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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. I've been wanting to lay the dead to rest somehow for a long time. Especially removing the corpses from buildings I would wish to use as a base. Here's my solution to part of the problem... So far I can only get it work occasionally and it does take a fair amount of effort and a huge supply of firewood to pull it off. But this guy has been my best effort yet. check out my before and after! Before: Here's how you find this always corpse down by the cabins on CH. The backpack is almost always there as well, if I recall. Got a feather off to the side, handy for later. After: This is where it takes a ton of time, effort and good old luck. I outline the body by placing firewood around the torso as close together as I can creating a box. Then I stand on the corpse and drop single pieces strategically to fill in the spaces. Next I start dropping bundles of 9 logs at a time going back and forth across the corpse layering wood until each section starts to fill in. This one took almost a week in game time to cover to this level. The pile is roughly 135 pieces of wood! I think I destroyed three improvised hatchets in the process chopping up all that wood.
  2. lol, if only there were some battle background music and then the AI would say "Killing Spree!"
  3. Yeah, I'm liking Foreman's Retreat as my high alpine lair when I'm in Ash Canyon, that and the Angler's Den down in the basin. Utilizing the additional carrying capacity of the technical backpack, moose satchel and well fed benefit, I typically loop between the two locations loading up with firewood, coal and sticks to keep the fires going up on the mountain. You gotta love the two burner stove and the fireplace for cooking up all that meat that shows up there. 🐻 btw, both locations have a workbench for your crafting projects.
  4. Yeah, I always thought Timberwolf Mountain should have some timber wolves on it... I mean, come on it's all in the name, right? right now TWM is all bark and not much bite. oh, and I want the hides to look different too, please. with a different timberwolf pelt cloak or cape or something like that
  5. I had to chuckle when you wrote that you found it funny that many of the responses come from players with thousands of hours of play time which is true. then you remarked on how you learned to play, by researching the wiki, watching tutorials and by playing the game, taking risks and developing your play style. Well, that's pretty much how those of us with thousands of hours in the sandbox did it too! Back when the game was first released, the forums provided that community experience that you alluded to in multiplayer mode that you said you enjoyed. We'd play the shit outta those limited maps and then jump on line into the forums and compare notes, discussing techniques and strategies that helped us become better survivors. You would not believe how many "test" runs I made seeing how much damage my character could take jumping down from the side of cliff, or running out onto the thin ice to see how long it would take to die from hypothermia! ahh, good times! Glad to hear your back to playing in the sandbox!
  6. aside from the fact that you have loading screens and a cavern connection system, I guess if you wanna call DP and Crumbleville sub-regions due to their being adjacent to Coastal Highway I suppose its all in the semantics. They may have been considered part of the same "region" prior to the earthquakes and landslides since it would appear that the paved road running along the coastline did indeed connect the areas, or else why would they have called the blockage "commuter's lament?" However, since the quakes and landslides have effectively blocked the area creating new natural boundaries, I'd have to agree with @UpUpAway95, that if I were to lump one or more areas together, I would call Crumbling Highway a sub-region to both CH and DP, partly due to the immediate proximity of both maps and its relative small size. on a side note, I'd bet that those few homes in Crumbleville, were probably the actual residences of the year round management team that ran the fish processing plant in DP considering that fishing/whaling and processing are typically seasonal activities and not conducted year round.
  7. now there's a color you don't see very often in this game. outstanding!
  8. Nice! He does look pretty frozen that's for sure. Got that nice layer of crusty snow all about him too. I hear freezing to death is relatively painless... or so they say, right?
  9. I built two cairn for an additional 60 kilos of storage next to the hut and another outside the fishing shack for another 30 kilos of storage. everything is full of cooked meat and there are still a couple of meatbags outside full of wolf and deer meat.🍴 The wolves leave me no choice but to kill them when they menace me and often I just run into them after they taken down a deer outside my frontdoor... Hauling down the loot is kinda easier now since the new area was introduced. 45 kilo unencumbered is nice don't you think?
