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Everything posted by ajb1978

  1. Besides the chance to scare off wolves, it's also pretty warm and offers good protection. Of course layering two expedition parkas is my usual route, as it offers double the warmth, 50% better wind resistance, and 5% better sprinting for the same weight. Although the wolf coat does provide 15% defense, coming in third behind only the bear coat and moose cloak. So that's something to consider if you have problems avoiding wolves.
  2. Yeah I caught that too, and had the presence of mind to fire up Bandicam and caught it on "film".
  3. Well think of how much background radiation would be required to power an elevator through induction alone. Not to mention powering lights deep underground in abandoned mines! I think the cold would be the least of our worries....or perhaps it would be more accurate to say we would have nothing to worry about at all, as pretty much everything except maybe a tardigrade would already be dead.
  4. Yup, I like to do little random science experiments, and one of the ones I'm rather proud of is to take a phone cord, usb cord, and 5v voltage regulator. Put 'em all together, you can charge a cell phone off the voltage in the phone line.
  5. A couple years back I had a Pilgrim game where I was just trying to get to a full 10 years survived, and I basically just passed time and fished while drinking beer and listening to podcasts. (It was so boring that I couldn't even finish.) But I do recall on like day 1000 or whatever I found a 100% can of soda in a plastic container between Jackrabbit and the Fishing Camp that I had somehow missed. That threw any and all theories I had about decay rates for newly looted items clean out the window. It does seem that items found later in the game are in lower condition than items found early on....but that also seems to be variable. Like there's a random chance that an item will randomly decay by a random amount. Random random random.
  6. Unfortunately carbon monoxide earns its name as a silent killer for more than one reason...besides literally killing silently, it often is an afterthought for most folks. I live far enough up north that it's a good idea to have a backup heating system if you have electric heat, and this last winter during one cold snap, the power went out for a few hours. Some guy tried using a charcoal grill indoors to heat his place, and by some stroke of luck his wife or girlfriend or whatever came home in time and found him passed out and was able to call 911. He lived, but if she hadn't come home when she did, that story likely would have had a different outcome. I personally have an indoor-safe propane heater, and a carbon monoxide detector as a backup
  7. So I used to be in the habit of timing a fire and letting it burn out such that the meat would be cooked, but not yet "in play". That way when you first pick it up, it enters the game at 100%, making it a great way to leave yourself a little bit of food at a safehouse to get re-established if you move back after some time away. Weeeellll I don't know when it happened, since I've actually been playing GTAV for a while, but I picked up my survivor mode game today and discovered that the venison I'd left behind in Desolation Point had decayed to 50%. I'm level 5 so I can still eat it, but sadly it appears that this trick no longer works. C'est la vie...I guess I'll just have to eat frozen venison left behind in the snow like a normal person from now on. Or more likely just get in the habit of stoning a couple rabbits on the way from A to B.
  8. This is actually true of every non-explorable cave. Explorable (meaning there is an area transition involved) caves and mines however, once you get farther underground, have a constant ambient temperature a bit above freezing. This is also consistent with real life, as deep underground the temperatures are pretty consistent year-round. I particularly enjoy the western network of ice caves, because it has a nice bio-luminescent cavern that is well-lit 24/7 and makes for a great base. Plus it is just a short climb up the rope to an exit that deposits you near Monolith Lake. If you manage to bag a moose up there, you can lug your kill back to the cave and instead of taking the rope down, just walk right off the edge. Hug the left side, and a series of short drops will carry you safely to the ground. No need to make multiple trips up and down the rope.
  9. This came up in another thread not too long ago, and my response here is the same as it was then. Either leave it alone (because it doesn't impact the game all that much, especially if you don't spend any time around Trappers at night), or double down on the change by making lit windows apply to EVERY location that has a spot for an indoor fire. And by all in, I mean all in. If you have a fire burning upstairs in the Mystery Lake Camp Office, the upstairs windows would show light, but the downstairs ones remain dark. But this is way down on the list of priorities IMO. I'd rather have a bear spear, Episode 3, new Survival regions, wildlife, craftable storage, more craftable clothing items, etc. But if they have like one guy whose sole job is to make non critical aesthetic tweaks...maybe.
  10. Death 1: Tries to do something sensible that he'd do in the real world, fails because it's not a game mechanic, freezes to death. Death 2: Tries to do something else that he'd do in the real world, but again fails and freezes to death. Death 3: An additional logical, well thought out plan of attack, that fails because the mechanics don't allow it. And freezes to death. Edit: Nailed it.
  11. Well, now we know who those random corpses were in the cabins. Nice chatting with you folks. But seriously even if the smoke doesn't get you, carbon monoxide is a silent killer. Even if you're trying to be careful, you'd fill the room with smoke LONG before your fire has any appreciable effect on the temperature. You need clean-burning fuel for that. Something like propane in a space heater rated for indoor use, or hexamine fuel tablets, can of Sterno, denatured alcohol, that sort of thing. Without a chimney (or at least a hole in the roof) to vent smoke, wood fires indoors are literally suicide. If you don't kill yourself from the smoke, you'll probably end up losing control of the fire and burning the structure down. Even something that burns relatively cleanly when well oxygenated like charcoal still produces carbon monoxide. And it doesn't take much of that to do you in. The fire barrels in the Quonset garage and Orca station make no sense to me for this reason. Quonset garage maybe if the windows near the ceiling were busted out, allowing the smoke to escape. But the Orca station..heck no. Not without modifying the place..busting a window out, opening the front and back doors...but I'm probably reading too much into that one.
