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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. @meuh, although entertaining, setting the Book of Eli trailer to The Long Dark's musical score isn't a wish now is it? You'd probably get more traction if you posted the video in the Fan Fiction section. So what's your wish exactly? you're all over the board. You only get one wish, what's it gonna be?
  2. yeah, that would be nice wouldn't it? after you consume the pharmaceuticals you find left behind, the only thing you have to rely on would be homeopathic remedies. I guess birch bark is the one thing that you get to harvest multiple times as it's the only "medicinal" item that respawns after it's been harvested. Good for aches and pains, but won't do diddly squat for food poisoning or dysentery.
  3. wow, that almost looks like real photographic quality? 4K resolution?
  4. I am doing the exact same thing. I've played the story right back to the point of bringing the detonators back and otherwise have just been playing the map as if I were in the survival sandbox. Only thing is lack of saplings to make more arrows and of course the snow shelter is disabled making camping out a bit more challenging as well. It sure is easy though running from the prison thru the steam tunnels all the way to the power station without having to worry about getting burned! A few things I would like to see if and when BlackRock is opened as a new region is to put the technical backpack somewhere in the gold mine as well as adding a machine shop to the prison so I can reload and sharpen my tools without having to go all the way to the cannery. You'd expect that the prison would have some such department considering you can't just call the repair guy when something in a 100 year old facility like that breaks.
  5. wow, how much stuff do you go thru? so since it's only one wish, what's it gonna be? Natural resources or metal minerals? If it were me, I'd go with resources. Considering you will eventually deplete all your arrows and bows, rosehips and reishi mushrooms long before you can possible use up all the potential metal objects that you can convert into useable scrap metal. I once scrapped every metal shelf, pail, chair etc in the Carter dam and ended up with literally hundreds of kilos of scrap metal. It was ridiculous how much scrap metal I had collected. I ended up repairing every lantern, cooking pot, flashlight and tool set that I could get my hands on and it hardly made a dent in my scrap metal supply!
  6. yeah, I've noticed that too. It seems to be a lot more difficult now to place the rifle in a leaning position and I've given up on being able to "prop" up the bow in a corner as I used to be able to do. Maybe @Sitois right that adjustment have been made to the object placement system. Too bad, though as it still doesn't seem to be much of an improvement if they did. It's only marginally better in that case then, making me wish they hadn't touched it all if they did.
  7. @ajb1978, two equally compelling wishes! Although I love the idea of being able to craft clothing using combinations of pelts and hides, I am intrigued by a good end game scenario. I once was able to nearly make it to the mainland when this happened...
  8. wow, that is some fuel supply you got there! yeah, items like jerry cans, lamp fuel oil bottles and accelerants always tend to allow me to place them very closely together on the first try. I'd just like to see some vertical stacking in the future. Imagine being able to stack wood into a pile or placing cans of peaches on top of each other.
  9. piddy3825


    yes, I know... Will is the best boy scout there ever was. Ok, but wouldn't it have been an excellent plot twist on behalf of Hinterland to allow a player to deviate from the script a little and try their hand at freeing the warden and regaining the case. Imagine the story line plot twist if Will were to have been able to take out a couple of the convicts and then they decided to rush out chase him down. He leads them in a circuitous route, a goose chase as you will and using his guile and cunning leads his pursuers into an area were the roving wolves slowly pick off the convicts one by one. And if by some reason, you the player, fails in freeing the warden and are killed, you just restart, back in the guard shack on the last checkpoint auto save, allowing for either playing the scripted scenario or once again trying to be the unsung hero. They did put a curse filter into the game for those who object to jailhouse language, so a no kill the bad guys filter would have probably been necessary as well. Oh well, it was never in the cards in the first place. But I for one would have loved to put a round in Mathis forehead, just a little payback for knocking me out all those times.
  10. I'm not sure the dev team made any actual changes. I think it just seems that way. Most of the time, for me at least, the placement mechanic won't allow for close placement of items. Try as I might, energy bars for example tend to not place easily for me without having a noticeable space between bars. Later on however, after I have saved and exited the game, I come back and am able to reposition the bars practically next to each other. same goes for canned goods. I typically don't have any issues placing bags of chips or beef jerky closely together. If there is one thing that I'd really like to see fixed or improved, would be the ability to stack items and put things on the top shelf. Since you're making your base in the Quonset Garage, you'll know what I'm talking about. All those shelves and no way to display!
  11. gonna have to check out his work. why is it we never hear about some people until they are gone?
  12. Well said, indeed! I just completed my second play through and was constantly surprised at the details I missed my first time thru. It began to dawn on me on how absolutely challenging it must have been for the Hinterland team to deliver this fantastic addition to the story, especially under the circumstances of global pandemic. The sheer magnitude of the project was really brought to light when I sat thru and watched the credits roll from the beginning to the end. So many people involved from all around the world! To me it is and was a tremendous eye-opener as to how Raphael and his team were able to coordinate with so many contacts around the globe, during a global health crisis none the less and still deliver such an excellent story addition to the game. as you said @Sherri, "...absolutely, unequivocally worth the wait."
  13. piddy3825


