so many cat tails that you just don't struggle. Not to mention hunting. Making cooking ingredients rarer won't change a thing.
  23. Doesn't just seem to be momento notes not spawning in visors. In Junker's Paddock at Forsaken Airfield there is supposed to be polaroid. It's not there either. Agreed on the potatoes and carrots. Those are the real rare ingredients. And there are so many recipes that need several potatoes. I like the general design of the cooking update, but the choice of ingredients just isn't that great. Some of the things you can cook a few times and that's it.
  24. That shouldn't happen inside a truck obviously. I've also noticed that spending time in a blizzard in an open barn at a fire barrel. As far as I can recall that used to be fine. But my clothing got soaked. I wouldn't mind at all if it were a feature that you have to taken off frozen clothing, but if such changes are intentional they should be communicated.