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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. It's only creepy when you go up there in semi-darkness during an aurora and the green light is streaming in the windows, then you notice the bear's eyes are glowing with a weird yellow light... and then you hear a voice saying, “Blood is really warm, it’s like drinking hot chocolate but with more screaming.”
  2. that is sad. poor teddy sitting alone, dead and forgotten. Toys only come to life when they are loved and played with, their life force fueled by the love and imagination that only a child can have for their toys. I wish Teddy were a static object so that I could pick him up and save him from an eternity of loneliness in an abandoned old house on an abandoned old island.
  3. @Lohaan Thanks, I too thought your moonscape shot to be outstanding! Great eye for the natural beauty of the game. For me there is something about using flares and lanterns for lighting. I didn't even know you could see the tail section of the plane thru the window of the mountaineer's hut until someone pointed it out to me. Glad you liked it.
  4. I find that the best thing to practice your archery skills is to use the carcass of one of your recent kills... You can practice either close precision shots or long distance ranged shots. Either way, you are rewarded with a satisfying "thunk" sound and sometimes you even get a blood spray effect!
  5. just be aware that Hinterlands F10 screenshot key does not capture some screen images, like if you open a container for example and hold the item, if you try F10 screenshot, you just get a blurry background picture. or if you do want the writing in the background, say you get an achievement or earn a badge and it flashes on screen, F10 wont pick that up. In cases like that, using Steam's all inclusive F12 key comes in really handy. Especially when you want a screenshot of everything that you are looking at on your monitor.
  6. I'm with @andy1985 on this one. Looks like your arrow severed his spinal cord and that instantly dropped him. Even if he was not dead yet but he sure as heck wasn't going anywhere! Nice shot, indeed!
  7. Apparently if you are not able to place items closely together, you can put them down in proximity, save and exit the game. then when you relaunch the game you are able to pick those items up and move them closer together. I've found this happens often to me with items like antibiotic bottles, pain killer bottles and some canned goods as well. doesn't seem to happen with bags of crisps or beef jerky and mre's. anyways, we were just discussing possible updates on the object placement system in another thread just the other day and are waiting for any possible details when the release notes are published. there was recent posting by the admin team but I didn't see anything being mentioned about enhancing the object handling mechanics.
  8. yeah, Steam is F12 but not necessarily high resolution and actually captures whatever is on your screen, including HUD details. F10 is Hinterlands high res photo key and it does not capture any HUD details.
  9. Ah, yes, anomalies indeed! I guess John Milton said it best in Paradise Lost, that it is better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven. That's probably why Mathis's ambitions beyond breaking his son out of solitary didn't go any further than they did. I like a good story, but sometimes the apparent lack of continuity makes it a stretch, but I understand that it's just a game. That being said, a good story is easy to follow, but in this case it has many "hmmm" moments that don't always make sense. If I were a brand new player to TLD and had just purchased the game and started by playing the campaigns for the first time in succession, I'd have a hard time following the time line of some events as they relate to story line. Like "...does the event occur before or after the prisoner bus gets caught in the landslide in Milton? Is the event the cause of the landslide that ends up blocking the bus?" Ultimately we have three stories being intertwined, one being the story of a community of people who are affected by a mysterious disease or plague needing medical assistance, secondly a strange an unexplained phenomena that has caused all electrical devices to quite working and thirdly a story about a deranged criminal trying to break his psychopathic son out of a prison. Weaving all this subplots together is what makes a good story. Making them fit together is the "art" of telling a good story. Of course there are plenty of subplots to keep the interest up, like the Forest Talkers for example, but now I'm really curious about the event phenomena and how Jace and her academic advisor, Atwood all tie into the story line.
  10. lol, how right you are! but until you get to the end, you don't know the story is actually over. Didn't Jace say there was an observatory or something, maybe just maybe I was going to have to save us both. So much easier to do when you are wearing more than a pair of tattered socks and a worn tee-shirt...
  11. but didn't Hobbs say in Episode 3 that he was being sent there? I'm not saying it's unreasonable to have a prison there, I was just thinking it's unlikely that they would continue to send prisoners there considering that most of the islands roadway and supply lines to the island are in shambles or nonexistent. off topic, did you ever see the movie No Escape? It's about a prison island, convicts are taken there by helicopter. No way off the island and the convicts who have been sent there are left to their own devices as to how they will survive. Pretty entertaining.
