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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. I'm sure crampons would help as they do give you that sure footing buff when you wear them. And of course you can get the Cartographer achievement in Pilgrim mode. If the difficulty setting is the only thing keeping you from mapping the entire island, then your wish has come true! Considering how much ground a player has to offer in order to completely map the entire island, I could see why you would want to do so without being chased by wolves and bears. And maybe a pissed off moose or two! If you wanna get some great feedback you should check out some of @ManicManiac's posts as he is argueably the resident export on getting that cartography award. And if you want some lessons in wolf evasion tactics, then he is also your go to guy. I've never personally been able to complete that cartographer challenge, I get started but never seem to follow thru. You would not believe how much charcoal you gotta carry and how often you gotta stop and map in order to just clear one map of all the black overlay. walk a few steps and sketch. repeat over and over and over. I admit, my AADD kicks in and I just drop all the charcoal and then I run for the nearest transition zone...
  2. I'm kinda intrigued by the idea. I could see a quasi multiplayer open world where the number of active particpants is limited. The default mode being basically Voyager difficulty with mode but where players tend to be passive and the game play between players is basically limited to trade, or a Stalker(ish) setting where the world which is bit more combative and players may opt to trade or fight. And then there would be Interloper mode where it's more like a FPS where the survivors always opt to kill one another and take their stuff. Either way when a player died, their corpse would remain behind where ever they fell and belongings would be salvagable by anyone finding the remains. With each player death a slot in the lobby would open and a new player could join the game in progress. Players would play in this online universe for as long as they were able to stay alive or until they choose to log out. Logging out would immediately kill the player where they stood and leave a corpse and all their belongings where they stood. I could get behind that, what do you think?
  3. @Dogelsagod, here's a list of how many is on each map. You'll have to find them yourself. Don't forget to check in caves and transition tunnels. Be prepared to cover every square inch of each map as some are in some very remote locations and not necessarily easy to get to... Broken Railroad 15 Coastal Highway 18 Crumbling Higway 5 Desolation Point 12 Forlorn Muskeg 17 Mystery Lake 21 Pleasant Valley 28 Raven's Ravine 10 TimberWolf Mountaing 19 Winding River 20 Total 165 If you are really motivated then you might wanna consider going for the cartogropher achievement. Mapping will get you a badge, counting cairns will only get you bragging rights! I've counted cairn myself but have never completed the cartogropher quest/challenge. If you decided to attempt it, be sure to collect charcoal whenever you can. It'l' take a metric ton of coal to map all the island at this point! Good luck and god speed!
  4. you need to elaborate on what your trying to do. are you playing the challenges or are you just trying to recreate those scenarios in your own stalker mode playthrough? are you counting cairns as well? not exactly sure what you are referring to as trail markers.
  5. I'd have to agree with peteloud regarding the "food" issue at DP. Perhaps the lootable food items are limited on Interloper difficulty but the huntable wildlife provides more than enough calories to sustain a player quite nicely for many days if not weeks at time. Now I pretty much player stalker mode so in my game play I usually find a sufficient amount of lootable items to tide me over as I get my hunting groove going, but between the nearby bear den in close approximation to the fish processing plant, the deer population down by the Riken and also in the little frozen bay, not to mention the prolific rabbit warren by the stone church I usually harvest more than enough meat to keep my well fed status, pardon the pun, "well fed." Not to mention the constant onslaught of wolves that are eagerly lining up to become my next meal and warm garment, not necessarily in that order. For a bonus on calorie production, there's always the moose that typically spawns on the bridge. Not only that, but hunting and harvesting the menacing predators is also relatively easy considering the many vantage points a player can use from which to shower their prey with arrow after arrow if need be. The only thing I really lament over when camping in DP for any length of time is the absence of two liter cooking pots...
