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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. If you haven't visited the time capsule and played some of the older versions, you're truly missing out on a really unique experience. Some of the lighting aspects are so much different now comparatively. Plus if you wanna see a space completely clutter free, you should check it out. Clean and spartan. I'd still sweep my floors even if I lived in a post apocalyptic wasteland, lol. Although, I do love all the progress the game has made, some things did change for the worse imho.
  2. “Tonight I will suck the marrow from your bones!” “I will dry them and work them most cunningly into instruments of music! Whenever I play upon them, your spirit will writhe in bodiless agony!” “You burn prettily,” I said.” ― Roger Zelazny, The Guns of Avalon
  3. @Leeanda , Well it's a good thing then that you can find condensed milk and sardines on GBI which just happen to be decent sources of calcium! Not to mention but most crackers also contain significant amounts of calcium and some brands are fortified as well. I think one of the Dev's is/was dating a nutritionist!
  4. That's me in the corner That's me on the pot-light Losing my religion
  5. @Sus-wolf, I'm right there with on crafting, eh? Love watching alone and the creative bushcraft ways they improvise to "survive." Considering that we have access to a forage, workshops and workbenches and high quality tools, I'd love to be able to Build my own cabin in TLD! Maybe someday!
  6. Right?!? Those are actual in game elements from bygone days. Not sure if they still appear in story mode, but they do dated back to the early release days. Never were useable but definitely added a unique decorative element. I imagine that chopping wood would be considerably quicker!
  7. it appears that who ever worked here last apparently got pretty pissed about his job...
  8. Actually, the survivor has lots of food options that would more than adequately provided the required vitamins, minerals and fat content necessary to sustain human life for the long haul. Considering the amount of salvageable food stuffs on the island and access to fresh meat and fish, life could be sustained for an indefinite period all things considered. Vitamin C is prevalent in Rose Hibs and the Reishi mushroom packs a walloping amount of Vitamin D as well. Considering that the weather isn't always blizzarding the amount of sunlight available to the survivor also provides sufficient exposure to help the body to synthesize it's own Vitamin D. The visceral fat on both the bear and the moose are also packed with nutrients providing our survivor with more than adequate amounts of both calories and vitamin D. Not to mention omega 3 fats and acids from the multitude of fish that our survivor can catch in order to supplement their dietary requirements. Canned goods like peaches also provide a ton of vitamins, not just C but also vitamin E which is essential for healthy vision and also acts as an antioxidant reducing negative environmental effects. Canned beans for example besides being high in fiber also provide Iron and Magnesium, both essential nutrients for optimal health. Tomato soup although low in overall caloric content is high in potassium and vitamins C, K, and A. It also provides a great deal of lycopene, the compound responsible for most of the health benefits of tomatoes. Peanut butter also provides salt and oils to further augment our survivors dietary options. Another not so well known fact is that the inner bark of birch trees is edible, making it an important survival food. You can actually cut the bark into strips and boil like noodles to add to soups and stews or simply eat it raw. However, in game besides being used as a fire starter, it does make a very potent and powerful pain reliver as a tea while also providing caloric content. Not even gonna bother with talking about what the soda pop, beef jerky and canned sardines bring to the table, besides saying there's plenty of sugar, salt and fatty oils to further bolster our survivors dietary necessities. Yeah, so if you were just gonna try to survive on a diet of rabbit meat alone, you wouldn't last nearly so long.
  9. Damn, player! you are a bear killing machine! on a side note, what's the decay rate like when you stash them for a long time. the warmth bonus of a bearskin bedroll is definitely a big bonus but does to tend to drop as the condition does. so how often do you have to do repair your stashed items?
  10. either way, congrats on the milestone!