  12. Ok, so if you've been playing TLD for a while, we know a few things about Great Bear Island and it's History. First, let me apologize in advance if I ramble too much, it's just that I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around some of things going on... Ok, so now we know that GBI is also the home of a hundred year old prison housing some of the most heinous criminals in the land. So if GBI had been so severely plagued by the economic collapse and nearly everyone had already previously left, then why were prisoners still being sent to the island? I find it unfathomable that the authorities on the mainland would be able to maintain a prison complex with food, medical supplies, fuel and personnel considering that earthquakes and landslides that have taken their toll on the islands infrastructure prior to the "electromagnetic event" are making it practically impossible to travel around the island using the roads. How was the prison system able to continue operations considering the majority of bridges and roadway tunnels have either collapsed or are blocked by the debris from landslides? So, in the story then, does the event occur before or after the prisoner bus gets caught in the landslide in Milton? Is the event the cause of the landslide that ends up blocking the bus? Why do we not find any dead guards in Milton? Was Mathis and his crew on that bus? When did the riot take place at BlackRock? Did the prisoners get out when power went out during the event? There's like 7 guard towers with skilled marksman, right? Wouldn't there have been armed guards in the various lookout towers at all times? why aren't there a bunch of dead convicts in the yard? If the prison was understaffed, why would they be sending a bus load of convicts? I have so many questions now, I'm having a hard time trying to articulate them all. Maybe somebody can shed some light? I'd appreciate reading your responses and maybe if you have a question or two, you can ask yours and maybe get an answer or two. If I were to pickup the game for the first time and just start playing the story line for the first time, I would have so many questions... I still do...
  13. I did that too a couple of times to see what "they" would take and it basically takes everything except one shirt, one socks, one pants, one underwear and your boots. you've get to keep the bare minimum. those sticks make good handles for a prison shank...
  14. That's actually a pretty darn good idea. As I recall, it was the communities constant nagging about the tedious slogs which is why auto walk was finally implemented. I second this motion! You should probably repost this idea on the wish list, I'd give it an upvote! It's brilliant!
  15. yeah, I stored mine in the tool box by the crafting bench and after dodging the search lights, took my sweet time getting dressed and re-equipping myself. I was fairly disappointed after having bolted thru the steam tunnels and then battling Mathis that it didn't matter in the least when I had to watch Jace sit there and basically freeze to death. I was carrying tinder, sticks, a few pieces of coal and a couple of bottles of accelerant. arggghhh....
  16. yeah okay, now we are cooking with gas! you should have said that in the first place!
  17. Seems to me that fast travel seems to be popular with some players who most likely would prefer to avoid running into hostile wildlife while enroute. But wouldn't it be funny if Hinterland did put a fast travel feature in the game, however, your condition would be affected by all the variables that you would have been exposed to had you walked from one location to another. So you end up fast traveling from say the Gold Mine at Ash Canyon all the way to the Quonset Garage on Coastal Highway, but your dead on arrival, from hypothermia, lack of sleep, starvation and dehydration and of course broken ribs from the moose attack, oh and did I mention you've sprained both ankles and both wrists. Your poor busted up corpse looks kinda like those skeletons they find in those space movies when space explorers hibernation pods malfunction on those long interplanetary space flights...
  18. @meuh, so what's stopping you? just because Hinterland isn't currently sanctioning modding, what is preventing you from modding the game? There are currently dozens of mods that have been created by very creative modders who have definitely brought some clever ideas to the game. Although modding TLD is currently not supported, Raphael has mentioned on more than one occasion that he would eventually be amenable to the idea. But the game just wouldn't be The Long Dark anymore if you took it out if its context and put it in a desert or tropical local. That's a whole different game, of which there are also plenty to choose from. Perhaps you should check out the game called Wasteland Survival, it's currently free to play on Steam...
  19. @Michael1986, looks like you might be onto something considering @Admin just made a rare appearance and commented on your thread. It makes perfect sense that each region coulda/woulda/shoulda have some unique item or items more or less that would make me want to go there in order to retrieve them. Otherwise, I'd be inclined just to stay in Coastal Highway for the majority of my game play with the occasional visit to DP just to use the forge. Between those two locations I can pretty much survive almost indefinitely.
  20. interesting idea... although it would have to be practically an antique with the old foot pedal to drive it. and when you get there the rubber band is broken... then you have to repair it using 20 pieces of cured gut! ahh, but then Hinterland would make it that in order to craft animal skin clothing you'd have to carry all your pelts across the island in order to use the sewing machine...