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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Nice shot! at first I thought it was a reflection on the glass, but then realized you were inside on the porch.
  2. First post and you pick one of my most favorite places to call home! Good eye, nothing better than a nice sunny day at the lighthouse! Nice Pic! btw, welcome to the forums, newbie!
  3. Thanks Sito! I recently completed the other ice cave system in HRV and it is amazing. Hopefully you time to check out the post, I took dozens more shots as the other one is hands down an impressive bit work. lemme know what you think!
  4. This is my Boom Stick!!! Pop, Drop and Chop Shop Smart, Shop S mart! I always liked a girl that could shoot. So did the next picture look like this?
  5. Yes you can, but honestly you really do need to "try" to fall. Next time you cross, pay attention to those areas on either side of the rope bridge that are missing a piece of rope. if you angle it just right, you can walk right off the swaying bridge and fall to your death. You ever see when people cross over an old rope bridge in the movies and how intense those scenes are? music pounding with a furious cadence designed to get your heartbeat racing? yeah, not the same in the game is it...
  6. @Blizzard Walker Big respect to the dedication in gameplay that a slow methodical approach brings a player in getting well established and really spending some time learning an area intimately. I hope you're taking every opportunity to get that Faithful Cartographer achievement! While waiting for the release of Episode 4, I thought I would challenge myself by launching a new Stalker game with the objective that I would stay on what ever map I randomly spawned on until I died. Solely surviving with what was available on that map. Not leaving for any reason. As luck would have it, I randomly spawned onto Desolation Point . I gave up at 284 days and abandoned the game. But not before I had finally and literally hacked and sawed up every metal shelf, table, pallet, every cardboard box and broke down every crate in the game. I tried to stay busy by fabricating at the forge and ended up with hundreds of arrow heads and dozens each of improvised axes and knifes. So, Hozz1235 raises a interesting question. Now that your moving into these new areas what is the overall condition on the items you find? I would assume the food products are all ruined. Clothing should mostly be salvageable. Heck given enough cloth you bring an item back from 1% condition to new if you want to. What kinda condition are the medical supplies in? I don't think bandages go bad, right? Anyways keep us posted on what you find when you finally get to Ash Canyon and Bleak Inlet. HRV is story all it's own. Finding anything there is a gift regardless of condition!
  7. Here's a little before and after for you! Was going thru some old screenshots and game across this pic where I had filled the back of the truck behind the Quonset Hut on CH with approximately 200 liters of water. Back in the day there wasn't any snow in the backs of trucks so I thought why not. I did boil all that water. Took me quite a long time to boil too, besides having to gather all that firewood as well. anyways, before game updates put snow in the back of vehicles a long time later, I fired up an old saved game and discovered that miraculously my trucks water bed survived. It kinda looks like I got home from the store and was too lazy to unload, then it started snowing... Pretty neat effect if you ask me! I probably won't be thirsty for a long while, eh?
  8. ya'll you still prattling on about this? You know we're all just playing a game, right, and in this game's universe the laws of real life don't apply. I was under the impression that this page was burned into everybody's brain by now? Keep it in the context of the game, bruh. Don't get hung up on the semantics or the pseudo science. Not body said the aurora was an emp. It's all gonna be okay. Some of us like the idea of a camera.
  9. It's pretty amazing what you see when you can break free. There are so many visual experiences in this game and honestly its a shame that more people can't enjoy this same level of gameplay. The majesty of design and art really are revealed when gazed upon from up high. Really the beauty of the game is magnified when you can float above the world and take it all in from a birds eye view.
  10. I agree with @Leeanda, I can honestly say I have never seen the wolf pack attack a bear before. Just curious, was the Timberwolf pack in attack mode or just roaming in patrol mode? That could be the difference in their behavior. If they were in attack mode frenzy, then I could see them tearing into the bear, otherwise it does sound like a glitchy situation. You may wanna post that as a bug report either way.
  11. curious, where did you find it and what difficulty level were you playing. I've traversed HRV fairly extensively in Stalker mode and Pilgrim and have never come across a broken rifle. I'm wondering if you go straight up, will you find a corpse up there? Guy slipped and fell and his rifle tumbled all the way to the bottom and broke on impact.
  12. yeah, there should be some consequences from strong wind. Since it actually slows your walking speed down, it should also push you around when it gusts, making walking over a rope bridge that is violently swaying in gusty winds potentially another way of dying if you were to fall off. At the very least, it should push you off course when you are walking along during a raging blizzard raising the chances that you become lost in the whiteout. oh well...
  13. Yes, indeed! You are absolutely correct that batteries are unaffected by EMP in real life. Please don't confuse context with ignorance. According to the laws governing the TLD game universe, items like the flashlight and the laptop computers don't work without being actively energized by an active aurora event. In that context, a battery powered camera would not work either or did you miss the part where I noted in my reply to ajb1978 " uncle pointed out that the battery was built into the film pack itself." I would think that statement should be easy to understand that I acknowledged that a polaroid camera needs batteries to operate. And that it wouldn't function unless there was an aurora. Especially in the TLD universe... So what are you trying to tell me exactly?
