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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. It's two planes. The one in PV is a passenger plane. The one on the mountain is a cargo plane.
  2. Something I just thought of: toxin build up should be a lot faster when you don't wear any shoes. Not sure if it is that way. Otherwise there is the same strange incentive as with walking through water. To protect your shoes, it's better to go barefoot than wearing shoes.
  3. Yeah, it would be cool to make rabbits a special case and give them a realistic animation. You can look it up on YouTube with "rabbit skinning". If you destroy the fur it just takes a few seconds, but even when taking care to preserve it it can be done without tools.
  4. Please make this a thing I don't really mind the idea of glimmer fog. Unlike some people I don't want to turn it off entirely. But it's already annoying me in the mine region. A clear day. You think you can finally learn the outside area and see where you're going. But no, the game decides it's time for glimmer fog. Again. Twice now. And lore wise I can accept that some machine or phenomenon causes static electricity in the air. But that should require fog / moisture to make it work. And not magically turn a clear day into fog
  5. I'm sure there are some issues with Steam and registering them, but there are tons of games that add new achievements with each DLC. I've also seen cases where achievements were only added later in the release recycle.
  6. I think wolves being more aggressive from starvation is a good mechanic. I could do without them poisoning you, but it's certainly less silly than glowing aurora wolves where the fur stays green even after the aurora ends. Overall I'd like some of these new mechanics to more integrated into the whole game. Rather than be a gimmick for one region. For example poison gas also exists in the Blackrock Mine. And Rockfalls could be a danger in other large mines too (not every transition cave, but maybe things like Cinder Hills and the gold mine). Looks to be a nice update
  7. Was it bear meat? That's a bit of an issue since cooked and rotten bear meat look very similar. Always make sure it says "cooked"
  8. The mod does a lot more though. You also then always need containers to store fuel from cooking fish for example. You can't turn that off and only use the draining functionality.
  9. How is that different from harvesting an animal? 🤷‍♂️ Sometimes the wind changes, but often you can get many hours of harvesting and cooking
  10. The weather isn't always that bad. It's no different from harvesting a bear or a moose. I've had multi hour fishing sessions in DP(just to try it out at first) and HRV where there aren't fishing huts. The yield varies though. Sometimes you get very little for the time put in.
  11. Has to be a bug. It's not even consistent. Sometimes it doesn't save and then it starts working again.
  12. Stalker isn't really that much harder than Voyager. It's a colder at the beginning, but there is still tons of loot everywhere, so warmth is fine after a while. It's more of a different experience with wolves being everywhere. Which changes the routes you take if you don't want to fight. But individually the wolves are pretty harmless if you are in decent condition. So if you get jumped it's not the end of the world. The biggest differences are that fires no longer automatically overcome the ambient temperature, you don't wake up when freezing, and intestinal parasites from predator meat. That will require changing some habits.
  13. Yeah, I don't agree about long term either. Aside from the lack of some resources it can get a bit boring there. It's a nice place to spend a vacation though. I really like the place, but I wasn't happy with the fishing yield. Probably just got unlucky though and didn't try that long.
  14. There are two mods for that. "Better Water Management" and "Fuel Manager". Though I think the former is currently broken with some internal changes to the liquid code. Not having enough water containers in the early game definitely changes things a lot. Requiring more fires, or using pots as temporary storage. But at this point it's extremely unlikely that they'll do such a huge overhaul to a core mechanic. What I'd love is to be able to drain storm lanterns. I think they used to work at some point.
  15. Objects are no longer completely despawned, which is great, but there still seems to be some aggressive visual optimization going on. You can see it at the Mountaineering Hut when slowly going in and out while keeping the view to the side. As you leave the hut branches and sticks pop in right into view. Certainly much better than before when they were gone until you walked away some distance, but still not perfect.
  16. When you enter the General Notes section of the journal it still jumps to the very end instead of where you click. Maybe I'm misremembering, but I don't think that was always the case. Also, it would be really nice if pressing 'J' brought up the journal as before and not the Signal Void quest page. The journal is far more important.
  17. The prepper caches were reworked recently. There is now a fixed one on many maps, rather than being random in only ML and PV.
  18. The schedule was overly ambitious from the start. Hinterland always took a lot longer for updates. And they probably underestimated the difficulty and overestimated the benefits of splitting story and survival mode. It introduced a lot of small issues, and maybe even more than what can be seen after release. But other studios would have struggled with this too.
  19. The website already says that it will be film camera. You remember those? Personally I don't really care about this feature. Making prints to hang on the wall is really the only interesting thing. But otherwise it's something most people will do once for the novelty and that's it. Seems like a strange thing to spend quite a lot of development time on.
  20. There are several paths without any weak ice. Usually connecting islands when they are close together. It's not that hard to figure out. The difficulty is doing it in heavy fog. For food there is lots of cat tail in FM. You just need a handful a day. But it's spread around all over the map. Also on the other side of the rail tracks. Plus rose hip and reshi tea. Or get a weapon and hunt deer.
  21. Better redistribute the existing ones across all regions. It's really noticeable that they just put them in the earliest regions. For example they are everywhere in Winding River. So many in such a limited space. Though to be honest, I'd prefer an option to remove them. I have nothing against backers contributing content to a game, but I find it immersion breaking when it's attributed to them in game. For example in the Harebrained Schemes Battletech game I installed a mod to remove marking characters as Kickstarter backers. They are still in, and you can still tell from the elaborate backstories, but it's much better that way.
  22. Moose are very rare. You can be there for weeks or even months and never see it.
  23. I always wanted a fishing hut there. But with the new fishing hole mechanic it's weird that you still can't fish there. On other maps you can fish in small rivers or marsh land. But here we have a good sized pond (big enough for a boat) that doesn't have fish. That aside it would just be really nice balance wise to maybe have more of an incentive to spend some time there.
  24. Are those bare arms? I only noticed now that they seem to be pasty white. I'm not a huge fan of the paper doll colors, but I can live with it there. But I think in first person the hands and arms should be flesh colored. Overall I agree with others. It may look like a lot of effort put into something that doesn't seem important, but after playing with the Personality mod it really adds a lot of immersion. The mod also does a cool thing with mittens where one sometimes dangles off the wrist when you'd need your fingers for something more delicate.
  25. From what I can tell glimmer fog can just appear out of nowhere. I've had several instances now of things going from clear weather right to glimmer fog. This is a bit jarring and can really ruin an in-game day when you just planned something. It would feel better if glimmer fog were part of the normal light to heavy fog progression. So you need at least a natural light fog first. And then when it would progress to medium fog there is a chance it rolls for glimmer fog instead.