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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Yay, I win!! So do you remember, I think his name was Sloth? Anyways, his distorted visage gave me nightmares for a very long time after I saw the movie. Somehow after the memory faded over time, I swear I see the guy again but this time he was a demon general in one of the Lord of the Rings movies... So, that was makeup right?
  2. wait... I've heard this before... Goonies??
  3. Oldy but a goody this TLD parody video really hits the spot... or not! did it remind you of your first time?
  4. So what are you saying exactly? That you find it too easy to attain a badge playing stalker mode or that it's too hard for you to get a badge playing interloper? This discussion about achievements and badges has been bantered about many times on these forums and is always leaving two polarized points of view. Those that say it works just fine and those that say it ought to be changed. To date nothing has changed and probably never will... In my opinion they just oughta revamp the badges, into categories like bronze, silver and gold like they do in many other games. I guess Pilgrim players just get a certificate of completion or a participation trophy, lol. If you've ever played a racing game where the difference of .1 seconds stands between your earning the silver vs. the gold medal then you probably know that you need both skill and knowledge to win. But like @Lord of the Long Dark said, you don't have to learn every map in intimate detail in order to successfully survive when playing the game. It helps though...
  5. oh for certain. I haven't watched the other coop gameplay videos myself so i don't know if those situations like sleeping and clothing wear have been addressed, which is why I was asking if you had. i strongly doubt it though, just based on the trailer. Btw, your avatar looks exactly like my co-worker! Game On!
  6. Very diplomatically put. It's definitely rough, indeed. By chance did you have the opportunity to peruse any of the longer coop gameplay videos? Besides the unpolished appearance would/does the gameplay meet your expectations?
  7. Right?!? Wouldn't that just be awesome? with a coop mode already enabled so we could all play together in real time! Wish Granted!
  8. well you should check out the video anyway, see if it has any relevance to your idea of cooperative mode survival play. I'd be curious as to what you think of their efforts... here's a link for the trailer. btw there's hours worth of coop mode gameplay...
  9. Somehow the image I got of being mauled by an aurora energized mountain lion seems very scary indeed! Your right in that wolves normally don't act in a predator fashion in real life as they do in the game, so yeah, I could get behind introducing another predacious animal. Given Hinterland's artistic license towards aggressive animal behavior, I'm already fashioning a nice warm winter coat made from the pelt of a mountain lion!
  10. coop would certainly make a bear hunt that much more exciting! btw have you seen the coop mode mod on YouTube? If not, you might want to check it out. It might be what you are looking for! Good luck and Game on!
  11. that's all ready in place if you are playing in the sandbox. custom game settings and you just turn off ankle sprains. a better option imho would be a sprain mechanic that is conditional on your choice of footwear. Kinda hard to sprain an ankle when you are wearing over the calf ski boots... In that case, Cougars, would be the perfect animal to inhabit Great Bear Island. British Columbia boasts one of the largest big cat populations of the world. It is estimated that close to 4000 cougars call the area home and that approximately 700 or more of those big cats can be found on nearby Vancouver Island, which supposedly Great Bear Island is modeled after. That being said, cougars are very solitary in nature living alone and their territorial range can extend from 30 to 100 square miles, making them elusive as well. Given their reclusive nature and the abundance of prey animals, deer and rabbits, you might never actually see one! Sorry, the wish genie only grants one wish... I did see a unsanctioned coop mod being featured on YouTube. It looked extremely amateurish. Considering the game is about isolation and self reliance, what aspects of cooperative game play would you like to see enabled? Would this be more of a 1 vs 1 first person shooter where you raid each others base camp hoping to steal their supplies? In that case, I could get behind such a project! Can you imagine getting shot in the back with an arrow and being left for dead as your opponent swoops down and loots your basecamp taking all your medical supplies, bullets and matches? Brutal!
  12. I would have like to have been able to kill Mathis and his henchman and get a little payback for all those victims. Maybe Molly might be making a little trip up to BlackRock, eh?
  13. I too, found a number of "black" wolf corpses strewn about the landscape with no apparent cause of death. I assumed that a few of them were ones that I had shot with the revolver, since I often didn't bother to track them after I had shot them. But maybe there was some wolf on wolf predation. Timberwolves being the predominant predator in the region I would wager.
  14. I'm inclined to think that they were lined up and killed by the inmates under the direction of Mathis. They obviously got a hold of guns from the barracks and the guard shack. That would have given them roughly 12 long guns not to mention an possible a dozen or more sidearms as well. These poor people were shot execution style and those that were not killed outright were just left to bleed to death in the snow.
  15. actually she didn't sail... she drifted with the currents and we don't actually know from where on the island that she launched. You can't assume that she launched from somewhere on the Coastal Highway, but I understand that you might have that impression given the fact that her part of the story abruptly ends when she exits the coal mine. You've already seen the huge jump in locations considering that when Will comes to, he's very very far removed from the lower level of the dam. Maybe Winding River is the connection between regions that we've been speculating on. Seems pretty plausible now, all things considered?
  16. If you could only have one wish on this extensive list of wishes, what would your wish be?
  17. I think your dead on right in your suggestion that BlackRock is connected to HRV and Mountain Town. The shading of the rock in the new area is very suggestive of HRV as is some of the latent topography and the semi blocking the bridge does have a sign that appears to be pointing to Mountain Town. Supposing you are right, where do you think Hinterland will place the new region's access points? Perhaps the only way in or out will be thru an ice cave system as it does appear all the major bridges in the area have been subsequently destroyed by earthquakes or blocked by landslides. Either way, it looks like there is still a large part of GBI that we haven't seen yet and I really hope that by the time Episode 5 is finally delivered, we will have an entire island to play on!
  18. I agree with @Corso in that if you want a game somewhere in between you should familiarize yourself with custom game settings. You can make it as cold as a blast freezer if you like and you can dial up the frequency and aggressiveness of the wildlife, but can still spawn weapons and craft bullets as that seems to be what most players want who have previously posted a similar suggestion. Maybe even try a forever night scenario or try only to survive wearing nothing but worn out tennis shoes and some old driving gloves...
  19. I really don't want to have to wait that long... I hope they make all those bodies lootable too!
  20. This one was actually very close to the front doors of the prison, not to far down the road relatively near one of the smaller road signs. I suspect this glitch isnt necessarily restricted to a single location? I did use the debugging F8 screenshot so if you can decipher the location code info that may help to answer your question. I also posted a video clip of the wonky wolf where I shoot him full of arrows, shoot him with the revolver and even shoot him with the flare gun! too much fun!
  21. Spoilers . . . This is how I imagine the Guard Shack looked like pre-jail break. They probably didn't get too many visitors and they probably knew when someone was scheduled to come. No computer in here or even a radio. Must been hella boring. All there was to do was read gun magazines and drink coffee. But it looks like they were ready for action! It was probably the best assignment in the prison... So welcome to BlackRock, when can you start?
  22. so is that what happens to the bear after i pump him full of arrows and he just magically disappears?
  23. brilliant composition I feel like I'm there trying to catch a falling star. I honestly think this one of the best pics I've seen posted