  6. Having completed the demo work and cleaning up the old crap cuttering up the lodge, I decided I would climb down into the nearby ravine and see what if anything I could find. I found this intact firebox amidst a pile of rubble directly under the collapsed train bridge. Further inspection revealed it was empty and was resting on an accumulation of snow. I broke out the rope and after attaching it firmly around the sides I was soon able to pull it free! It was not an easy task but I had grown considerably stronger in my time on the island so I just muscled it along as best I could. The log jam was a lot more formidable to navigate than I expected and I almost gave up due to the amount of exertion the effort required. Fortunately once I cleared the hurdle of logs, pushing and pulling the firebox across the smooth ice surface was relatively easy! Whew! I attached the box to the climbing rope and began my ascent. Fortunately there was a convenient ledge on which I was able to take a much needed rest so I did just that. As the weather started to get a bit more windy, I could see the rope beginning to sway so I quickly climbed to the top. Managing to get to the top of and back into familar territory, I stopped and inspected the body of one of the fallen Forest Talkers. I don't know how long he had lain there but he was solidly frozen and encrusted in a thin layer of ice. I tried turning him but his body was firmly entrenched in the snow. Just my luck as I was nearing the last leg of my journey, I had the misfortune of running into the local bruin. I abandoned the fire box and ran! Climbing up along a fallen tree probably wasn't the best idea but I had no where else to go. Pissed that I was trespassing on his turf, the bear showed me his sharp teeth and roughed me up a bit in the process. As I lay there bleeding from half a dozen minor lacerations and a couple of bite wounds the biggest badass in forest left me for dead. I lay there for a while feigning death as I slowly watched him return to his lair. I patched myself up staunching the bleeding and doused myself in antiseptic. He is on my short list now... I took advantage of the bears absence and quickly resumed my task. Fueled by fear and quickly running out of stamina, I worked my way to the rope leading up to the lodge. I fashioned another sling around the firebox and attached it to the climbing rope. I quickly downed an energy drink and began the hoisting. Having gotten it securely off the ground I climbed to the top and began hoisting my prize upwards! I was seriously getting tired and had just consumed my last cup of cold coffee. I pulled feverishly hand over hand until finally... It was well after dark when I had finally and successfully hoisted my prize to the top. Exhausted, I roped off the firebox and called it a night as the howling sounds of a neaby wolf eched on the wind. Yeah, that is gonna look so good when I finally get it inside!
  7. Yeah that would be very cool indeed, especially if they we actually hand carved outta wood. I'm afraid that demand would be so high that we would end up with cheap plastic injection molded crap made in China...
  8. Thanks! Welcome to the forums, I see you just joined recently. Have you been playing the game for a while? Meaning did you get the opportunity to play the Winter in July challenge when the maple syrup and ketchup chips were introduced into the game? If not, sorry that you missed on such an epic mission. At any rate, glad you found my recount of my final syrup badge misson entertaining!
  9. After a brief brisk walk over the frozen ground, Erik stopped and glanced back over this shoulder. Amy had long since disappeared from his view as his mind was slowly replaying the recent events of their last encounter. With a bit of grin on his face, Erik suddently was struck with the thought that he should go and bury the body of the Mountie that had been mauled and killed by the bear. Getting his bearings, he strode off making his way with an agonzing slowness caused by him breaking thru the crust of the snow with every step. "Maybe I should go back to the cabin and get my snowshoes?" He wondered to himself as he again broke thru the crisp yet weak crust of snow hindering his progress. "Not to far now!" he said to himself out loud, his voice swept almost instantly away by the frigid bitting wind blowing across the clearcut area he found himself trodding thru. Although the wind was bitter and the going slow at least Erik could see if anything or anyone was coming. "That's about the only benefit you get from being out in the open," he thought to himself as he noticed a murder of crows circling a ways off in the distance. He heard their raucous caws echoing on the wind as he got closer to their location. As Erik approached the scene, he saw the crows fighting each other as they pecked at the exposed flesh of the corpse. His stomach turned as he noticed the man's eyes were missing and the soft flesh of his mouth and nose had torn away with the remaining pieces leaving a grinning eyeless visage that he know would haunt him in his dreams. "How do you tell a little girl her daddy is dead?" he wondered. Spurred on by his resolve, quickly set about crafting a makeshift travois out of a couple neary by cedar limbs and the spool of paracord that he always kept in his ruck. Before long he had the man's remains loaded onto the travois and he began his burdensome trek back towards town. As he walked back across the clear cut, he though to himself, "At least this time I got the wind to my back!"
