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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. what else are you gonna do with all those empty plastic water bottles? lol, talk about fire starters, eh? I actually could get behind this!
  2. Isn't it wild when you think you have seen everything and been everywhere that this game world has to offer? Especially when you've been playing for hundreds, possibly even for thousands of hours and you feel that you know you've found everything there is to find and seen everything there is to see! If I've said it once, then I said it a 100 times, I learn something new everytime I play! I'd been playing the Mountain Town map for months and the first time I ever got up there was when I noticed some crows flying circles overhead. I hadn't hunted for days so I knew I hadn't shot anything that got away. So I set out to find what the crows were so jealously guarding. It wasn't easy finding my way up there either as I recall but when I finally got up there and realized where I was, Boom, my head exploded with the realization!
  3. @ManicManiac, an interesting dilemma! I love the guantlets when I can find the early in game as they really provide excellent all around protection. But seeing how you regularly snare rabbits and have probably built up a massive surplus of rabbit pelts I'd go with rabbitskin mittens for their superior warmth and overal ease of maintenance. So much easier to carry around a couple of light weight pelts and cured gut than to dry to find cured leather or break down shoes in order to repair the guantlets. Same goes for the rabbitskin hat. best headwear in the game dontch'a think?
  4. His eyes were bloodshot and a red haze clouded his usually sharp and unobscured vision. Pain radiated down his shoulder where the bullet from the rifle had struck him... Tired, hungry and full of rage! Nothing more irritating than to be abruptly woken from a deep sleep, ravenously hungry, long before it was time to be awakened. It must have been the lights in the sky? And then to be shot again by those creatures who walked erect! The bear had learned early on in it's life to avoid the people. Shot more than once by bow hunters, a few of their arrows still protruded from his massive frame. Still feeling the pain those hunters had inflicted so many seasons ago, the bear had wandered high up the mountain deep into the high line forest and had stayed away from the town for a long time. Ravenous now that it had been awakened and finding nothing to eat as snow covered the landscape in a deep cold blanket of white. It was only when the bear was suddenly wakened from it's winter hibernation that it was forced to come down from the heights to seek food. The bear had done it's best to avoid contact with people while searching for food. But then it accidently encountered the Mountie, who having been startled quickly had pulled his service revolver and fired but in his fright he missed, only for the bears natural instincts to take over and the man soon lay bleeding and writhing in agony. A face flashed into the mind of the bear. The face of the man who had shot him. The man who had robbed him of his prize. Tthe man who had robbed him of his meal. Kill this man! Rip him, rake him, bite him, bleed him! Using it's keen sense of smell, the bear reared up on its back legs and sniffed the air. Turning the bear continued sniffing until it suddenly stopped. The scent was on the wind, wafting from town...
  5. Woo Hoo!!!! This is some exciting news! Besides introducing some new transitional areas like the Rocky Thoroughfare and original music, will you be introducing any new animals into the game? Perhaps like a walrus or seals? Coastal water animals that maybe now call the derelict oil rig home? ohhh and maybe we could craft some hand thrown harpoons so we could harvest those walrus and use their blubber for crafting candles using the existing candle mod? Anyways, thanks for the discord link, I know I'll be dropping in from time to time!
  6. Wow, that is a great shot. I'm seeing things I musta overlooked somewhere in my travels. Where did you find this gem?
  7. Yeah, @turtle777, you never should have to schlep coal or firewood to DP. I can't see why a player would ever want to carry a massive load of coal into a region that has a regular self sustaining supply of coal? I understand that many Interloper players carry some coal but not for the express purposes of forging. To illustrate my point, I just launched a new Stalker game spawining in DP with the intent of staying there for the duration of my run. I figured Stalker since I wanted to spawn in DP and of course you can't choose your spawn point when playing Interloper or I would have. My first order of business was to gather coal so I swept the transition cave in DP from the crawl to the DP exit and it yielded 22 pieces of coal. That does include 5-6 lumps that you usually find in a crate and those do not respawn. So expect maybe upto 15 lumps as an average that replenish. Next I swept the abandoned mine and picked up 9 more pieces of coal which also include 3-4 lumps in a crate. So maybe only expect 5-7 lumps that replenish later on. After I made my way to the Riken, I picked up another 8 lumps of coal in the hold bringing my coal total for my first forging session there to 39 lumps of coal. Of course once I use the coal I find on the Riken, I will need to collect more and bring it aboard but that's to be expected no matter what forge I frequent in the game. As to firewood, fairly huge amount of fir and cedar that replenishes by the Stone Church and near the bridge. Not to mention all the crate wood...
