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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. @ManicManiac life does throw the occasional curveball and a wicked curve it can be at times. either way, glad to hear you have weathered the proverbial storm and find yourself back in familiar surroundings! Looking forward indeed to exploring the upcoming episodes and to continuing the adventure!
  2. That is a good day out on the ice indeed! Now to harvest all that meat!
  3. what you been doing the last six months? missed see you here on the forums!
  4. imagine more loot! lots more loot! I did it in Voyager Mode and the loot was abundant that's for sure! I too had a great fear of being trapped, so I took a few precautions and packed the elevator with food and supplies. enough for a month of Sundays just in case. I waited diligently for an aurora and when it appeared I quickly ran to the mine, loaded up on the all the gear until I was unable to move then hit the down button. after unloading all that I had brought with me, I rather quickly cleaned out the mine, but not before I was so greatly encumbered that I had to make more than one trip back to the elevator in order to retrieve all the goodies. Had more than ample time in retrospect, but the adrenaline was flowing, as were the stims and coffee!
  5. I guess maybe because it was a radio tower only? or perhaps the administration of the telecom center didn't want their employees lounging watching HDTV. so some guy brought his old tv from his basement and they watched old betamax cassette tapes or played Atari...
  6. If you are on the Mystery Lake map, have you found the prepper's cache? If you haven't found it you should. Even on Stalker mode, there's a pretty good amount of loot. everybody can use and extra whetstone or two, right? is the dead guy cohabitating with you in Camp Office? you can do like I did and use him for storage and such. I used the curing in place glitch to make him nearly invisible! Can you find Waldo? sometimes I like to load myself up with raw meat, then I go and stand outside the fishing shack and wait for fluffy and his crew! Yeah I might get chewed up a bit, but sometimes it ends up badly for fluffy! so little to do when you get bored as your playing to get that 500 day achievement, I understand that very well. Now a days I just spend most of my time fishing so I can fill all my lanterns up with oil....
  7. nothing like camping out in a telecommunications shack next to a massive transmission tower during an active aurora event. Seems like tonight is gonna be weirdly entertaining at the very least!
  8. lol, that about sums up my experience playing on interloper when I randomly spawn in HRV.
  9. any suggestions on captions? I was thinking either, Who's Next or Trifecta How about, Death from Above
  10. ok no TP, but you have rabbit hides... I've never considered cleaning my backside with a rabbit pelt, but I bet I could make that work...
  11. oddly I think it looks kinda cool i'd imagine it is probably difficult to illustrate wafting smoke from a chimney. in this case it kinda reminds me of the contrails that aircraft engines leave in the sky at high altitudes. except of course this is ground level...
  12. ah yes, the ole barter system! hmm, what else ya got? I could use some toilet paper and rifle shells. lol, bullets and bunwads!
  13. I'm selling them now! Just re-opened the store at Thomson's Crossing in Pleasant Valley. Welcome to the Shovel Chalet I've got a 2 for 1 special going on right now! Financing Available or use our convenient Lay-A-Way Program! Supplies limited to stock on hand. no rainchecks
  14. yes, i put the lit flares in the microwave and closed the door. I probably should have taken a pic of them inside but didnt think to do so. anyways I was surprised the flames of the torch actually burned outside of the closed microwave. I guess size does matter... So as the flares were burning and I moved them from the microwave a set them in the grate of the wood stove the resulting red hue was awesome. but the red flare burns for a long time. especially compared to the blue marine flare.
  15. The things you do, when you gotta be outside on account of CABIN FEVER Heard the fishing was good up at Pensive Pond, at least that's the local legend. Something about an old record breaking bass up in those waters, at least that's what it said in the guide book. decided to go fishing.... Bow fishing! First thing I did was to draw me a target and then I chopped thru the ice It was like shooting fish in barrel or in this case just another icehole... It was a good day got a couple of small mouth bass! But the fish gods rewarded me well, kinda. ugh, whitefish aren't my favorite. too bony for my tastes but hey, they make good lamp oil when you cook down enough!
  16. wow, the reaction time to these wolf attacks is just painfully slow... and so many were just lack of paying attention. i guess its tough to multitask, streaming and surviving dont mix on interloper!
  17. My motto is Death From Above My go to strategy is always to have the uphill advantage. Find a convenient tree or cliff side that provides for the best elevation that won't allow the bear to charge you if it happens to see you or you strike it with your arrow. There are many such vantages throughout the game depending on where you might be located at the time. For example, if you are at the poacher's camp in Forlorn Muskeg, then you are able to scale the fallen tree and actually jump on the roof of the railcar and use that vantage to rain arrows down upon the bear without fear of reprisal as he saunters by. There are many such vantages near known bear occupied areas and the trick is to scout those areas before you engage. Cars, fishing shacks with doors and buildings with multiple doors also lend themselves well to employing a shoot and scoot strategy. If I'm in PV for example I like to use the tractors as shelter. Since you can open the doors to the tractors from either side, it makes it convenient to shoot then duck into the tractor and you can watch as the bear shuffles around you. when he moves off a bit, you can exit the vehicle, take another shot from the protected side and jump back in. You can play this cat and mouse game for quite some time and be relatively safe. Same goes for those areas containing buildings where you can take a shot, open the door to the house and emerge on the other side, just in time to take another shot! What map are you currently on in your Interloper run? sharing that may help to formalize a more cohesive strategy to your current query.
  18. my safe space... checking it out before getting out... the better part of sheltering in place it's always better with a rug
  19. Is it possible you are just clicking open to quickly once you move your cursor or mouse over the door? at least on pc, the door swings inside when your opening it from the outside and it swings outside the cabin when you open the door from the inside. I've noted on a few instances where I was also standing to close to the door, essentially standing in the doorway when attempting to close the door and I had to click it more than once to get it to move. I just figured this made sense since the door is essential a physical object and we cant both occupy the same space, lol. as you said, not so much a problem in Pilgrim mode, but since ole Wolfy will follow you right up to the door while trying to attack you, having to frantically click more than once to open or close the door does seem problematic.
  20. I've had similar circumstances and often it's difficult to tell which variable affected what. That being said, typically one shot in a "mortal" area is enough to cause the bear to bleed out over time. They can walk a fairly long way sometimes in the process of bleeding out. You may want to scout the area, looking for the telltale caw of the crows to alert you to the location of the body. Another thing that comes to mind, is that sometimes if you enter your base too quickly after having shot the bear, he sometimes seems to slough off the arrow and somehow magically heal. I've had this happen to me a few times, both with bow and arrow and rifle. Considering your circumstances and the cliff, I think it's more than likely that you'll find the carcass after searching the area. I've had that bear die on the side of cliffs before as well and getting to them required goating my way from the top down. If that's the case for you, be sure to take plenty of bandages and painkillers for the resulting sprains and bruises you get from trying to retrieve your prize. Good luck!