  14. @hozz1235 yeah killer whales can get fairly big, something like 30 ft long and 20,000 lbs, certainly not as big as the Riken but pretty damn big never the less. The waters in around Vancouver and the Seattle/Tacoma area, where I am from, is home to a dwindling population of Orca whales. They are on the states protected species list and despite their protected status, their numbers have dropped drastically over the last 10 to 20 years. Little known bit of Orca whale trivia: The gestation period for a pregnant Orca whale female is 15 to 18 months, nearly twice as long as a human child. We love our Orca! Images like this one depict some of the best of native renditions of the Orca. If I was gonna get a new tattoo, this is what I'd get!
  15. @ajb1978 I hadn't taken into consideration that the camera used batteries. But now in all seriousness, I would definitely like to see it added into the game! My grandma had a polaroid camera back in the 70's and I always wondered how they worked since there was no place in the camera to put batteries, until my uncle pointed out that the battery was built into the film pack itself. Crazy to think, that kinda set up was cutting edge technology 50 years ago. Anyways, it would make absolute sense that the camera wouldn't work unless there was an active aurora event, therefore taking a selfie with a glowing wolf/bear in the background would be all the rage. Just imagine how many new pics we'd see on the Post Your Screenshot page!
  16. yeah, if you're gonna find a camera, it's bound to be a Polaroid! Self developing film and all. Seems we are already finding polaroid pics in the game, might as well find a camera with a couple of packs of film in some dead hiker's backpack. Just think of all the selfies you could be taking with your furry friends watching you in the background...
  17. Thanks for the thumbs up, but the loading screen references those are all @hozz1235 you can imagine how many times he had to flip flop from one region to another to play all those messages. I'm sure he spent hours in his attempt to locate and showcase them all. I'm also glad to hear you perused @Andrey Grebenkovpost as well. I'm looking forward to further discussion about the story line. Maybe these discussions will influence the dev team on how they go about wrapping all these loose ends together in the final episode.
  18. @Valuable Hunting Knife, I believe you are referring to the loading screen references. If you wanna check those out in their entirety, see the post by @hozz1235 titled Blackrock "load screen messages" where he has showcased all the "vignettes" as you put it, in one comprehensive post. At any rate, those snippets answer some questions but also expose some big holes in the story line that coulda/woulda/shoulda been addressed. At least from my perspective it might have shed some light on what is going on in the background that lead us to where we are today in the game's story. There's another post by @Andrey Grebenkov in the Wintermute thread where he post's a fairly comprehensive critique. He raises some salient points regarding the story line imho and you may find what he writes to be interesting, if you'd like to take a look. I believe it's called My review on the 4th episode
  19. I love to read the comments from all the new players to have joined the forums! I feel your pain and share your frustrations. You should have seen what it was like when I first started playing. At least back then, the dev team listened to some of the many suggestions by the community to fix common problems and subsequently introduced many improvements and refinements to the game. If you wanna see the progress that has been made in the last 6 years, you oughta try playing the maps from the time capsule. I hate to say it, but I think the game has reached it's pinnacle and now the only other thing that will be forthcoming (besides adding BlackRock to survival mode,) will be the final chapter in the story when Episode 5 is finished and released. In the mean time, however, keep those ideas alive and continue to express your wishes for improvements in the game, for perhaps you'll see them realized after all. And, if not, then maybe some of those ideas will manifest themselves in TLD II...
  20. ha ha ha @ajb1978, funny you should mention that. It does look kinda like that realm in Half-Life. It's particularly more funny as I just purchase Black Mesa on Steam the other day. Been on wish list for a while now and the price was right! I'll tell Gordon you said "Hello" if I run into him!
  21. @Blizzard Walker so you have over 1200 days logged in Voyager mode but you haven't been to Forlorn Muskeg, Coastal Highway and Desolation Point, nor have you been to Ash Canyon??? That is absolutely incredible? My first question is what on earth are you doing in game to wrack up those many days and still have the such a large portion of the island to explore? I'm having a difficult time wrapping my brain bone around this revelation of yours and would love to hear more about how you spend time playing in the sandbox!
  22. Nyctophobia? That is a new one for me! I had to look it up to see what it was! anyways, sorry to hear that you're afraid of the dark. Lots of scary things in the dark that go "bump" in the night. That's why I have two big dogs and a loaded handgun under my pillow! Pity the fool that comes skulking around the house after dark...
  23. what makes me laugh, is we are still posting on a thread that started July 2020 and was only meant for Winter's Embrace! ha ha ha
  24. let me guess, bathroom in the PV farmhouse at the top of the stairs? am I right?