Luca Loquax

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Everything posted by Luca Loquax

  1. Maybe the problem is not too many wolves but not enough tobacco. Mmmm yummy wolves!
  2. I finished my first play through and started my second. It is even MOAR fun the second time around! Hooray for Hinterland! Thank U Raph and Devs.
  3. I hear you but Will is the kind of a guy who values Warden Franklin's life over dropping the hammer on the convicts. If Will were a different man, who knows. My humble to cents.
  4. I know! Right? I am starting my second play through now! I am sure I can do a better job this time. Thank you Hinterland for taking the time to get it right the first time and caring enough to provide us with the very best.
  5. I love episode 3! I got to play doctor!
  6. I get it. Of course I think the focus of the episode is supposed to be Will getting the hard case back, to Dr Astrid and not getting all crafty. Still, it'd be nice to have the option.
  7. Make sense. Blackrock would have to be Will-dragging distance from the dam and on the other side of the collapsed tunnel in Milton.
  8. Oh if only we could have sent Molly to the prison first!
  9. Wait till you see next episode's burrowing bears!!!
  10. Maybe the Moose-a-saurus ate him!
  11. Mmmmm yummy, tangy wolves! Tastes like chicken!
  12. Episode 4 is SO good that part way in I decided that I could do better and re-started from the beginning! Thank you Raph and Devs!
  13. You guys are the best! THANK YOU! I"ll uninstall the Aussie language pack and try it again.
  14. I LOVE the new episode! Yay! I have been getting this odd set of errors since the update. I seem to be in some kind of developer debug mode. Has anyone else seen anything like this? or this? For the time being I can't seem to read the mission objectives. Any ideas?
  15. If I knew for a fact that Hobbs was not going to go after me or Grey Mother or victimize any other innocent bystanders I would have been happy to leave him be. After the atrocity at the schoolhouse though... Sometimes life is a choice between bad and worse. Welcome to the quiet apocalypse... which is now just a bit more quiet.
  16. I get it. I made the same mistake when I first arrived in Milton. By instinct I set up my safe house and began to horde every stick, stone and piece of anything I could find without even realizing that I was playing survival mode when I was in story mode. I re-started the episode and things went SO much more smoothly. I'm sorry you got tossed out of the cabin like that. May I suggest giving the game a break for a while and try coming back for another go another time. Good luck! :)
  17. STIMPY! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO happy! Yay! 7 to 10 hours of game-play? The way I play I can savor that out to twice that amount. Thank U Hinterland for taking all the time you need to do it the right way the first time.