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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. The bug with stacking items of varying condition should have been fixed in the last update. It also worked in your favor. All your shot arrows went back to 100% when the combined with the perfect arrows still in the inventory. Killing bears with arrows works fine for me.
  2. It's really about the way it is sold. I'm fine with frequent, somewhat buggy releases. In Early Access games. In fact with some games I subscribe to the beta branch to get the newest stuff right away. And things can be broken then. With TLD we have effectively Early Access DLC, but were promised release quality. But adjusting my expectations, that's ok. I'm not happy with some of the severe bugs, but I also like the content.
  3. Peanut butter has one of the highest food poisoning chances below 20% condition for items like it. Only dog food is worse. Sardines have a notorious reputation, but other than a 3% chance at medium condition (on par with cooked meat), it's not really worse than other canned food. If the wiki numbers are correct. You can't get any from soda
  4. There still seems to be something off with the stacking. It doesn't merge conditions anymore, but partially eat a cat tail. It will show the partial calorie count, but only shown one stack of cat tails. Didn't that use to produce a single partial cat tail and then a stack of full ones? Maybe I'm misremembering here. It's not the end of the world. You can eat the partial one and then you have a proper 100% stack again. So you aren't losing anything. And it tidies up the inventory a bit. So maybe that's an intentional change. But it's not quite clear if it's now supposed to work like this.
  5. Damn. Now I have to craft new arrows again 😂 But seriously, good job. That seems to fix many of the urgent issues.
  6. Mhh, like skillets or the other new ingredients they are usually in big houses like Grey Mothers, Paradise Meadows, or Thompson's Crossing. There are also new potato sacks. And some new wooden produce containers - for example in the back of the Rural Store and the basements of the PV farm house.
  7. Sadly there don't seem to be any on the TWM summit. One flock below, but I didn't see any on top. Might have missed them though.
  8. There are recipes for them. Which need a lot of them though. You can also cook potatoes as they are. And I think carrots can be eaten raw.
  9. Cooking oil certainly goes bad. Takes a while though. But so far I found all of it in the open. I hope that's the case for all possible spawns. Then it doesn't matter if it decays to zero
  10. Ah, I see. Yeah, it was probably scrapped after they noticed that the whole expansion is more work than they anticipated. The whole schedule was overly optimistic even without all the bugs. I always kind of wanted to actually need to build the fire from stones and some wood. And then light it. But maybe that sounds better than it really is. Might just be needless busy work.
  11. Tbh, I think crafting arrows shouldn't make you better at actually shooting. But that's probably not going to get changed at this point
  12. Has anyone noticed that the foot steps sound very weird and wrong after you climb up rose hips? As if the wrong sound is playing, but also sometimes out of sync with the footsteps. Maybe the sound when you sprained your ankle. It returns to normal when changing surfaces, like walking over ice.
  13. I got a huge amount of canned food in just parts of DP, CH and PV. I had to drop stuff off because it became too much combined with sticks. So the basic food should definitely be toned down a bit. The amount of the new items you need as recipe ingredients is fine though. That's finite and after it's gone you can't cook that anymore. And there isn't salt, oil and flour everywhere. You generally seem to get those in main houses like the farmstead and Thompson's Crossing. Or the Camp Office or Grey Mother's house.
  14. That's not new. This appears when you have been starving yourself for a while
  15. It seems you don't get flare shells in caches on Interloper. This is fine. The Desolation Point cache still has marine flares. According to the wiki on lower difficulties it also has flares. Where it causes a problem is the Lake Overlook cache in Mystery Lake. This one is empty. I think such caches should just not spawn. It would be like the cargo containers on TWM. Most of those just aren't there. Which is much better than be teased with an empty container. Doesn't feel good getting the clue and walking back to it and then have nothing. Alternatively it could contain an item that's better than a stick, but isn't overpowered. A gut, a rabbit hide, a sapling, or a bit of lantern fuel would be somewhat useful in the early game, but not change the overall balance long term. But as said, it'd be fine not to get anything.
  16. I think this may be a more general issue with stacking items of different conditions. It used to be when you have a stack of cat tails and you partially ate one you could an extra item with the half eaten one. When I just did that I instead got what looked like a full stack of partially eaten ones. But when I ate the rest the stack showed 100% condition again. No problem, but a bit confusing.
  17. The visor issue isn't new. That got broken in the last update and still hasn't been fixed
  18. I think I can confirm the low fatigue walk speed. Doesn't feel great as the walking speed is already pretty low overall. And fatigue was noticeable before already.
  19. Indoor lighting as always problematic in some locations and to prone random changes after updates. The Ambient Lights mods improves that a great deal: Makes interiors generally brighter. Lighting changes with day of time and weather. Windows and how much sunlight a room would get is also taken into account.
  20. Found another flock on the large hill above (west of) Signal Hill
  21. Found some in PV at the top of the rope climb near Signal Hill. The pre-placed one with the bear cave at the bottom They can fly away, but like rabbits they could be more skittish. You can basically walk right over them at times.
  22. I'm on a new save but there is a new type of drawer in the back of the rural store that had potatoes and carrots
  23. Then maybe play a bit before you jump to conclusions. You only need to look at the cooking menu. The new recipes are an addition. All the old stuff is still there.
  24. Whenever I load a game for the first time after starting the game the Darkwalker feat unlocks. I had it before. 🤔