  8. you know @turtle777about the only thing I can agree with is that not having a workbench nearby is indeed a hassle. As to the having to seach in the dark, what's to prevent you from pulling a torch outta the furnace? I drop stuff into separate piles while using the forge in the "dark" and although it can be quirky in there it's definitely not a deal breaker, or is it? And next time you leave the ship go out the galley door and take a quick look around before you jump down on the ice. If there is a bear nearby, you'll see him from the safety of the ship's deck long before he'll ever have a chance to jump you. For me, the only real pain is not having/finding a cooking pot anywhere in DP. Which really sucks if go there without bringing one, especially if you are planning on spending some serious time there. btw, have you had a chance to gather coal from your private DP coal mine yet? That's probably one the best features that DP has to offer, a self sustaining practically limitless coal supply. Not to mention probably the greatest concentration of metal shelving, tables and chairs in the game!
  9. Good one! Keep em' coming! A man and his pet bear walk into a bar. It's about 5pm, but they're ready for a good night of drinking. They start off slowly, watching TV, drinking beer, eating peanuts. As the night goes on they move to mixed drinks, and then shooters, one after the other. Finally, the bartender says: "Last call." So, the man says, "One more for me... and one more for my bear." The bartender sets them up and they shoot them back. Suddenly, the bear falls over dead. The man throws some money on the bar, puts on his coat and starts to leave. The bartender, yells: "Hey buddy, you can't just leave that lyin' there." To which the man replies: "That's not a lion, that's a bear."
  10. in that case, thanks... it could have been poop... 💩
  11. FEED ME!!!! Feed me now, hooman!!! at least the fox doesn't just sit there and stare a you with drool dropping from his jowls like my two dogs irl do... you ever step in a puddle of dog slobber in your socks? ugh
  12. outstanding! maybe next time your in PV the church there has that candle alter. Typically used by parishoners to light a candle and pray. I remember my grandmother taking me to a roadside shrine like that when I was little.
  13. yeah, there is a lot more to it that what my pics show. I haven't begun to explore all the things the fox can do, but there's a lot. He can fetch and he does get hungry if you turn that on. I just like having him around. Now if I could only get him to stay in one of the empty dog houses, that would be awesome!
  14. Not any time soon, right? But on the other hand, think about it. Now would be a good time to start the planning stages of what a TLD II story might look like? It might just be a completely different beast, but then again where does it go as a sequel? They might just pick up TLD with the Great Thaw! an end to the years long ice age? but then in the story, it takes place in the winter and only a few days or weeks have gone by, right? You gotta remember that survival and story really are two separate products if you break it down that way.
  15. Hello Hinterland Admin and Dev Team, curious if y'all ever considered adding a chat room feature to the forums? I can appreciate that you've allowed us to communicate via DM and it has come in handy, so thank you for having provided that feature. Would this be something you might consider working on besides everything else you that's already on your plate, so to speak? It'd be a nice feature to add to the forums, wouldn't you agree? It would come in particularly useful those times when a series of questions and answers are being posted in real time by participants who are actively engaged viewing and commenting on the same thread. just saying...
  16. Emma woke up hungry. She dressed quickly and bounded down the stairs and burst into the kitchen. "Mom, I'm so hungry. What's for breakfast?" she asked. Christine had just put the kettle on the stove in preparation of their morning meal. Looking thru the meager contents in her pantry, she looked at Emma and said "Oatmeal." Emma frowned and pouted. "I don't want oatmeal. We've had oatmeal almost everyday this week." She looked at her mother with a little grin on her face and said, "Pancakes, Mommy. Blueberry pancakes, with lots of creamy butter and maple syrup! That's what I want" Christine thought to herself, "yeah, that does sound good doesn't it?" She looked at Emma, then glanced over to the rifle propped up in the corner. "Tell you what, kiddo." she said, "You go get dressed and we'll walk up to the store and get some fresh supplies. It's been a couple of days and I really ought to check on the store anyway." She turned away from Emma as the thought occurred to her that it just might not be all that safe going to the store alone with a child while that bear was still loose. Emma ran up the stairs and started getting dressed. Excited about pancakes for breakfast, for lunch and for dinner. She hastily donned her winter coat and grabbed her boots before bouncing back down the stairs. "I'm ready!" she yelled to her mother. "Let's go!"