  10. Holy smokes Batman, now there is some game trivia that I did not know. I loved playing Metal Gear Solid back in the day and when I heard Jeremiah speak for the first time I thought I recognized the voice. I never bothered to find out where I knew that voice from, other than it sounded very familiar. So now that you've uncorked the bottle @ManicManiac and let that genie out, I see the plausiblity of Jeremiah's backstory! He is indeed Solid Snake and now we know that he was successful in escaping the island in Alaska, only to resurface as a grizzled old mountain man living in solitude on Great Bear Island in Canada. I guess he liked island life considering his choice of possible locations in the world he could have gone underground in. Now, If you harken back to the original episode 2 prior to the Redux, it makes so much more sense considering he had hidden the military issued radio under the floorboards in his cabin. Jeremiah is and was a suspicious and dangerous character then and now must assuredly!
  11. Flex is a slang term meaning “to show off,” whether it be your physique, your belongings, or some other thing you consider superior to those of others. The act of flexing is often criticized as a power move, considered arrogant and insincere. So a Weird Flex is a snarky, mocking internet slang response to when someone brags about something deemed unusual, bizarre, baffling, or questionable. Like a boast about owning a zebra or spending $1000 at Starbucks or something equally unbelievable or stupid.
  12. +1 on the idea! I'd always envisioned using one of the fishing shacks with a door as a smoke house. Imaging stringing dried gut which you've turned into line across the interior from which to hang thin cut strips of meat and fish. using the pot belly wood stove, you'd load up a long burning fire to bring the interior heat up to max. Then you'd place your two liter filled with cedar shavings and rosehips on the burner and let the smoking begin! As far as salt production goes, I always figured that if you just kept pouring sea water into the pot and boiling it off, the salts would stay behind in the pot and begin to crystalize. sure it would be a slow process but eventually you would have a useable supply of sea salt! Maybe we should add this idea to the requests for mods on the modding page?
  13. You know, I always enjoy reading your exploits. It kinda reminds me of the short stories series that I'd find when reading thru copies of old magazines when we were stuck inside due to rain or bad weather when we would go and visit my grandparents. They had a collection of magazines like National Geographic, Reader's Digest and Field & Steam that my cousins and I would devour whenever we'd go there to visit. You tell a good tale, @ManicManiac Thanks!
  14. @ajb1978and @odizzido considering they haven't even finished the development of this game, I do believe it will be some time before anything happens. As to companies like ID software, yeah that was 30 years ago when DOOM first came out. I remember it well, whew, just hard to imagine it's been thirty years already. Argggh, I am feeling old right now! I hope I live long enough to see the release of Episode 5...
  15. really, open source? that is a big wish. Maybe when the purchase price drops down to below .99 cents a copy, Hinterland might consider relinquishing the copywrite to their intellectual property? Until then let's hope the collaborative agreement between the game developers and the modding community generates some serious improvements and innovations to the game, some of which I am sure will be cost driven downloadable content.
  16. The climbing aspect of the game is indeed severly imbalanced in every way concievable! Growing up in the Bavarian Alps, I learned quite a bit about mountaineering and rappeling in particular was definitely my favorite activity. So much easier to get down bouncing down the wall than climbing up hand over hand that's for sure. I think who ever designed the climbing system mechanics had probably been bullied in jr. high school by a gung-ho wrestling coach who was determined to make the fat kid climb the rope in the gynasium to the top and back down again before he was allowed to graduate! Maybe, if we are lucking the modding community can revamp the climbing mechanics to include rappeling as another method for descent. I'd like also to see the ability of hauling my backpack up using a secondary lenght of rope, kinda the same way the dumbwaiter worked in my grandmothers old 3 story house.
