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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. You could cover the entire upper walkway at Bleak Inslet with cured timberwolf pelts...
  2. great shot of that arrow in flight! from that angle I'm thinking a good shot to the head. how did it all end up?
  3. no, alas, you cannot. I've tried many times with a variety of hides, to no avail. the only thing that i really haven't tried is to maybe get just a portion of a hide to cover just a part of the hole and then kinda patch multiple hides around the opening. dont know if that could work, but maybe somebody could try it the next time they find themselves up on TWM and let us all know? hint hint, lol
  4. Yes, I think it is certainly doable but as you pointed out @MrsHoneypot, if you deliberately travel without a sleeping bag you probably should plan your movements wisely. I guess my question is why? Considering the basic bag only weighs in at kilo, I think there are quite a few other things that you can shed from your inventory to drop the equivalent in weight. For example, check out the amount of matches you are carrying. I typically end up with a ton of match books, both wooden and paper, not to mention 2-3 strikers and maybe even 2-3 magnifying glasses. Considering I almost never use the magnifying glass, for me that is just dead weight. same goes for all those matches. by the time i put 20 or more boxes of matches in a storage container, I've sometimes easily reduced my carry weight by over a kilo or more. Now on the other hand, if you like playing the game with a self imposed hardship like that, game on! on a side note, you may be onto something. This would make a pretty good achievement type of challenge mini game imho. You don't get a bag when you spawn and you have to sleep in at least two or more beds on each map and you have to cover the whole island and you only have a limited time to do it. what do you think?
  5. For those of you whom have completed this challenge, let me say congratulations. I've attempted it on a few occasions only to find that I lack the tenaciousness needed to complete the task. So, I am curious, what's the least amount of effort required to achieve this accomplishment? ie, do you have to clear all the shadow from the map or could a player only sketch those areas that pop up on the hud while leaving splotchy areas hidden? Also, how much charcoal did it take you to finish? Any advise you have that your willing to share would be greatly appreciated!
  6. where do the missing arrows go? I thought I had heard something about the recent updates that fixed loosing an arrow when the animal died on top of it. Supposedly the arrow now can almost always be recovered. For the most part I've found this to be case, especially in those cases where I get an instakill on deer for example and almost always on a wolf bleedout situation. but the last two times I tangled with the bear in particular, I shot him three times during one encounter and twice on another encounter. Both times I only recovered a single arrow. net loss of three arrows out of 5 fired. Both times they dropped not too far from where I shot them. I combed the area on multiple occasions over the next few days just to see if maybe they fell out or whatever, but no joy. just curious if anybody else getting similar results in your gameplay?
  7. When you overnight in the cannery workshop, you might as well make the best of it. Here's my version of a raised platform bed! I cured a deer hide up on the wall to create nice soft headboard and the floor is carpeted in cured hides which sure keeps the chill off the floor at bay. The bearskin bag is super comfy, I think it adds +10C when you use it.
  8. where did you find all the carrots to be able to see this well in the dark? Damn son, you got good eyesight!
  9. Surprise, but yes you can, although there apparently is currently a bug that prevents their use. You can find "shelves" in a few different locations, most of the fire lookout towers for example, the farmhouse in Milton has one that can hold two rifles as compared to just the single display in the Cannery Cabin. They are few and between... I really wish they had one in the Mountaineer's Lodge on TWM. If that were the case, I'd probably never leave that map...
  10. Yeah, your right, @UpUpAway95, a workbench would be the cat's meow. But like @ajb1978 pointed out, may as well make dual use of a trip to the cannery. Thanks for mentioning that 6 burner stove by the way. Cook a whole deer over there and prep liters of water in just a few hours, got that little sleep pad by the stove to for convenience. @wizard03, I did find out one thing about the interior today, however that really disappointed me. The gun rack over the fireplace won't store the rifle on it, but you can break it down. I just got back from an over nighter to the cannery just to retrieve the rifle so I could hang the damn thing up in my new digs. And No! Display denied! Definitely disappointing although not a deal breaker. I laid the rifle on the mantle for now...
  11. Right? I was thinking something just along those lines as well. More so, finding the corpse of a dead player who died by wolf attack and collecting all their useable gear!
