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Everything posted by ThePancakeLady

  1. Use the HD screenshot feature, rather than turning the HUD off (and possibly forgetting to turn it back on). The HD images are larger files sizes, and will save to your desktop on computer, and they remove all HUD elements and give really, really nice, clean shots.
  2. Is MacKenzie actually MacReady, and are those paintings I thought were wolves or huskies, actually Alaskan Malmutes, who hosted the Kennel-thing before it got loose and went after the wolves and bear, once the CME home-signal from the mother ship came in? Having some fun here.
  3. Welcome to the forums, and congrats! That is a real accomplishment!
  4. It is obvious that you and your team have put a great deal of thought into the game concept. What would life be like if some crazy, massive geomagnetic disaster, like a World-killer CME, happened to hit our planet. I know the game is not 100% realistic, thankfully, because I suspect a 100% real sim of what it is going to be like if/when this actually happens to this planet, would really not be a ton of fun. At least, not for me and my family of TLD players. So, the question is, with all of the thought given to the science behind the game concept and some of the mechanics- if The Quiet Apocalypse happened for real, how would you, your family, even your team at Hinterland fare? We obviously cannot know for sure, but your gut feelings on how you and those close to you would deal with loss of utilities, stores. tech services and devices? (This would also be a great topic for a new Signal Hill Radio podcast, with you and a few of your team who have been around from the beginning, or close to it... *ahem* just saying *cough cough*.)
  5. It's a very subjective thing @Hawk. If you are a PC gamer only, and only use kb/m... radial menus are foreign. If you are a console gamer, and are used to controllers, switching to PC gaming used to be foreign, and difficult to get used to. Now, modern times, we can play PC games with a kb/m set-up, and controller set-up, and mixed kb/m + controller set-up, VR alone, VR + kb/m, VR + controller... It is an option, and obviously, not a "must" use. You can play using hotkeys and mouse clicks in UI's only, if you like. Others can use the radial if they prefer. Some of us will use both. I just find making overly dramatic statements about something that is optional, as I feel you did, is a bit silly. Don't use it, if that suits you. That should be fine with everyone else. Roll back to an earlier version, fine, But don;t pester Tech if you do roll back and have bugs. They have enough to deal with right now with the current version, and getting the redux episodes of Wintermute, and Episode 3 (finally) shipped to us, in *hopefully* good, working order. Play older versions at your own risk, using whatever input method you prefer. It is a game. It isn't going to "play like reality". If you want that, go crash a plane in the far North-west part of Canada, without appropriate clothing or supplies, and make sure you make arrangements for a fictional geomagnetic disaster to take place, really. Using in-game "reality" as a reason why the radial menu is bad is,again, IMHO, a silly remark. It may be more realistic than many games, but it is still a game. Not real life.
  6. How often in real life do you press a hotkey to drop something or pick it up? Or for anything "typical"? *presses 1 to look inside my purse* **presses 2 to take out wallet** ***presses 3 to eat Pancakes I bought after pressing 6 to pay the waitress at IHOP***
  7. Nice. I had not tried to build in that part of the cave. Good to know it works. Thank you! "Hilltop Hollow", since it is basically at the top of the hill, and really has no other distinguishing features. Other than what it might be near. Although I suppose I should F8 it to see what the game calls it, lol! Curious, was that slope the only place the campfire could be built? Every sloped area I tried gave me red, no green, but I was trying nearer to the entrance than you. Much more, lol!
  8. Yep. That be the one. You're a little more to the right that I was, I think I was almost against the left wall when I took my shot. Have you been able to build a campfire in there, since Vigilant Flame? Or haven't you tried yet?
  9. It's not a huge cave. It's easy to miss, it is very well hidden. I don;t have a good shot of the entrance, because of that, but this is what it looks like, looking out. Great little cave to fight Cabin Fever in if you are lucky/unlucky enough to find a man-made shelter nearby, and you have good, warm clothing. You cannot build a fire in the cave with you now, I don't think. In the past you could, near the entrance, but you had to be careful where you put it. The new footprint for the campfire does not seem to allow for placement inside, at all, any longer. But it gives wind shielding almost always, even in hellacious blizzards. Nice little shelter cave, if you find it. I will have to play with campfire placement, and see if it is at all possible to set up a safe fire now, just not sure. It would suck to get blocked in here and not be able to get out. It's tiny.
  10. Sneaking from Trapper's to Camp Office in the wee morning hours. I was happily able to avoid wolves and insomniac bears, and had a lovely hike. Yes, HD screenshots, so no HUD, but warm enough that I was only 1 arrow down, I think? Lovely way to start the day. (Just love the color palette in each of these...)
  11. Another survivor, about to be taken. Sorry little Maple, you don't deserve it. But, there be wolves here, and you'll make a fine bow.