  17. In my best Eric Cartman voice, "HOW DARE YOU QUESTION MY AUTHORITY" Sounds to me you called this guy out on his b.s. and he got his panites all tied in a knot over it.
  18. It's actually very simple to install mods! there are also some very easy to watch tutorials in case you find the instructions to daunting. Many of the mods currently available do interface easily without issue with existing save game files while a couple are dependent on launching a new game. I'd suggest you check out the modding discussion thread where not only you can some answers to your questions but you can often post your questions directly to the modders responsible for this type of content! @Catlover, you'll be so happy you did. Don't let a little apprehension keep you from doubling your love for the game!
  19. There was actually a player who survived 10,000 days in game. Don't remember the name as it was a few years ago. At the time when it was announced he had achieved this landmark, there was some talk about Hinterland creating a special award for the guy in comemoration of his landmark achievement. @Blizzard Walker, I think you could probably use the search feature and find the pertinent discussion thread if you are interested in reading more about it. But yeah, you're right, there is no reason why a player could not survive that long provided they managed their resources with longevity in mind. I think most players quit their runs after having explored and looted the majority of the island. Boredom with putting in the hours of gameplay necessary to survive that long probably being the single primary reason why players abandon their games and start a new run. Kudo's to you for surviving 1500+ days, btw!
  20. Any time is nap time, especially when you get to lay in front of a warm fire!
  21. I'm not sure exactly what your asking when you say "...just copy/paste the buildings into one map." are you saying you'd like to see the buildings more like the guardroom barracks where you can just walk in and out? If so, I could get behind that, being able to eliminate loading screens would be a fairly significant improvement to the game for sure! And all the buildings would be dimensionally cohesive allowing for see thru and natural light? Oh, hell yeah! I bet @Sitocould get behind that as well.
  22. the fox is really a fun little diversion! It's especially cute when you sprint down the road and then quickly turn around and there it is running after you! too cute, indeed!
  23. @ShieldHeart, Thanks for the heads up! I was hoping that might be possible! I really enjoy playing with mods that don't impact game play than other to "enhance" playability, especially as it relates to existing save game files. I am excited about playing "Relentless Night" on a newly launched game as it brings a completely different feel to the game. It's a brilliant addition and I equate the game play of your work with that of one of the existing challenge quests like Whiteout, Nomad etc. There outta be a badge in there for players to achieve! Again, thanks for making my day!
  24. Yeah, exactly what I was thinking, but with the added benefit of being able to place the carcasses where I want them. I bet the wolves would give me a wide berth as they see me walking along with one of their dead packmates drapped over my shoulder!
  25. The following day, I made my downstairs into the basement. I always find basements to be kinda creepy. Usually they are full of dust and old furniture, generally a place for rodents to live. ugh... As I got down to the bottom of the stairs, I took a quick look around. The general assortment of junk greeted me from the base of the landing. I worked my way to the back of the area and was met with more of the same. Time to get to work! Three hours later, I had managed to clean up the broken furniture and haul out the old wagon wheel. I scrapped the bent up old metal shelving, broke down all the cardboard and hauled out the rusty old pipes. The ladder had seen better days and was so rickety I feared being injured if I were to use it, so I scrapped it for firewood wood. The door was in better shape and looked as if termites or carpenter ants had been eating it lunch. Fortunately my hatchet make quick progress and my burn pile had gotten considerably larger. With on last final push before nightfall, I managed clean up the remaining debris, including breaking down the old rusted out animal trough. I salvaged the wheel barrow. I'm not sure what I am gonna do with it but it was in too good of shape to destroy. Maybe it will come in useful hauling stuff up to the lodge from the maintenance yard? I got rid of the last smelly stained mattress, then prepared to spend the remainder of the evening breaking down the old bedframes. I should have known better for it wasn't long before my hacksaw blade was tightly wedged in the hardend steel frame. I quit trying to extricate my saw from the impossible hold the old frame had exerted upon it and frustrated beyond measure I dropped my tools and left them lying on the floor. Utterly exhausted, dirty and hungry I left the basement pleased with my progress for the day, but lamenting the loss of my favorite hacksaw...