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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. @Stinky socks lol, the mod for the cannery workshop does work in that you can just walk across one of the broken gaps but it is the most horrible looking piece of work you can imagine. imagine a shitty 2D version of a minecraft square block(s) just meshed into the space so you can walk over it. it looks so rank amateur, its like a purple pixelated square. A few in game planks would have done the trick and stayed true to the lore but that mod doesn't even try! but it works so you can walk over it...
  2. you're half there to a new bearskin coat! and you got a freezer full of meat to boot! good thing its all so close to shelter, right?
  3. hmm, hadn't thought about using spray paint. lemme see how I can maybe incorporate that sometime!
  4. Hey, where you going Mr. Wolf? I'm looking for the man that shot my paw!
  5. not sure how I want to caption this.... a. how long you been standing there? b. you know its time to do laundry when your clothes stand up by themselves! c. hi honey, I'm home!
  6. just in case you haven't located the heavy hammer yet... I typically find it sitting on the base of the pegboard racks on either side of the "doorway" directly across from the fire barrel. sometimes, it is nestled behind one of the upright pallets, easy to over look even when carrying a torch. I've also discovered it in the tool chest right located in the transition mine right as you enter DP. on a few rare occasions I have found it near the boiler in the Ryken. good luck in your search and happy forging! ⚒️
  7. Dooms Deaths Carried on winds from mountains Beyond the sea are fallen empires of oblivion Deaths Dooms Are falling upon soon-haunted civilizations Crumbling and crippled Leperous incarnations of what once had been Enter the night-haunted realms of antiquity Let this beasts still form be warning! I am Master of this Realm Bow Down, Bow Down Or I will eat your soul as I suck the marrow from your bones
  8. Of course there a literally tons of games with "better" graphics than what you find with TLD, but if you recall each panel is/was a hand painted overlay. Something akin to artistry and no photoreal CGI graphics. You don't get the same rich and colorful feeling with CGI action games as you do with TLD. For action shooter games and the like I do enjoy a "photo realistic image" as much as the next guy but it kinda sounds like your poo pooing the game.
  9. that took a little bit of doing to be honest. it's a bit of trial and error to find the appropriate angle where it looks like somebody just tossed them into a crate. The bow has actually harder to get into the crate and standing upright. took me the better part of an entire day in game time and earned me cabin fever warning!
  10. Are you referring to this one? if so, it is designated as riflehuntinglodge I never use it other than for decoration.
  11. It was another beautiful morning at Crystal Lake and the fishing was good. Seems the smell of freshly fried fish filled the morning air and fangboi here and his crew decided they wanted in on the bounty. The struggle was brief and he did get a little nip in on my ass as I was drawing my weapon. I managed to club him soundly and while he wobbled for a brief moment I finally cleared my revolver and put three rounds in his ass, dropping him closely nearby. After tending to my wounds I quickly quartered his carcass and headed back to the cabin... Here's my outdoor butchering station. Conveniently located outside the Mountaineer's Hut. I ended up carving up a few wolf steaks and saved a bag to go along with the moose quarters I was saving. Dinner tonight is gonna be freshly grilled wolf kabobs paired with a nice grape soda!
  12. I do believe the only limitation is file size. If memory serves, max file size is limited to 500Mb. The F10 should give you max resolution without the UI being displayed. You may want to post your query on the Technical Support thread here in the forums. Also you could ask the same question in the How To Play thread. You might find you will get more responses that way. good luck and please post some more pics when you get a chance!
  13. Nicely done! They have such clarity and detail. especially love the workbench. looks like something that Hinterland themselves would use for a trailer. Looking forward to more of your "work."
  14. work in progress... that took almost 50 pieces of hardwood... axes need sharpening and my arms are tired!
  15. Used to ride bikes in the snow all the time during the winter when I lived in Germany. Wasn't so bad if you had big fat tires. They actually have studded tires for bicycles too! We used to go camping all the time in the Bavarian Alps. Kinda looked like this... Here's how the Lumberjacks in Canada do it, eh?
  16. Foreman's Retreat Ash Canyon doth lie yonder ye sleeping bear of lore! dare ye to lighth a fire on his sleeping form? the consequence...
  17. Why is the lone Wolf attracted to the Moon? Howling towards it as if it’s singing it a tune By day the Wolf is focused with senses that are true But at night he can’t move being distracted by his view What does he see in it, Can it be that he’s confused? Even though it never changes the wolf is loyal to the moon Can it be the Moon’s beauty that has the Wolf consumed That he has to howl complements of this beauty towards the moon This is not hard to believe but yet something safe to assume For it’s the very same way your beauty has attracted me to you With my lone heart howling every night wanting to be with you Ezekiel Valdez
  18. and the best part was all the floors inside were free of clutter and unmoveable debris. I dont know what it is about post apocalyptic games in general, but doesn't anyone clean up or sweep up their living space? I never chop up the brooms or the metal buckets for that very reason. I just know that someday I am going to be sweeping and maybe even washing a window or two!
  19. playing old school maps... Looks like I made it thru another nite... When this house used to be the best one on the block! you could step out onto the porch and be completely safe from fluffy and his cousins! Nowadays it's just a burnt out pile of rubble. Too bad The old gas station used to be just another garage. Look at all the tool storage in the old garage. I remember using the tool chest on the left as my primary storage chest. I had it loaded up with all sorts of gear until one day there was an update and DP was introduced causing all my hard work to disappear and I was left with nothing... arghhhh
  20. Playing in the time capsule... All the windows were intact back in the day. Wonder which update brought the quake on that broke these windows? The wolves leave presents for me almost every day! Oh shit, this doesn't look good! nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide... nice doggy.... Blizzard at high noon...