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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. That is probably one of the best tips anyone has made yet! You might wanna post this gem this nugget of wisdom on the "did you know?" thread. Brilliant!!!
  2. The cannery is indeed impractical due to the rope climb. but not necessarily impossible. With the technical backpack and the well fed benefit that does give you an an additional 10 kilos of baggage you can easily haul up the rope. But having to do a parkour course each time you want to access the cannery does get old. There is of course the kitchen around back with the fire barrel so that does make it kinda convenient to cook and store some items nearby. Typically I only use the cannery to craft bullets and use the machinery during Aurora to sharpen and repair my tools and weapons. I like the cannery workers cabin down by the broken light house as my home base. Easy access to deer and rabbits in the back of the cabins and of course there's a bear den nearby which is another good source of meat. Not to mention the 6 burner stove at the lighthouse and access to another flare gun and ammo. Don't get much wolf activity there either and the dead tree behind the cabin is easily climbable and you can literally drop down on the roof of the cabin and shoot the bear when he is nearby without fear of mauling. Also the docks there allow you to play a nice game of cat and mouse with the bear as you pump either arrows or bullets into his lumbering frame.
  3. two good places, one is the trailers as @Leeanda mentioned and the other spot is near the transition cave that leads to Forelorn Muskeg. I typically almost always find a moose at or near the transition cave!
  4. OUTSTANDING! I love a good success story. I wish you would have taken a screenshot of your moose carcass near your campfire. It sure made quartering him easier I bet. Here's a prize for the newest moose hunter on GBI
  5. so much easier to hit when they are all glowy like that...
  6. Oh, this is indeed a great idea! this is how Astrid would look if she had fire arrows!
  7. I think I like the transition cave from Mystery Lake to Mountain Town. Especially when I am returning to ML as there is usually a pretty good amount of coal I can pick up along the way.
  8. I get the greatest storage longevity when storing meat in the trunk of a car if one is nearby. If not, just about any outside container will suffice to keep things from spoilage longer. In lieu of no convenient storage, build a rock cairn. That's 30 kilos of exterior storage and you can build multiple cairns nearby. I usually do this when making a long term base on TWM at the Mountaineer's Hut. Severe lack of storage there if you know what I mean.
  9. that was a complete fluke actually, I actually fell through the world while trying to find a way up the left side and when the screen reset I was on this ridge. I took that shot and with the next step I took I again fell but this time to my death ending a 250 day plus stalker run.
  10. I'm gonna assume you mean Pensive Pond that has the little fishing shack with the door on it. right? I 've had a few moose battles there, some successful and others not. You've been given some good advice from some veteran players, so ultimately what you do is up to your. That being said, first question I have is do you have a flare gun? and if so have you ever used it to hunt with? The reason I ask, is that actually hitting the animal with the flare gun can be pretty tricky in itself but in a pinch comes in really handy if you happen to be out of arrows and those that aren't broken in your backpack are sticking outta the moose's backside and your gonna want to get those back. At any rate a sound strategy that I've used is to crouch and climb up on the mound of snow covered boulders to the right of the dock. There you can often sneak up on the beast as he is close to the tree rub and you can get a relatively good shot off from there without fear of being trampled. What I do is to first collect enough firewood nearby to stock up the fishing shack and I start up a 12 hour fire. It gets pretty cold out there as your stalking the moose so every once in a while you can retreat to the shack to warm up and rest. Also helps to keep you going in case things go awry and you get stomped. your gonna need a place to retreat to in order to tend to your wounds in that case. I've found that a well placed head shot either into the eye or skull or snout may sometimes drop the moose with one shot. Hit those antlers though and you'll draw his anger and probably break your arrow as well. If your luck holds out and your aim is true, hopefully you'll drop him before you either loose or break all your arrows. I've taken him on with 5 arrows only to realize that I have to finish him off with the flare gun. Last time I tried that I shot 7 flares before finally bringing him down. Out of the 7 flares fired, only three hit him. That encounter took 4 arrow strikes and 3 flares to finally bring him down. I was only able to recover 2 arrows in the aftermath, so that was a net loss of 2 arrowheads but the harvest yielded approx 45 kilos of meat. Came in handy to be able to quickly quarter him and retreat to warmth of the fire and immediately starting grilling some moose steaks! Good Luck in your endeavor and please let us know how you fared!
  11. Maybe she will meet my buddy Artyom in the Metro and they can begin to rebuild their lives? eh, @Stinky socks
  12. Poor Will... guy just can't get a break! (glad you liked it!)
  13. this thread is for screenshots, you should take this request to the How to play forum. more people will see it there and be able to help you.
  14. nope, just some dead guy's backpack! they're kinda stale, though...
  15. here you go, made you a special batch of stove top chocolate chip!
  16. Making rosehip tea from scratch... First get the fire going and stoke the coals. Fill your pots with chopped rosehips let the rose hips heat up a bit and soon they start releasing their essential oils. The smell is delicious and the whole room is scented in their delicate aroma. add water to both pots... bring to a roiling boil after 7 minutes strain off water into tea cups and enjoy!
  17. I only get to watch Netflix and Youtube. Mom put a filter on our wifi so us kids cant watch anything "risky" without her permission... 😞
  18. So that's what you do when you have explored the map to 98% and attained every achievement possible! 👏👍 I always thought transitioning from the control room to the turbine room should be possible and that's why the character can't jump or walk over anything that is 4 inches tall, otherwise we could just hop up on the console and enter the turbine area or just jump thru the broken window to leave. And now you've proven what we all suspected. Nicely done!