  12. Blue Thunder with Rory Schieder and Malcolm McDowell? The JAFO was the copilot if memory serves?
  13. Having completely traversed the new map and living long enough to tell the tale, I am really liking the Cannery Workers Residence as my base camp. Once I checked it out thoroughly, I found it packed with so many amenities, that I now believe it's probably the single best base camp in the game. You may not agree with me, but consider these features. First off, I have not encountered a single wolf anywhere near the area. Yeah, you can hear them howling on occasion, but out of sight is out of danger. There is a bear cave with an active bear just a little ways away, but he is easily dispatched and when he isn't around, you got plenty of time to gather firewood. Fuel for heating and cooking is relatively abundant. The adjacent burned out cabin is a replenishing source of 4-6 lumps of coal every few days. Same goes for sticks and branches which replenish as well every few days. There's a little trail that leads up to the landslide area that is fairly secluded from wildlife where you can harvest both fir and cedar limbs to further stockpile your firewood supply. In terms of food supply, there is a rabbit den near the bridge just down from the landslide which is a good place to set up snares. There are some wolves far enough away on the other side of the bridge, but you can usually see before they can see you. Far enough away for you to avoid them in most cases. I usually only see one wolf patrolling the ice, but sometimes there are two, but never more than that. Closer to home though, is the fishing shack right outside the cabin. I've laid in a lifetime supply of fishing tackle and spend a few hours fishing every few days. Side benefit to all that fish is I wont be running out of lamp oil anytime soon either! Probably my single most favorite thing about the place is the fact that I can get up on the roof of cabin and clean the chimney!
  14. lol, so that's why every time I check a trash bin, I either find a lump of charcoal or a random tinder plug...
  15. Lol, I remember when DP was first released and I too had shot a deer down by the lighthouse after having found the survival bow. I tracked that deer all the way to the mouth of the inlet under the broken bridge having successfully avoided the few wolves wandering about on the ice. After having retrieved my one good arrow, I began the task of harvesting. During the harvest a blizzard blows in and my condition drops considerably, I manage to make it back up the hill and seek refuge in the car but my condition continues to drop due to the cold. I decide to get out and chance the bear cave. I manage to make it inside, no bear present, and bunk down for a much needed rest. Imagine my surprise when I wake up and there's this sleeping bear blocking the entrance ??? I stared momentarily, stunned, not quite sure what to do. It's either fight or flight, so I decide to get out of there and the closest protection will be the car. I take off in a sprint and high tail it for the car. Unbelievable, I actually make it to the car before the bear has even roused himself from his slumber. I pop in the closest door , wait for a moment and exit to the other side keeping the car between me and the bear. As he begins to move toward me I let him have it nearly point blank with my one and only arrow and quickly duck back into the car. After a seemingly endless wait he finally trundles off toward the plant. Apparently my shot wasn't fatal, cause I went back out later in the day and he was just walking around like nothing ever happened. ...never did get that arrow back either
  16. I bow down to your superior mastery of the skill, Sensei !
  17. I got the Power!!! I started only being able to levitate small objects at first. I could only manage to hold up a single small stone. by the end of the day, I could levitate much larger and heavier objects like this Fir limb. Can't wait to try this out on a Timber Wolf...
  18. starting to look like some progress is being made at the workshop, eh?
  19. Now that you mention it, yes it does. My avatar is a picture of a dog chasing a ball underwater in a swimming pool. The resemblance is pretty amazing now that you've pointed it out. Outstanding observation skills!
  20. thanks for heads up @ajb1978, i kinda figured it was intentional. I was hoping not to have multiple climbing sessions just to bring firewood into the workshop. I was able to break up one pallet @Ice Hole, it was in the middle of workshop propped up against a post by a couple of barrels. gonna have to climb back up there and look for these "hearts"...
  21. Not sure if I should report this as a bug problem, but now that I can enter the cannery in BI, I am not able to break down the pallets or the crates sitting on the shelves in the cannery. Is this a bug or part of the grand design?
  22. Would love to be able to "find" on an old pair of field glasses. I'd love to stumble across them, left behind in some forgotten hunter's blind or forestry lookout. Imagine standing high up on the ridge line and glassing the valley below on a crisp clear day. Being able to "scan" a section of distant terrain for predators or game would be worth the extra dead weight in my ruck for sure. If I were to introduce such an item, I'd limit the entire island to less than 3 so that finding them wouldn't necessarily be easy nor convenient. Binoculars would be extremely rare, big and heavy as well. In keeping with semi realistic weight expectations I'd make them between 1.5-2 kilos, maybe even a little heavier if they were extreme conditions rated Naval issued field glasses. Other than looking through them, the glasses wouldn't provide any other function.