  10. Hands down, it's the Mountaineer's Hut in TimberWolf Mountain! It's perfect for that seasoned adventurer that's willing to bring a few items along to improve the quality of life there. The hut is perfectly suited for survival, providing ample storage as well as a crafting table. The immediate environment provides an abundance of wood and sticks for firewood and the nearby prolific rabbit population will easily augment your dietary requirements should you choose to avail yourself of those resources. You gotta nearby fishing shack for food and lamp oil replenishment, not to mention a consistently crazing deer population nearby and the nearby wolf population is manageable most of the time. There's also the reoccurring bear spawn nearby that is easily dispatched when necessary, not to mention the moose spawn area that is close by as well. On the plus side of course now is that if you wanna go to Ash Canyon, you're gonna go by hut to get there. Bonus to getting that new backpack and those crampons for when you feel like scaling the summt! The Summit provides... Only downside is that you wont find any two liter pots in TWM, nor is there a forge, so you'd have to bring a good supply of arrow heads, improvised axe and knifes along. Also definite lack of scrap metal, so that becomes important as well, especially if you want to repair all those lanterns you'll be retrieving from the summit, lol
  11. ahh... the old deceptive camera angle trick! I understand your reluctance, but I would suggest you give it a try. crouch walk to the carcass and arrow, harvest and retrieve. afterwards following the downward contour of the slope, slowly descend crouch walking in a diagonal manner following the edges as the lead downwards. the slopes all seem to come together creating a little "V" channel in the rock as you continue to descend. Hug the walls as you slowly crouch jiggle your way down. you may encounter some areas where you have to "drop" down to the next ledge, you may take some damage, but it probably wont kill you like a really high up fall would. You'd be surprised as to how much damage your character can take and still live. I wouldn't even bother taking any pain meds til I got to the bottom. You can do this!!!
  12. Yes, without hesitation. it does not appear that you would be in any danger of falling. crouch walk to within clicking distance if you are unsure about your footing. I think it will be much easier than you think!
  13. I read your post @Wintermoot and you make a couple of observations that really made me chuckle. Molly being a secret serial killer, good one! Yeah, killing the bear was fairly anticlimactic. I would have enjoyed being able to carve him up afterwards and cook me a big ole celebratory dinner. 🍴 on the other hand, I'd have to agree that story mode does feel a little linear when it comes to following the quest line and your running back and forth covering the same ground for the sake of moving along in the story as compared to setting your own agenda while wandering about GBI in survival mode. But it certainly wasn't a "glorified tutorial." It's too bad imho that story mode was so rigid that it limited the player to having to follow the story and quest line in order to move about in the world. I would have loved to have been able to play story mode in a survival mode setting with a completely open world map. Being able to move about freely from region to region while still pursuing the story line would have brought so much extra depth to the game had that feature been enabled. I gonna put that idea on the wish list for next time! Yeah, I'm still looking forward to Chapter's 4 & 5 and am eagerly looking forward to finding out what happens next. Here's to looking forward to what happens next!
  14. Yeah, I'm liking Foreman's Retreat as my high alpine lair when I'm in Ash Canyon, that and the Angler's Den down in the basin. Utilizing the additional carrying capacity of the technical backpack, moose satchel and well fed benefit, I typically loop between the two locations loading up with firewood, coal and sticks to keep the fires going up on the mountain. You gotta love the two burner stove and the fireplace for cooking up all that meat that shows up there. 🐻 But honestly, hands down, my most favorite lair would be the Mountaineer's Hut in Timberwolf Mountain. you gotta admit @turtle777, it meets most all your bullet points except for those few wolves that roam the area, but you also have a moose spawn in close proximity as well as regularly re-occurring bear spawn nearby. Not to mention that the fishing shack is just outside the front door.
  15. I'm finally back in DP, a familiar place and of course find a familiar corpse. He must have been scared and obviously trying to get as far removed from something as possible. Wolves may have followed him, harassing him relentlessly and he eventually took refuge on this ledge. Probably the only place he felt safe at the time. The intense cold must have finally gotten to him, for when I turned out his pockets and his backpack I was rewarded with food, clothing and a brand new unused torch.
  16. Nothing like coming home to a cozy lair especially one that is as beautifully lit and radiating warmth and safety as this lighthouse is
  17. cool man! I hope you have a great time there!
  18. It's really remarkable what a little bit of lighting adds to this game
  19. I've been wearing them exactly opposite and no damage taken. Next time I play, i'll switch slots and see what happens.
  20. I've never been hungrier and colder on any other map than on this one. That being said, I gotta give Raphael and the dev's an atta boy for really bringing some really emotionally charged and visceral feelings into this region of GBI. The scorched earth and trees, so blackened by whatever disaster befell them still continue to shed their ashes, polluting the landscape regardless of how much new snow falls over it. The soundtrack seems to pull the life outta the air, making the surroundings feel sinister and ominous. Coupled with the visual swaying affects of the rope bridges capable of igniting a feeling of acrophobia in me that actual made me feel nauseous a couple of times, yeah this is an awesome map. I really loved that they put all the tricks into here, like the underground waterfall crossing and the crouch walk tunnels in addition to the rope climbing tunnels. Angler's Den is my lowland lair and Foreman's Retreat up in heights. btw, @theisaactrain thanks for mention!
  21. I've been wearing them ever since I found em and so far it doesn't look like they have taken an damage either. ditto on kinda being surprised there is no wear, but that's okay too. on the bright side though, I really like the new footstep sounds they make as you traverse various surfaces. I ended up leaving Ash Canyon via the Deer Clearing transition cave so decided to climb the summit with my new pack and crampons! Gotta say the sound they made as I walked across the metal floor of the tail wreckage was pretty awesome. I give the dev's kudos on the new sound effects