  17. @ManicManiac you said "That's when I had discovered that without that loading screen transition from indoors to outdoors... the catch rates plummeted." That is indeed an interesting observation! Now that you've mentioned it, I've been comparing some snare efficiency ratios and can indeed corroborate this discovery. I've also noticed based on the degree of the rabbits freezing when I go to find them, it seems that they are pretty much "caught" in the snare as I leave to go outside, ie, when I transition from an interior cell to the outside via a loading screen. ha, I learn something new about this game every day! Thanks!
  18. How many snares do you deploy on average? I suppose only one or two, as they are quite heavy to carry when traveling? In my experience using snares, I prefer to set upwards of 6 or more traps and usually yield roughly a 65% fill ratio. Since the rabbit warrens seem to refill themselves quite nicely each day, a constant daily supply of 3 or more hares can keep you well fed in no time.
  19. One day, a black bear walks into a bar... The bear begins to get some strange looks, but he was use to this being a black bear and all. Everyone in the bar was acting a little strange around him, but then he sat at the bar and the bartender began to serve him. Bartender: Ummm...So what can I get you? Bear: Let me get a shot of....................... whiskey. Bartender: Sure, but what's up with the big pause? Bear: I get them from my dad. Two friends are out hiking, and they see a black bear on the trail in front of them One guy takes off his pack, takes off his hiking boots, and puts on running shoes. His friend says, “What are you doing? You can’t outrun that bear!” The first guy says, “I don’t have to outrun the bear. I just have to outrun you!” So a man and his three friends are sitting in a bar, one of them says to the others “I'm the greatest bear hunter there ever was," immediately 2 of the 3 friends disagree and say in unison, “No way I am!!” They continue arguing until the 4th man who said nothing pipes up and says, “I have never been bear hunting, maybe we should all go to see whose best at it?” The friends agree, go home for the night and the next day they all get in a truck and drive deep into the forest. While they are driving one friend turns to the bear hunting novice and says, "When hunting a bear be very quiet. If it sees you, you have two options." he said, "You either draw yourself up and get big and tall to scare it or you run. If you run, it will chase you until you get to safety or until it catches you, whichever comes first.” his friend concluded. The man noted this and they got to the cabin they had rented for the hunting trip, they set up and search around for hours scouting for bears, but they find none. Disappointed they head back to camp and fell asleep. When the men awoke they noticed that the bear hunting novice was gone so they get up to look for him outside. They start to call his name but no answer, they grab their guns and walk a little till they hear the sound of running feet. The novice is running at full speed towards the cabin with a giant black bear behind him, the other 3 friends pull him into the cabin and shoot the bear dead, the friends all curious and angry with the novice hunter asked, “What the hell were you doing?” And finally after the novice catches his breath he says, “Hunting! Now stay here, I'm gonna have a drink of water, and I'll go get us another one!” Got an amusing bear joke or story? Would love to hear you tell the tale!
  20. If you are playing the game on PC, then you are in luck! Check out the modding thread for your prayers have been answered. Fellow enthusiasts who love the game like you do and who have some skills when it comes to creating modifications to game programs have done just that. Mods like "Remove Clutter" which allow you to tidy up all those bits of paper scrap, broken tv's and nonfunctional dresser drawers. It even cleans up broken dishes, cups and plates, not to mention the old plant pots with the dead plants in them littering up the household. Heck, there's even a "Fox Companion" mod that allows you to have a your own little cute 4 legged furry friend that will follow you where ever you go and that sleeps next to your bed! Wait, there's more! Craftable items and clothing, the list just goes on and on and on. Clothing mods, craftable item mods, you can even read a book while your cooking dinner! I now have an assortment of wooden carvings of moose, deer, bears and wolves that adorn the shelves of my home base. Need some extra lighting? craftable candle mods! Ain't it grand when you can get what you wished for?
  21. I've found one good use. Too bad you can only build 5 per map. There's almost always more than 5 corpses that need burying... before stone carin RIP
  22. maybe a free climbing mod is in the works for the future! like @odizzido said, not being able to step up is kinda lame all in itself. yeah, for a character who is active and walks and climbs everywhere, you'd think he/she would be in better shape! God know's I'd have dropped a butt load of poundage on the Great Bear Island Keto Diet plan! plus no cigarettes or booze? man that is clean living!
  23. @Kranium all righty then. Looking forward to hearing your update on the decay rate modifer mod after you've had a chance to check it out.