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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. oh, you made me laugh! "Laying the Dead" does sound kinda twisted... btw, now all the upward facing corpses have snow covering their face. wasn't always like that, but no, they never had their eyes pecked out either. just me being overly graphic
  2. looks rather festive on the mantle piece! kinda like Xmas without the lights!
  3. no worries mate! I was thinking there could be more than one thread that deals with the multitude of dead littering GBI. You've got those that died in a sitting fashion, but then you have all those poor souls that died face down in the snow and those that have died face up in the snow! at least those that died face down in the snow still have their eyes intact... you know, crows and all...
  4. F10 for high res screenshot deposited on your desk top F12 will capture screenshot and deposit to your Steam account and F8 will capture screenshot with detail location data attached on desktop
  5. only sitting corpses please, hence the name of the thread... The Sitting Dead...
  6. yes well done indeed. I've developed a moderate case of acrophobia over the past few years since the unfortunate ladder accident and I must admit that when crossing these rope bridges I can feel my testicles actively retract as I step out on the planking. yes, Well done indeed, Hinterland.
  7. I found a couple too, but only visible as long as I was high up on a mountain side. the last update cleared a bunch for certain, but from what i understand each floater has to be individually addressed so if you come across another one I'd suggest you submit a new bug report for the next update if you haven't done so already. please and thank you!
  8. Well said, indeed @Ape88 dont forget that during each loading screen there is also a tutorial message embedded as well.
  9. i sneak up on him from behind in crouched mode as you can see my footprints in the pics background. he's just snoring up a storm as i started to circle around him when all of a sudden the bear just got up then pawed the ground and laid back down. then, suddenly he jumps up makes that bleating noise and immediately slumps down into sleep. happened like 3 times in rapid succession before stopping and falling back to sleep. I took his pic then made a quick dash for the cabin!
  10. Ash Canyon Mining Camp Found this corpse sitting in a little outdoor shack right across from a workbench with nary a mark on him. His pockets were empty as was the space around him and he was within 50 meters of an intact cabin with fuel food and clothing. My best guess is he got caught in an unexpected white out became disoriented and finally was able to avail himself of shelter but only after having been exposed to the elements for too long. He probably took a seat to rest up but ended up falling asleep and subsequently freezing to death.
  11. I'm in Ash Canyon working my way up to the cabin when I hear this this rusty sawing kinda noise and turns out it's this bear standing here sleeping in the snow... I wish I coulda recorded the audio for you as it was fairly loud against the quite background. ...ZZZZrrrrr ...ZZZZrrrr ...ZZrrrrr
  12. Although I have thoroughly enjoyed checking out the map so far and having found and equipping both the new backpack and the crampons, I am feeling a little underwhelmed by the new region to be honest. Maybe it was because my first couple of days in the region where all nice weather days and the comparative absence of predatory wildlife as compared to HRV for example, made navigating this map thus far feel fairly easy. There'a an odd familiarity about the place that I experienced while traversing the map, especially on a couple of the cave network transitions where it kinda felt the tunnels and such were just cut and pasted. I was hoping to see more of the caving system like Will had to navigate while killing the bear in storymode, but the very first one I went in seemed to walk and look exactly identical to the regional transition cave between ML and Milton. real Deja Vu moment there for me. What I have really enjoyed however is the fact that all the little unique experiences that are typically map specific elsewhere in the world seem to have all been incorporated into this region. Maybe that's where that odd sense of familiarity comes from, I dunno. Love the fact that I can now carry a shload of gear now. Well fed, satchel and technical backpack equals 45 kilos carrying capacity! BooYah! Got me a cabin with a workbench! plentiful natural resources abound. oh and there was a 2 liter pot in the cabin too!
  13. Considering, the community has been giving them the same feedback for over 4 years now and nothing has fundamentally changed it's probably safe to say nothings gonna change anytime soon. It's a game! A game and nothing more
  14. @matchstick, I play on PC and have never experienced a single casing drop as you've described unless I reload after each shot. Maybe it's a platform exclusive glitch as @HindsFiveSeven mentioned but it's the first time anyone has brought this up as an issue that I'm aware of. Doesn't mean that it isn't happening to you however. Maybe you are subconsciously reloading between shots fired? As far as your point goes that the dev's may not have a lot of firearm training or experience goes, you're probably right about that hands down. Their lack of firearm familiarity doesn't necessarily impact the game play negatively although some players would argue that it does. Besides, this game is more about the survival bow anyways...
  15. hey player, just wanted to point out you are commenting on a thread that hasn't seen any activity on it since the last post was made back in August of 2016... 💤 💤 💤 you might wanna start a new thread if this issue is that important to you.
  16. then how do you explain the broken bridge in DP. seems there would be no need for a road leading past Hibernia processing with a bridge crossing if the highway just ended in a dead end. There's gotta be something on the other side of that bridge, connecting the region to another part of the island? Or else why would the islander's have built a bridge crossing to no where? hmmm....
  17. 'Twas the night of a full moon and all over the land Not a creature was stirring, in fear of the band; The howls they were many and frequent as well a song filled with bloodlust that was kindled in Hell. The wolves paced about instilling me with pure dread, as visions of man-meat, my flesh, danced in their heads... The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow, Gave a lustre of midday to the wolf pack below. I was cold, tired and hungry with no place to go, So with rifle and pistol I gave them a show!
  18. @Screenshot Pilgrim have you been out to Bleak Inslet yet? The lookout tower there seems to have a copy of each of the "technical" books including the open book version with the "scientific" script in it.
  19. you just did... so whatcha got?
  20. Working my way thru the cave transition between BI and FM I spy a glimmer of light ahead in the dark tunnels of the cave. I see the smallest shaft of light emanating from a narrow hole in the rock ceiling above my head. The air is bitter cold and small snow flakes are slowly falling through the hole from above. As my eyes follow the snowflakes spiraling down to the cavern floor the flickering flame of my torch reveals this chaps final resting place. His death was probably slow and agonizingly painful. Impaled and eviscerated after falling and landing on a sharp cluster of stalagmites, this poor guy died broken and bleeding and utterly alone