    I think it's time Molly made an appearance and started cleaning up the place... oh, that would be a great spinoff game, eh?
  14. yeah okay, didn't know that it was a "thing." Party on, Garth
  15. piddy3825


    Right? Considering I'm now armed with a bow and arrows, a rifle and a revolver? I should be able to hunker down in the bus and take random pot shots at each of the cons as they open the door. Especially the guy that was waiting outside by the burn barrel. Should have been able to shoot him dead before stepping on the steps and initiating the cut scene. A little payback for all those people they murdered execution style outside of the gate...
  16. Yeah, I wasn't expecting that either but I guess that was probably one of the limitations in keeping the rest of world open like that? Either way, pretty darn cool!
  17. RIP Sloth! Well, good to know it was makeup and not some horrible birth defect. There was a time in cinema where they actually hired people with extreme disabilities and disfigurements that they found in circus side shows to act in their movies. The 1932 Horror movie "Freaks" was one such production. I suppose that the guy who designed the demon general's makeup probably was equally impressed with Sloth's appearance in Goonies and modeled his demon general's visage out of respect for Sloth's character. The visual still sticks to me this day.
  18. I suspect that @Cr41g is talking about "meta gaming."
  19. Yeah, I'd like to see how all those roadways were once connected. First off, where on the island is the dock located for either a ferry boat or prison transport ship? Obviously they transported the prisoners by bus that were being sent to the prison. The crashed bus in Milton carried the last of the prisoners being sent to BlackRock, at least that's what I came away with if I was following the story correctly. There is sign pointing to "Milton" just before you find the overturned semi-trailer blocking the bridge, did that bridge and roadway lead to the now collapsed tunnel where we find the crashed prison transport bus? I'm inclined to think it does. Considering your idea that Ash Canyon is in close proximity to BlackRock, then how do you explain that there are no roads or even any vehicles at all in Ash Canyon. In fact, the only way in or out of Ash Canyon is thru Timberwolf Mountain and there don't seem to be any bridges or other ways into the area beside flying in. How the miners got all that mining equipment, like ore carts and track into the area perplex me as well. But it is possible that convicts were used to provide the labor pool that was needed to transport tools and materials. (imagine convicts in chain gangs singing) 🎶Ooh, aah, ooh, aah Ooh, aah, ooh, aah (Well, don't you know) That's the sound of the men Working on the chain gang🎶 I do agree that Winding River somehow does connect the areas together. There has got to be another path, yet undiscovered that ties the areas together. Based on @Istvan82map that he posted above, there seems to be an awful large bit of territory yet undiscovered. So looking forward to seeing what we end up with once Survival mode is updated!
  20. yeah, seems like they are now tagging anything that involves a post regarding Episode 4 with the "Spoiler" label.
  21. No worries, mate! your command of English is very good, indeed! I am envious of your multilingual abilities. Otherwise I would have to rely on Google Translate... and you probably know how inaccurate that can be at times. btw, don't ever apologize for being new, curious or for the difficulty of the level of your gameplay. It's your game, play how you want to play! Game On!!!
  22. I'm Naked!!!! I'm Butt Naked!!! @Azdrawee, best quote line ever! ..."In traditional malicious compliance, every time I went to the prison after that, I went there completely butt naked." oh, how I needed a little levity in my morning today. It just reminded me of all the stuff they took off me the first time I walked back in the prison after having geared up and recovered the medical supplies. I learned too well after that and subsequently stored everything I owned in the locker in the guard shack. I entered prison only wearing a ragged pair of socks and an old tee shirt. Eat a satchel of richards, Mathis...