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Everything posted by ajb1978

  1. This is my personal favorite, and yeah, it seems that 9 times out of 10 it's burnt down. If it is, there's an identical one that spawns by the waterfront Cottages, although that one isn't as centrally located.
  2. I could see that working. The gas stations in Milton and the Coastal Townsite both have pumps. If you approach one during an aurora, and have a Jerry can in your inventory, let us pump some "lamp oil". Not that I ever have a shortage of lamp oil (I fish a lot) but it would be a nice feature.
  3. Yup. That's where Will gives his final adieu to his father's plane, in Story Mode.
  4. Levitating small objects is one of the first things any Force User learns. What can YOU levitate? Have you discovered any other potential applications of the Force?
  5. I just make a point to crouch before doing any time-accelerated action. Breaking down a branch and immediately aggroing a wolf is annoying. Probably the best way to go about it is to auto-cancel if a predator gets close enough to detect you. At that point the harvest is canceled, whatever you were harvesting ends up in a pile on the ground (i.e. not in your inventory yet), and you can then respond to the threat. Get away, shake the animal off your tail, then circle back to finish the job. Or if you were already crouched, the animal doesn't actually detect you yet, so you can sneak away, let it pass, then sneak back and finish up. I dunno. Seems like a lot of work to me to be honest, to address something that in practice isn't so big an issue if you just crouch ahead of time.
  6. Jedi Survivor: The Legend Continues. What can YOU levitate?
  7. The impending addition of the timberwolf is a great point, one that I hadn't considered, but one that I think is not a coincidence. I think this timing was planned. Release the revolver first, get user feedback, tune spawn rates and root out the bugs... THEN release the animal it was meant to handle.
  8. Stirling engines and anything with a mainspring (like a clock), those motors would still work. But in addition to steam engines, certain older diesel motors don't require electrical components to work. You have to pre-heat the fuel and manually start the engine somehow, but once it's going the it can run without electricity. Fuel injection is handled mechanically, and ignition is done via compression. For some place like Great Bear, an old diesel truck from the 70's is the most feasible way of reasonably modern travel after the Event. The lights would probably be fried, but if you could get the engine started, you'd be good to go.
  9. ajb1978


    This is a common topic, and the official response has been that it's out of the question for TLD, because it would require a total overhaul of how the game functions. They have expressed interest in a made-for-VR game in the future, but have said that adding a VR port of TLD is not in the cards at this time. I have used VorpX to play the game in VR, although it does require some manual tweaking to link the HMD movement to the mouse, and get the sensitivity just right so you can look around. And then of course any time you try to navigate a menu, your mouse cursor is flying all over the place because the slightest head movement turns into mouse movement. And hunting is extra difficult, since the character doesn't look down the iron sights with an eye, it's like the iron sights are pressed up against the bridge of your nose, so neither eye is looking straight down the rifle (or revolver, or bow). There's other shenanigans as well, like your inventory fills up more than your entire field of view, when you pick up an item and it goes into preview mode, it feels like it's 1" in front of your face, etc. So definitely not ideal for real play. But as a novelty, just exploring on Pilgrim or something, it's pretty neat.
  10. They got hit with some kind of Chinese spam attack a couple weeks back. It could be them trying to get back in by guessing passwords.
  11. There's nothing wrong at all about taking no joy in killing, even if it's completely justified and done quickly, and humanely. To kill and feel nothing is a sign of sociopathy, even if it doesn't blossom into full on sociopathic behavior. It gets easier to do, but having respect for the life you took is part of what it means to be human. Like when river trout fishing with a backpack full of ice for the 3 unlucky fish that go towards my daily bag limit, they don't just die right away. They lose whatever consciousness they have pretty quickly, but I can still feel them flopping around back there, sometimes for up to an hour after being taken out of the water. And I chop the heads off before I clean them. I don't want my food looking at me as I slice it open.
  12. Yes there is a path through the upper dam, but in the hallway it requires a perfectly timed sprint to make it over the wires inbetween sparks. In my experience it's extremely difficult to time that, and I've only successfully made it across without getting burnt once. Especially since sometimes you can get "stuck" on the edge of some of that debris on the ground when approaching it from the Mystery Lake side, stopping you from moving forward while you're standing directly on top of a sparking wire. If you absolutely must make the trip...throw caution to the wind, strip off whatever you don't want damaged, and just take it head on. Treat the burn, or let it heal on its own, and move on. Once you're through that, it is possible to weave between the turbines, take the far stairs up to the catwalk, loop around to the other side, and a mountaineering rope down will lead you down from the catwalk, right next to the lower dam transition. In Story mode, the lower dam also has a bit of a puzzle section where there is an impassable sparking wire, and you have to find a way to get to the switch to shut it off. And then further on, there's another "time your sprint" moment at the base of a flight of stairs, but that one is more likely to succeed than the one in the hallway in the upper dam. When I was collecting buffer memories from the lower dam, I just camped out in the cave down by the river behind the dam. Then go in the back way, check the computer, and break stuff down until the aurora ended, then just walk back to my cave without worrying about the wires.
