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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Can't say I agree. I get a lot of satisfaction spending the time and energy getting a character "matured/stable" (good clothes, plenty of food and supplies). As we're all aware, this makes the game easier to some extent. I'm not playing this game for the constant suspense - that's stressful and I think we all have enough stress in our lives without it being in the game I choose to play. If I were constantly dying, I would probably stop playing.
  2. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/73e806cd-4c67-4696-a63a-a69e9643650a
  3. Interesting read. I'm wondering if the "immediate" hydration is higher, but then the body begins to "purge" the alcohol resulting in dehydration. Brief research on coffee: https://www.goodrx.com/well-being/diet-nutrition/does-coffee-dehydrate-you
  4. I was able to replicate this in AC. It appears that exiting the game will cause the same behavior. Need to test still.
  5. This has happened twice now - once with a wolf at DP and just now with a bear at CH. Both times, I transitioned BEFORE harvesting anything off the corpse. This is the only similarity between the two examples. Other corpses I have been able to harvest fine. I can run through the corpse like it doesn't exist: TheLongDark 2023-01-23 16-56-55.mp4
  6. Just try to think of all the friends you have yet to meet! They deserve a chance at life as well.
  7. If not, what if placed next to a fire (like the mechanic for canned goods - which I love)?
  8. Beer (and all alcohol) is actually a diuretic (dehydrates you).
  9. It would be very difficult indeed to actually have some meat fall off an animal attacking you. Most strokes are going to be stabs (with a knife) and hacking with a hatchet. On a wolf, there are actually very few places overall where there is significant meat to be carved off.
  10. I've found MREs scattered throughout Great Bear - why not at the Airfield?
  11. Or they will just attack you and kill you
  12. Thanks for the ideas and welcome to the forum @phobos282!
  13. I'm just sharing my experience. With mods & MelonLoader uninstalled, it's not occurring. I don't know why it's happening, I just know what I've observed.
  14. Well, I think these responses go to show people enjoy different things for different reasons! I'm glad HL has given us the diversity to decide. Personally, I'm not too fond of AC - main reason being is the burnt trees. Reminds me of burnt areas in our local forests - just feels dead and depressing.
  15. In my experience, once you get level 5 cooking, the chance of getting food poisoning drops to 0% on any cooked food (despite the condition). I'm assuming you DO NOT have level 5 cooking yet. To answer your question, I don't know if any of us players can conclusively say if cooking canned food reduces the likelihood of food poisoning. Since there is RNG in the likelihood, without knowing the logic in the code, I don't see how we can draw any conclusion. I would think it would. After all, when you cook 0% meat, it becomes 50% meat and cooking kills bacteria... I suppose, with enough experimentation, you could derive some conclusions based upon your statistics.
  16. Sure you can! I'm missing having all known buffer memories and cairns found.
  17. Just recently, I decided to try mods again. It had about 4 mods installed and things were looking good. I was re-visiting BI after looting most of it. When I loot a vehicle, I lift the hood to "mark" it as looted. I was noticing car hoods were down. I thought, "hmm...maybe I missed that one somehow" but there was no battery either (which happens). I continued to find all vehicle hoods down (with no batteries) and car visors were also up. Now I know something was amiss. I lifted a hood, went into a trailer, came out and the hood was down! This was happening on all "openable" containers (same with flare case in the cannery breakroom). I uninstalled all mods and MelonLoader but it continued to happen. Luckily, it appears to have been confined to BI. I believe I will hold off a bit longer before modding.
  18. Pierced the skull - ouch! TheLongDark 2023-01-21 16-29-17.mp4
  19. As @mfuegemann stated, bear caves tend to be shallow and have bones littered at the entrance/inside. As a general rule, best not to sleep in those. If you must, crouch before you sleep so if the bear does come back, he may not see you. I've actually woken up with a sleeping bear about 10 feet from me!
  20. Here you go: TheLongDark 2023-01-19 16-11-21.mp4
  21. Cooking is a pretty popular nighttime activity. Double-productive then...as your food cooks/water boils, do something else (sleep, mend clothes, break down clothes, read a book, etc.) It's good practice to start seeking shelter as dusk approaches. Don't want to be caught outside at night (for lots of reasons).
  22. There's actually quite a bit of stuff you can do at night. But I think the idea is that you do enough during the day to tire yourself out and need to rest to recover your fatigue meter to full. Course, all this depends on your game settings/difficulty level. Perhaps repair your clothes by a fire at night vs during the daylight hours?
  23. If harvested warm Could have opposite effect for frozen meat! Seems that would be really hard to develop - dynamically calculate temperature of carried meat * weight of each piece of meat (a larger piece would stay warm longer)...yikes.