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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. I just recently replayed story mode after having only played episodes 1 & 2 and then only when they were first released. So I had never played the Redux versions nor had I played Episode 3. I was curious how it was gonna play out as memory of my first exposure wasn't necessarily positive considering all the time I had been playing in survival mode. That being said, this time around I decided to play the game to the fullest extent that I could with the intent to complete every side quest I could and explore the area to the best ability based on what the game would allow me to do. I still found the gameplay linear in terms of following along in the story line which just seemed to be pushing me to keep moving forward banging out missions and just getting thru it sooner than later. That being said, I just decided to maximize my stay in each location looting and salvaging as best as I could and playing within the narrow allowances that story mode enabled. As you mentioned @Sherri there definitely was a relative absence of bears, maybe on account of the limited types of weapons made available, I don't know but they made up for it with wolves... I'd say with the game save option in place, dial up the pain level to maximum and jump right in!
  2. I tend to forget sometimes that we're talking about a Canadian based company and that the local COVID-19 health restrictions may still be more restrictive than elsewhere in the world. I guess I should consider myself fortunate that the government leadership in my neck of the woods has allowed many business to re-open provided they practice make sense social distancing rules and essentially stay masked and/or gloved in most cases while limiting on premise capacity. At least we can out to eat again and enjoy a cocktail with friends. I will say that I was in lockdown for most all of 2020 and during that time almost exclusively played TLD sometime up to 8 hours a day! I played a game about surviving in complete isolation during a time that I was almost completely totally isolated. there's some irony for you. Here's to the world getting back to normal again!
  3. I think you may hit upon a nerve here considering the rather quick reply by Admin just as I was reading this post. and then Raph's post within minutes. Looks like you got the boss's attention @Sherri You make some good and credible observations here and I too would be willing to "pay" for some new DLC if given the opportunity whilst waiting for the ever elusive upcoming episodes of Story Mode. at one point in time there was some talk about opening up the platform to some modding, ie. User Generated Content or something to that effect, back when the Milton Mailbag was still a thing. Considering the rather talented players and devoted TLD enthusiasts, I'm wondering why there hasnt been more progress in Hinterland collaborating with the modding community to address some of multitudes of items on the wish list. i dont see why there cant be some innovations and collaborations considering the brilliance of some of folks in the modding community. quick thought regarding the merchandise aspect... Raph says , "On the topic of no longer selling swag -- we temporarily shut down our merch store b/c of COVID, to avoid people having to go into the physical studio to deal with inventory, take it to the post office, etc. We'll re-open it at some point. That said, the merch store is not a money-maker for us -- we run it more as a service to our fans. We make a bit of profit on it but almost nothing." that sounds like a little BS to me. Those of use that would love to buy merchandise would do so via mail order not going to the physical store. Mail order is as no contact as retail sales can get. I ran the mail order division for a local retailer who had 5 stores. It was a lonely job considering I was by myself most if not all the time and I never got out to go anywhere, cause incoming new merchandise for resale was delivered and outgoing orders where picked up by our contracted mail carrier. Not a problem to practice social distancing and/or no contact when they drop off boxes at your back door and pick em up the same way... I want my coffee cups and sweatshirt! ah, well, no matter what happens, this will still be one of my most favorite games out of my 227 titles in my steam account...
  4. those tanks had long run dry in most cases long before the aurora event. as the world economy further collapsed and deliveries of goods and supplies, including fuel became more interrupted, many people had already abandoned their homes and workplaces. However, I agree you'd think that given all those propane bottles on the entire island, there would have to a few that still contained fuel. right?
  5. the limited and rather scarce availability of fuel and the rapid burning rate of the lantern, not to mention the added weight does in my opinion severely detracts from daily regular usage under most gameplay conditions. I do like the light it produces especially when navigating caves and tunnels and when looting dark spaces in buildings etc, but comparatively the torch does all that in addition to being used as a "weapon" to scare off wolves where as the lantern just helps to point out your location when you're trudging thru the forest. no throwing a lit lantern at a wolf and if you get jumped whilst carrying it, you have to set it down before you can begin to fight back during the wolf struggle process. Given the limited burn time of a single tank of fuel, like one hour in game, is a turn off itself as producing a liter of fuel via fishing can take something like upto 20 hours in game between the fishing time required and subsequent cooking time to produced fuel oil. and btw, if you arent using a cooking pot when cooking fish, you actual produce about 25% less fuel oil in the process which further extends the time frame required to produce the one liter of fuel oil required to fully fuel just one lamp. Yeah, the lamp is as imbalanced as it possible could be compared to the IRL specs you'd get just about on any cheap fuel oil lamp you might find readily available for purchase. So Hell Ya, I'd love an additional source for lamp fuel oil production if one was gonna made available.