  11. Yeah PV is kinda spread out to be herding for sure. Works so much better on Coastal Highway out on the ice. In PV you might want to try saturation trapping by the barn area and put up literally a dozen or more snares. They will reap bountiful harvests each and every morning and you'll spend most of the day butchering them. As to hunting the deer, perhaps try a flanking approach. Work your way back down to the tree line and just wait there in crouched mode. Even if you spook some deer initially, they typically work their way back towards their original positions at which point you can take your shot. So long as you've got good clothing and the weather is decent you can remain crouched for a long time, basically hiding in plain sight. I know you prefer Pilgrim mode and this time but have you considered moving up a level to Voyager mode? Yes the predators do become a bit more aggressive but if you avoid carrying meat when out hunting or exploring you can really minimize their threat based on scent detection. About the only time they really hone in on you is when they are within that immediate visual range and you are standing. The wolf struggles can be burdensome at times but usually survivable and mostly with minimal damage. Plus you can stab those wolves with the knife which often results in them running away and bleeding out. That's a win in my book!
  12. Try crouching as you approach your prey. Even on Pilgrim mode when your crouched, you are very stealthy. Often the animals won't notice you until they are practically upon you. If you haven't achieved level 5 with the bow yet, it's when you stand up that the animals will react to your presence most assuredly so be prepared to stand and draw and fire the bow in rapid order. Not so much a problem if your armed with either the revolver or the rifle and fire from a crouched position. And yes, it is actually a bit more difficult to be a proficient hunter on Pilgrim because the wild life does run away. You might also want to try "herding" where you intentionally spook a deer or rabbit to bolt, hopefully in the direction of a nearby wolf. If it goes well, the wolf will immediately switch into pursuit mode and hunt down the deer or rabbit. I usually sprint after the deer for short distances but not enough to drain my stamina. Once I get within a decent bow range, I crouch and with weapon ready I close the distance. You'll notice when the wolf notices you, at that point don't waste any time, take your shot as best you can. If you strike true you end with a two for one. If not then at least you can harvest what remains of the carcass! Good Luck!
  13. yeah okay, but i still only climb the rope once...
  14. I think you missed the point entirely... It's not about storage, it's about facilitating the movement of materials while minimizing the rope climbing requirement. Using the rock storage containers, a player can load up to 60 kilos of gear climb the rope carrying an additional 30 kilos of gear, in essence being able to transport 90 kilos of gear with a single rope climb. Your saying you'd rather do three rope climbs and the subsequent obstacle course 3 times in order to achieve the same results?
  15. Outstanding! 2100 days! that's like 5 1/2 years on the island! Do you recall how long ago when you started this campaign?
  16. In need of fresh ammo, I've made my way back to Bleak Inlet and the cannery. Found this poor soul in his permanent resting state nestled against an empty coal bin. Upon examination he wasn't carrying anything beside the clothes he wore. Considering his proximity to immediate shelter, I'd venture to guess that he sat down here out of sheer exhaustion, either during a blizzard or during the darkest of nights. Probably night time and a blizzard in retrospect. Considering he was just a few meters from either a car, a trailer or even the kitchenette around the backside of the dock from this location. he was so close too...
  17. well thanks for sharing it then. If you scroll up a bit, you can see the pic I posted as soon as I built my rock cairn on the steps. I can know store 30 kilos of gear, climb the rope up nearly fully encumbered and then retrieve my loot from storage bringing me to almost 70kilos of gear. Of course I can't walk up the stairs carrying that much loot so I gotta make two trips, lol! Either way this is a great idea and very practical solution! So after I built one on the upper steps, I wondered if I could actually build one on the wreckage of the bottom stairs, so I went out and collected enough stones while dodging wolves and bad weather! When I finally got back to the cannery, after numerous attempts and furious clicking, I was able to finally build another rock cairn on the extreme tip of the broken stairs. I didn't think that it would work, but I was able to "crawl" over the cairn on the top part of the stairs and in crouch mode was just barely able to reach the one on the bottom step! But reach it I did! 😁 I mean just barely... I actually fell off a couple of times but kinda figured out how to hug the walls so I could now reach the bottom cache as well. I know have 60 kilos of storage I can utilize in addition to what I am able to carry to fully out fit the cannery for long term occupancy! view from the upper platform View from standing on upper rock cache, kinda feels like maybe I got one foot on that broken piece of railing right there... opening the rock cache from above! opening the upper stair rock cache , whew if only wolves could jump, I feel my backside totally exposed and hanging off the edge! It took a little mouse jiggling to make my way back up the stairs but it was a piece of cake as soon as I stood up! think this is a brilliant solution to @Sus-wolf situation and the continuing tedious rope climb/parkour course dilemma in general.
