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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Wow, that should be worth a lot to the trader!
  2. There is still the rail in DP. Yes, there is a terminus in ZoC...unless there is super secret underground RR we don't know about yet!
  3. Ha! Evidently, the count ticks for just being exposed. I'll have to check my stats when I'm off work. I've run through a LOT of it too.
  4. No worries. Just wanted to clarify the difference. While they are different, the use of the gas mask you are experiencing may still apply to both.
  5. Chemical Poisoning is different from suffocation.
  6. And mark the paths with spray paint, otherwise you may end up going in circles a few times before you figure it out.
  7. I hadn't found it either. I did find my first one "somewhere" in ZoC so hopefully you'll find one there too.
  8. Yes, but didn't Rudiger's project require an immense amount of electricity, not to mention the mining operation itself?
  9. I believe the OP wanted to copy his notes, not the journal. While I don't know how, I have taken a screen shot of it before.
  10. I did find a knife stuck in a tree near a ravaged carcass North of Boss' Settlement. Could not retrieve the knife.
  11. Seems that ZoC is quite a distance from the Dam - we need to pass through FM, BRR, Branch Line, TP to get to it. I don't really recall seeing any major power pylons in any of those areas.
  12. I've found just 2 so far: South of Overladen Pond and South of Hallowed Residence. Any others found?
  13. ZoC, above Turbulent Pasture. Appears this one at one time had lines running to the one below, near Indolent Hoppers:
  14. Yes and inside the mine. Maybe it was the water inside the mine which wreaked havoc on my DS boots.
  15. I only wore the boots when I was clearly needing to walk on toxic ground/liquid.
  16. After finding the "secret lab" with the "machine", I fully explored the observation room and finished the tale. I came away scratching my head though: What was the purpose of the machine? Why did Rudiger put it there? What was he hoping to achieve? Were we lead there to get "another piece of the puzzle" without fully understand what the end-game is? I guess I need to go through and re-read all the logs/books/notes/etc. and see if I missed something.
  17. I'm not sure this helped, given the OP's admittedly limited technical experience. I would also recommend Discord.