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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Right? I don't know how many times I have pulled out the flare gun in a pinch and only have it "click" as I dry fired into a charging bear or moose... ouch! I try to make sure I load it now before I holster it back into my backpack
  2. Seems fairly redundant that they would construct a state of the art hydro electric facility only to use it to make steam in order to service the old locking mechanisms. However, the idea has some merit in that it would be feasible to use hyrdro electric power in place of coal fired boilers as power production would not be reliant on mere men shoveling coal into a 100 year old furnace. The obvious down side was that they did say that the power grid was separate and it still didn't work unless the aurora was present. Either way, I would have enjoyed the boiler mission more if Will were to have been required to relit the fires in order to heat the boilers to produce the steam. just would have made way more sense
  3. If Great Bear Island had seasons, this is what it might have looked like. pretty cool imho
  4. lol, that reminds me of a great christmas movie... Santa's Slay Santa Claus is actually a demon who lost a bet with an Angel, so he becomes the giver of toys and happiness. But when the bet is off, he returns to his evil ways. Best B-Movie ever!
  5. Yeah this one built tough as tank and you should see everything I did to him to kill him and he still wouldn't go down. I just posted a little video clip in the Wintermute forum that you may find kinda entertaining. I kept getting in his face to try to initiate the wolf struggle but didn't work.
  6. This just happened sorry, I didn't think of recording until after I had already put a couple of arrows in him...
  7. oh, yeah I bet that makes it a no go for the majority of the old maps. too bad
  8. he wont die and just keeps on eating not a big deal, but thought y'all might wanna know
  9. well considering that they can do it now, I'd suspect that it still could be done on the old maps. Might not make any sense for them to do so if it's a lengthy and expensive process updating all the old code, but I sure hope that it is something they address before this game comes to conclusion!
  10. I didn't notice this little dramatic improvement, but I was just overjoyed to be able to look out of and into windows on some buildings! I don't know what kinda magic they used but it's outstanding imho. I've been camping in the guard barracks and so far the convicts have not noticed the abundance of loot I have accumulated! I didn't even know you could look inside thru the windows until I left a lamp burning one night as I slipped outside to go use the burn barrel. Here's a little peek-a-boo for you I love how the light reflects off the frozen windscreen of the prison truck Yup, yup, yup... just go up those stairs to get on the catwalk Looks very inviting inside sure wish I could scrap the snow off the ledge, would be so much easier to see inside ohhh, fresh bedding! sleeping with a gun on the nightstand fuel and flares boots and bags ready and waiting view to the pantry food glorious food! If I had one wish, it would be that all the windows in all the buildings on the island are updated to work like this. Probably a massive undertaking, so I'll keep my expectations low,
  11. I had the same reaction when I saw the burning oil lamps! yeah, Will should have had to fire the boilers in order to produce the steam. They said the steam tunnels were over 100 years old and I thought to myself how could they still be burning without being maintained? definitely a continuity breakdown in the story line if you ask me. That's why it kinda made sense when @camel suggested geothermal steam activity. But then if that's the case we would have had other evidence of hotsprings elsewhere on the island, I would presume. I always thought that HRV should have had hotsprings in it given all those constantly flowing waterfalls and such.
  12. After I completed the story, I went back to a save point before I actually brought the detonators back to the prison. I've been playing a survival type game and really taking my time to scout the map and check out all the details that I glossed over while playing the story line. I really hope this area makes it into survival mode soon!
  13. hmmm... ok, plausible. did they actually say that in the game and I missed it?
  14. Ok, so the steam used to power the old mechanical doors to the solitary cell block? what powered the boilers to produce the steam?
  15. Spoilers . . . I've died more and so many different ways than ever before! Wolf attacks were constant and never ending, but after my first few deaths by mauling, I found my first firearm and luckily I have a good aim and subsequently left a trail of bodies littering the country side. what I wasn't prepared for was death by toxic mine gas, followed by death by smoke inhalation. soon thereafter I was killed by gunshot wounds and finally burned to death oh, I nearly forgot... I was mauled to death by a bear too. did I mention, I got stomped by a moose? in the doorway of the cabin no less. It was one helluva ride and definitely worth waiting for! I sure hope we get this new area as a region soon in survival mode!
  16. Been having some fun tromping thru the episode's map and was excited to find the lakeside cabin that seemed a lot like the mountaineer's hut, sans the door. Seem like maybe they can fix it before it's added to survival mode as a region considering it still wants to be opened? I also found a few levitating items, which I ended up grabbing before thinking about taking a screenshot... sorry, but feel free to post any anomalies you might find!
  17. Spoilers . . . Wow, gotta say that I am enjoying Episode 4 immensely! Got a crazy mix of wolves going on and no disappointment in the new area. I'm almost aimlessly running thru the wilderness taking in all the sights and gleefully looting anything I can find. Sure wish I was wearing my old clothes from the last game, I'm freezing my nuts off... Great job!
  18. I just downloaded on Steam and am getting an TLD.exe error and the game refuses to launch... update - followed Steam instructions and restarted PC now getting loading screen, but game freezes looks interesting though...
  19. I agree with @Andy_K and his advice in that judgement is often the fatal flaw in surviving in Stalker mode. Leaving your base with less than optimal health is indeed risky and often when coupled with multiple wolf encounters proves to be fatal. Try traveling and exploring carrying the least amount of gear possible. Being able to sprint and increase the distance between you and the wolves can sometimes be the difference between success and failure. Mystery Lake is an excellent place to start a new run, especially considering the volume of resources that you can easily find in the surrounding areas. Best advice is to avoid carrying any meat or fish whenever possible so as to give the local wolf patrols the lowest opportunity to "smell" you which in turn improves your survivability. There's also the possibility of locating the randomly spawning prepper's cache which can help boost both your morale and of course your inventory. Stay to the high ground when possible and this also will help to minimize your exposure to predators. The dam is an excellent place to loot and gear up initially, considering you can definitely find clothing, food, tools and possibly weapons like the revolver and rifle as well.