  13. I don't really want to see the forging/crafting system changed, since it works well as-is. However more crafting blueprints is always a good idea. I like having the option of doing things, even if I ultimately choose to not do the thing.
  14. I would imagine there's more to it than that. HL is not in the habit of making frivolous changes for no particular reason. The Go energy drink for instance, isn't just super coffee. It behaves in a way that is completely unique. And the Revolver isn't just a retextured Rifle, it handles in a completely unique way. I'm sure the blue flares will have some unique trait beyond simply being blue.
  15. Yes, but always with a caveat. Recovering from four sprained limbs with 4 hours sleep. Getting mauled by a bear, and getting over it by sleeping well. Climbing a rope and needing to rest for 6 hours just to recover from that one climb. Only getting 4 days worth of food out of an entire deer. Etc etc etc...it's semi-realistic at best, and always has been.
  16. Except the storm lantern, as was discussed in a separate post. Wick-based storm lanterns do exist, and mechanical-striker pressurized mantle lanterns do exist, but wick-based with a mechanical striker apparently does not. That's not to say it's completely impossible though. There's no reason it can't exist, it just for whatever reason...doesn't. Similarly, blue flares could be quite possible with the use of copper chloride.
  17. If RNG cooperates, two expedition parkas, two cowichan sweaters, gauntlets, wool toque, balaclava, moosehide satchel, wool ear wrap, two snow pants, two wool longjohns, two climbing socks, insulated boots. I prioritize warmth first, windproof second. Defense and waterproofing aren't real big concerns for me, since I can ditch wolves no problem, and double-tapping C to keep an eye on my clothing is easy. I typically don't bother crafting clothing, as the weight isn't worth it. But if I'm looking for a cool paper doll, I like the cloth toque, wolfskin coat, deerskin pants, driving gloves, and mukluks.
  18. Timberwolf Hide Rocket Launcher. That is all.
  19. Like..inconveniently good? So good it does a 180 and becomes kinda bad? So here's a story. I am currently on a 100% completion run, meaning all buffer memories, all cairns, all notes, break down everything I can (with some sentimental exceptions), etc. I just finished Pleasant Valley, and had a stroke of good luck towards the end that resulted in me capturing the final two buffer memories on consecutive nights, leaving me with an entire cooked bear I now had to move out of the region. Next stop: Timberwolf Mountain! Took me two trips, but I lugged the whole 31kg of bear meat up to the Mountaineer's Hut. Lo and behold, I had left behind quite a stash of food, most of which had degraded to the 40% range, but hey I was WELL provisioned to collect the last 2 buffer memories from the zone! Except I spotted a Moose just as I was making my return to the Hut...and you simply do not pass up an opportunity to hunt a Moose. So I dropped off my meat, grabbed one of the rifles I left behind, loaded that puppy up... It took two rounds but I dropped that Moose. I immediately harvested all the meat, intending to come back and get the hide/gut later. And I had to Esc-Cancel out of the harvest because night had fallen and an Aurora was in the sky. Dropping everything but the bare essentials, I hightailed it to the Chasm Cave to grab a buffer memory. Yahtzee! It was one of the two I was missing! I then remembered that while memories are chosen daily, if you don't actually leave/re-enter the region (be it going indoors, or leaving the region entirely) the the change won't actually take effect. So I went to that explorable cave near the Y cave, turned around and immediately left. Went back to the Chasm Cave..and holy monkey I got the final buffer memory for the region that same night! So here I am...a full cooked bear...a full uncooked moose...a whole bunch of old-world food to eat... My luck was too good. I have too much... I am the Saitama of the quiet apocalypse. Guess I can afford to spend extra time hunting cairns.
  20. If you feel like you're finding too many rounds, maybe stop picking them up? People who like the revolver and want the rounds would be pretty upset if the spawn rate were reduced. However when they do spawn, you're not obligated to take them.
  21. Unless you are trying to recover condition, never sleep for more than 2 hours at a time unless you're indoors and sleeping in an actual bed. That way even if you do hit Freezing, you will wake up at around 60% condition, and will at least have a fighting chance to survive.
  22. I would say that for right now Episode 1 side quests have a greater impact, because the rewards carry over directly into Episode 2. Episode 3 starts fresh with Astrid however, so it seems nothing Will accomplishes in 2 will matter in 3. Presumably Will didn't just die though, so it's possible that if/when we play as Will again in Episodes 4 or 5, your accomplishments in Episode 1 & 2 will be acknowledged. Ultimately it's your money. I'd suggest seeing all there is to see and playing through all the side quests. But if you don't want to, you're not forced to.