  6. outstanding! now you just need 4 firepits outside, and maybe three rock cairns!!!
  7. I think that is officially the most hours I seen anyone report on this forum! What is your secret that keeps you playing in the sandbox? Up until now, I was under the impression that @peteloudwas leading the pack with over 3500 hours played... This post made me go check and according to steam I have officially clocked in 2770 hours.
  8. nope, two... 2nd one dropped him and I got the level up notice on screen! 💪
  9. we could do some quick dirty math... when did you start playing the game and assuming you play daily, how many hours do you average per day? I personally was shocked when I checked my hours via steam! I mean I know I play a lot, but damn... !
  10. many of us bought via Steam, so whenever we play, we also log into steam which tracks player usage. Steam also keeps your game titles updated whenever there is an official update released. I'm able to play TLD offline as well and generally only do so when my local ISP is having trouble.
  11. in the words of Bob Dylan... Well, they'll stone you when you're trying to be so good They'll stone you just like they said they would They'll stone you when you're trying to go home And they'll stone you when you're there all alone But I would not feel so all alone Everybody must get stoned Well, they'll stone you when you're walking on the street They'll stone you when you're tryin' to keep your seat They'll stone you when you're walkin' on the floor They'll stone you when you're walkin' to the door But I would not feel so all alone Everybody must get stoned They'll stone you when you're at the breakfast table They'll stone you when you are young and able They'll stone you when you're tryin' to make a buck Then they'll stone you and then they'll say "good luck" Tell ya what, I would not feel so all alone Everybody must get stoned Well, they'll stone you and say that it's the end Then they'll stone you and then they'll come back again They'll stone you when you're riding in your car They'll stone you when you're playing your guitar Yes, but I would not feel so all alone Everybody must get stoned alright Well, they'll stone you when you walk all alone They'll stone you when you are walking home They'll stone you and then say you are brave They'll stone you when you are set down in your grave But I would not feel so all alone Everybody must get stoned
  12. @Stinky socks absolutely brilliant!
  13. @Stinky socks you made me smile... 137 hours! I hate to say it, but I averaged almost 200 hours a month during the covid-19 lock downs of 2020. Being laid off and otherwise characterized "nonessential" left me with a lot of free time... thank god for video games and YouTube! I ended up spending a disproportionate amount of my time playing a game dealing with isolation and no other human contact during an actual time of isolation and extremely limited human contact. There's the definition of Irony for ya!
  14. good advice overall, but in regards to summiting TWM, it can be done without a sleeping bad and can be done without having to sleep at all. It just depends on whether or not you've located and looted the shipping container that has the coffee tins in it. I was able to successfully do so by staying amp up on coffee for the entire attempt. Walking just before dawn fully rested and carrying around 25 cups of coffee, I never let the fatigue meter dip as I drank a cold cup everytime the benefit expired. Also keep me extremely well hydrated and my hunger was also well negated, allowing for less carry weight for water and food. After reaching the summit in near record time, I recovered more coffee and ended up staying awake for almost 6 days in a row before finally having to sleep, by which point I was back to the mountaineers hut with most of the loot!
  15. okay, I am curious now... I've heard of many glitches over the years and love to "exploit" them mercilessly when able, but I've never heard of this "Cairn Placement Glitch" that you speak of. Please enlighten me on the nature of this glitch and how I may begin to take advantage in my own gameplay? I look at "glitches" as legitimate gameplay... otherwise the devs wouldn't leave it in place, right?
  16. it's just a couple of scratches... so how did it go? looks like your in familiar territory, I sense shelter nearby and the sun is coming up!
  17. I was just in down in there last night for the first time in a long long time in a Voyager game. I was able to find an advanced skill book, "Guns, Guns, Guns" in addition to a few clothing items as well as flares and some food supplies. It was much like traversing the space in story mode, except of course it lead no where. You can avoid the electrified water completely as well as the hanging wires just so long you stay on the pathways. It's worth going down for the book assuming it spawns regularly. only bit of advice is to be fairly rested before you head in. I was very tired when I took the lift down to bottom so everything I was carrying started to weigh me down. Good thing I had a couple of energy drinks and some coffee or else I might not have been able to explore it as well as it deserved. I was definitely happy for the book!
  18. no it hasn't but you can see the truck down in the valley from a vantage near Will's plane crash in survivor mode. thru a fluke in the games mechanics, I ended up falling down in there and was able to walk around for a bit. I made a separate post about it if you care to check it out.