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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Yup, walking over a snowy landscape in the TLD is a great way to see those little specks on the display! I'm always reaching up and wiping the smudges away.
  2. Haha, my Father (who hasn't been playing long) also didn't know about ledges. I recall a time we were talking about TLD and he said, "There are some areas I can't get to because the rope climb is too long". I replied, "Are you using the ledges to rest on?" He said..."<Bleep!>"
  3. That would really be a developer marvel considering the prepper caches are quasi-dynamic in their placement.
  4. Those markers were already on the trees (i.e. you didn't place them)? I'm happy for you. My latest run was the bunker....yayyyy <sarcasm>
  5. "Right up the ol' Sphincter"
  6. Now that you mention it, my transition loading times seem to have increased.
  7. Hmm...I've seen plenty of wolves and the occasional bear but never a moose there! In fact, I don't recall any moose for me in CH!
  8. Used to be a bunny in there too but haven't seen it on some of my other runs.
  9. I guess if wood is not an issue because you'll use 3 times more wood with 3 campfires going vs. a 6-burner stove.
  10. The game may have considered that particular point outside of the game area...just a guess. You could always report it.
  11. I just noticed this while re-visiting Spence's on my 1400+ day run. I snuck on the rock overlooking the area and saw 4 wolves and thought...S**t, this is gonna be a tough fight. While watching, the 4 of them actually started to leave the area. I crept down the rock and never saw them again
  12. I'd just go with what you're comfortable with while having fun! I always do Custom Survival games now.
  13. Bleak Inlet - Fallen Lighthouse! No need to worry about cabin fever Cold temperature so fire burns slower 6-burner stove Bed nearby to sleep on while cooking Peaceful, outdoor sounds No predators Stove can be lit with Magnifying Glass Good place to earn some hours towards Blizzard Walker Doesn't get any better!
  14. On my 1300+ day run I found a curtain I hadn't broken down yet! It's the small things that excite us, eh?
  15. You gotta admit, almost every town (despite it's size) has both a church and a bar. I've seen the churches in TLD, where are the bars!? 🤪
  16. I have about 1100 hours at this point and mostly come back to play when some new content gets introduced. May I ask what you do in the game to stay entertained for that many hours?
  17. https://thelongdark.fandom.com/wiki/Polaroids
  18. Let's start an official thread to track where we've found them. Please post the zone and the actual location as a spoiler tag. BTW, has anyone found one in PV yet? I swear I've searched the whole zone and haven't found it.