  12. Any time-frame for when the much needed Pancakes are going to be added? No, really. I told you I would never let up on this. I did tell you. I know you really, really, really want to add Pancakes, if only to make me shut up about it. (I can see you shaking your head "yes yes yes..." here- to the please shut up about it idea... ) So... December? Sooner? A wee bit later? But not much later? Hope you smiled, at least a little. But realize I am sorta, kinda, a bit serious about adding Pancakes to the game. Keep smiling.
  13. Nice. I have an older version of Photoshop. without all of the bells and whistles of the newer versions. I suppose I should use it sometime... I'll have to remember this, I love taking screenshots, and keep missing out on making .gifs of Aurora progressions, or stunning sunrises or sunsets as they are happening. And making .gifs is fun.
  14. Gotta love a gif... curious myself, which gif making service you used. Giphy? Imgflip? Ezgif? Gimp? And , lol, how many days of waking up in the Tail section did it take to get such a wonderful display of color and weather?
  15. Apologies if this has been asked. I did search, but did not find anything similar. But, I did search shallowly, so it may have been asked, and I may have missed it. So: Many of us believe the character Will looks like you, and may have his personality modeled after your own, loosely or not so loosely. Perhaps this is true, perhaps not. We gamers tend to assume a lot of things without knowing the full story. So, can you shed a little light on the story? Are the characters in Wintermute modeled after real world people in your life, or the lives of any of the devs and writers? No need to name anyone. Just curious if the appearance, style of speech, and personalities are based on real people, completely fictional creations, or a bit of both.
  16. It always does. Still shots don't capture the sound and the subtle movements that happen, that can affect our reactions, our mood, and our decisions. Still, a really lovely capture.
  17. You take a curing animal hide, wait for it to get to 98-99% cured, and then hold it against a surface. Yes, fan blade count as a surface, lol! Then you sit there and hold it in place until it cures completely. And they stick. It was all covered here:
  18. The Owls are not what they seem. So... what exactly are they? We need to know. Because... secrets are dangerous things.
  19. Watching my Twitter feed, seeing some of the tabletop game Cons going on this year made me wonder... has any thought been given to developing a tabletop board game version of The Long Dark? Similar to how NDemic made a tabletop board game version of Plague Inc? I have thoughts on the idea, that I won't go into here. But, any consideration of it, and how it could act as a "test" for ideas, for a possible future Multiplayer digital version of the game?
  20. Like many others here, I can't pick just one thing. Without the wonderful mix of things that makes this game, it would not be as enjoyable, and addicting, as it is. *Like Pancakes without Real Maple Syrup* So: The solitude. The amazingly beautiful art. The incredible audio, (ambient/music/all of it). The fact this game forces me to slow down, and think about what I am doing, but still lets me play in a spontaneous way. (Not many games can do both at once, and do it well...) The community. (I have stopped playing a number of games on Steam, not because the games were bad, but the community was so toxic, the sniping, flaming, and f-bomb throwing made me not want to have anything to do with any of it. Which is sad, the games were good, The people playing them made me leave, not the game or devs.) The fact that the game is slightly different each time. Not completely. But just enough to make each run unique for me. The only thing that would make it better would b actual Pancakes with Real Maple Syrup in-game. So my survivor can eat the same thing I am. *ahem @Raphael van Lierop ahem cough cough*
  21. I think most Indie devs, whose game gets big, have that "OMG, I can't believe my game got so big, so fast!" thought. Probably pretty often, after it gets big and the small team tries to keep up with production demands. That said, I would be interesting in knowing how you first envisioned the game size-wise, when your decided on the basic concept, and decided to give it a go, making it real. Did you expect it to stay small, just the original region, much smaller episodes for the story mode, much shorter playtime for most owners? I know you did not originally develop the sandbox (now called Survival) mode to be a separate game mode, that it grew a fan following, and developed its own cult. Did you ever think your studio's first game would grow as much as it has? TL;DR- did you think it would stay small, and generate just enough money to expand the studio a little, and buy new equipment, to make the next game?
  22. Everyone who plays this game has their idea of what is necessary, and what is not. For some that may change depending on Survival Experience Mode or Wintermute Survivor level. I know you play, and the team plays. I am interested in what 5 items you, and possibly a poll of your team, consider to be impossible to live without, regardless of game mode or experience mode. What 5 things *must* you have to be able to stay alive, in your game? Your opinion, of course. Other peoples' mileage may vary. Widely. (Just to clarify... "things" like "food, water, shelter..." are not what i am interested in., "Items" like matches, hatchet, knife, bow, etc. are what I am thinking of. Just trying to pick into your head a bit Raph. Because how a developer sees their game and the vision that created it, are often different than how a player may see it. And to me, knowing how you play your game may help me understand your game better.)
  23. Okay. Your favorite author/writer of all time. No reason why is needed, just interested in who you have taken the most away from over the years. And fine, since picking just one is tough, you can list 2.