  12. Incidentally, running DOES warm you up in the game, by a few degrees C. I don't know what it is exactly but back when the feels like was displayed as part of the normal HUD, you could see it get warmer as you sprinted, and then drop back down as you caught your breath. Also we had some cold snaps this last winter on par with Interloper conditions. Not common up here but not unheard of either, so one day when the feels like was -50C for real I decided to bundle up and go for a walk to get a taste for it. I wore boots, wool socks, longjohns, jeans, a t-shirt, some kind of sweater, heavy leather bomber jacket with hood, Packers cap, fleece ear wrap, and a wool scarf wrapped around my face. Even with all that, I could start to feel the chill set in after about 10 minutes walking around. By about 20 I had already made the decision to head back, and after trudging up the stairs after the half hour mark, my toes were already numb. So....I mean yeah. It's legit.
  13. Yes they do, although threads with lots of activity tend to get noticed moreso than others. If you're looking to get their attention directly, either tag the admin account in your post, or send them a direct message.
  14. I've been attacked by wolves on Pilgrim in the past. Once was when I tried to get cheeky and see if I could pull the arrow out of a limping wolf before it died. Didn't go so well. The other time was when I tried sneaking up on a wolf that was munching a deer, and at point blank range, it turned and tried to eat me. Being attacked by a wolf on Pilgrim is one of the more surprising things that's ever happened to me on this game, TBH.
  15. My two cents worth, while I am able to avoid cabin fever for the most part, when it hits it's super annoying. I don't feel like being unable to sleep indoors contributes anything positive to the gameplay experience, it just adds an additional chore that delays me from doing whatever it was I originally wanted to do. I would be in favor of altering cabin fever so that while you CAN rest indoors, you are too uneasy and agitated to rest for more than say 3 hours at a time. Doesn't matter what you do, you wake up after 3 hours, and have to click on the bed to continue resting. This would be inconvenient to the player, and would essentially debuff the ability to rapidly snap back to 100% condition with a 12 hour rest herbal tea. But if you're unlucky enough to get All Blizzards All The Time (Pleasant Valley, get stuffed) this would at least give you the option of powering through it indoors.
  16. Oh, also check the pickup truck beds. I've found things like tool boxes, cloth, etc hidden under the snow. If the reticle dot appears, that's a sign something is there. Try "feeling around" with it, and you might find one or more items in there.
  17. Let me guess, cartography expedition? That's usually how I look towards the end of the day as well
  18. Welcome to the party! It took me a while to sign up here as well. Even though I've been playing since the game was just 3 regions, I didn't find my way here until last year.
  19. And on that note, I would love to see an ulu introduced as a rare lightweight alternative harvesting tool that performs better the more frozen a carcass is. I have an Inupiaq ulu in my kitchen, and it is GREAT for cutting through 100% frozen, straight-out-of-the-freezer meat with minimal effort.
  20. I've found a handful of interesting things squirreled away on my recent "destroy everything" game. 99.9% of the crates out there don't harbor any secrets, but that is a non-zero statistic. I had a couple fun surprises, like the MRE inside the crate in the Maintenance Shed, if you walk up those two ramps of planks towards the front of the shed (front being the opposite side of the building as the bed.) Edit: I seem to recall a box hiding peaches in the Orca station as well. But yeah I would say if your sole purpose behind breaking down crates and boxes is to find hidden loot, that should be a pastime only. It's just not worth the time and calories if you're doing it for survival.
  21. If it's an area you simply cannot get to or look in, such as the top drawer of a filing cabinet, then there isn't anything stored in there. They are rather devious with their hiding spots for some items, but they don't sadistically place items in unreachable locations. There's always a way. (With the exception of beachcombing items spawning below the terrain and being forever unobtainable...that's not intentional though, and I don't know if that's even still a thing.) On the other hand, sometimes it is necessary to break down objects in order to loot certain containers. Hibernia is a good example, where there's a backpack that you can only get to if you bust up a wall of crates. Occasionally if you break open a crate, you will find some items on the ground. (They aren't "in" the crate, they're on the ground underneath the crate, but since you can't get the items until the crate is gone the effect is the same.)
  22. Colds aren't caused by being cold, they're caused by being infected with something like rhinovirus. While this virus is quite communicable, it requires contact with people who are carriers. It's possible to become infected by way of contact with an infected surface, but realistically if there aren't a lot of people around, your odds of contracting a virus are pretty slim.
  23. ajb1978


    Random start, but I always end up doing one of two things. Loot the world and haul it to one place to retire, or establish a fortified base in every region.
  24. I wouldn't mind a simple "CLIMB OUT" button mash that would help reduce the effects of falling through ice. Maybe reducing the amount of immediate condition damage you suffer as a result of falling through if you climb out quickly, but the difficulty of the mash is impacted by how much weight you're carrying.
  25. Well...my current custom game is at 100% with 252 locations. So until they add new regions or locations to explore, I guess that's the number to shoot for.