  18. Yes, perhaps if there is going to be a TLD II then maybe it might have more survival mechanics in place than the current version. I always envisioned using one of the fishing huts with a door on it to act as sort of a walk in smoker. All the resources are already present in game so creating something new from scratch wouldn't be necessary. Imagine you string "line", made from cured gut, across the inside of the of the shack. There you drape the meat over the line and make a long burning fire in the potbelly stove. On the stove you put a pot and in the pot your place your smoking materials. Lets just say that birch bark in this case is used to smoke the meat for arguments sake since that would not require the Devs to have to create another item in game which of course is where most of their work would come from. the process would take 3 or more days and during that time the player would have to keep the fire burning and regularly stock up the cooking pot with bark in order to keep producing enough smoke to cure the meats. The player wouldn't be able to stay inside the shack, so other accommodations would have to be made and of course the delicious scent of curing smoked meat would draw all the predators in the area to the shacks location presenting the player with additional challenges in order to survive. In terms of additional difficulty I'd propose limiting the shack capacity to approx. 10 kilos, which of course would make preserving a moose or bear a very long term prospect as it would probably take weeks in game time to accomplish that!
  19. lol, you wouldn't be the first person to suggest dried meat or fish as a preservation tool for long term survival. I've posted the same request here on the wishlist myself on more than one occasion. But in terms of long term food storage, they game already allows for cooked/raw meat to be stored outside, either in a container or not and it has incredible shelf life so to speak. You can even still cook "ruined" meat at bring it back up to 50% and store it outside for an additional long time before it goes bad. Even then you still eat it and sometimes you might even avoid food poisoning which of course is a bonus if you do! although I would love to see some new content introduced, inspired by the community wish lists, I'd rather have them working on Episodes 4 & 5, wouldn't you agree?
  20. I'm gonna have to agree with @Sito here and remark that it probably is a Steam error in that your saved game stats probably didn't sync up and then subsequent updates overwrote certain achievements. I know it's a pain, but I've been playing since 2015 myself and this has also happened to me more than once. The biggest thing I would lament is if certain badges, like 4 Days of Night, Escape the Dark Walker and Winter's Embrace were missing. No way could you recreate those. But at least with achievements, those at least can be "re-achieved" just by playing the game anyways. Like you said, "no biggie" but definitely a pain non the less. At any rate, glad to see a familiar name back on the forums! Hope your doing well
  21. You can do that. Depending on whether or not your carrying a bedroll, the rest function will give you a slight increase in resting temperature depending on the condition of your bedroll. without a bed roll, at best you will get +3 degrees C warmth bonus from resting in a car. Standard bedroll in near perfect condtion up to +5 warmth bonus and if you're carrying a bearskin bedroll up to +12 warmth bonus. if you really wanna max out the warmth, make a fire on the hood of the car, weather permitting and you can turn the inside into a luxurious dry heat sauna! obviously doesn't work in blizzard or high wind conditions, alas.
  22. @Zaknafein Freaking Outstanding! However so impractical as to be almost useless. But as proof of concept, well done, indeed!
  23. I think you might have misunderstood? no, we're not talking about jumping up the stairs, but building a rock cairn on the steps. The cairn can then be filled with upto 30 kilo of goods which you can fill up thereby lessening the load you are carrying. Since your now restricted from carrying excess weight, you can climb the rope and once your run the parkour gauntlet you can retrieve you stashed goods from the top of the stairs and walk back to the cannery now extremely over encumbered.