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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. I like the way you think! I'm happy for the winner, no doubt about it because he prepared some real life meals using only the ingame available ingredients. His ketchup chip crusted venison dish looked damn delicious and the sardine appetizer certainly stimulated my appetite as well as the judges!
  2. yeah, me too, not necessarily a fan of digital downloads myself but unfortunately it is the direction the industry is heading in. At any rate, being able to keep digital copies of your games stored in the cloud does provide some level of backup in the event of mechanical failure or worse the theft or destruction of your physical devices.
  3. I think the chef is planning a special menu for your visit! It'll definitely be a surf turf dining delight! The appetizer with be GBI's New England Style Fish Chowder A thick and creamy style fish soup appetizer that warms you up with each bite! The turf portion is Moose Kick Coffee Rubbed Moose Steaks A Mountain Man favorite on GBI. Coffee and meat, what's not to like? Meat, it's whats for dinner! There will also be plenty of side dishes Twice Baked Pork and BeansHot peaches in Maple syrupTomato Soup Dipping sauce and of course the dessert bar featuring Saltine Peanut Butter Chocolate Crunchers Mountain Man Cocoa A deliciously sweet warm beverage sure to bring sweeter memories of childhood and my favorite dessert treat Peanut Butter Freezer Chewz Yummy, sweet, salty, sink-your-teeth-in delicious peanuty fudge that is both healthy and delicious! Also all of our guests receive a complimentary cone of maple sugar candy!
  4. well consoles do have their limitations but their relative cost is what keeps them selling year after year. considering consoles are about 25% of the cost of a good gaming computer I can see the value they provide, but yeah, best to start putting some "mad money" aside each month, because in the end it'll be worth the time and expense when you finally buy that gaming rig!
  5. That would make a lot of sense and probably should have been incorporated from the get go in my opinion. You'd only have to boil the water to make it potable, or better yet now there is a reason to have to use the water purification tablets. If you've read the posts on the most useless things in TLD thread, you'll see water purification tablets rank up near #1 as one of the most useless items in the game! lol
  6. You must have missed this post I made earlier about mods for console users. I was recently on the modder's discord channel and queried the creative talent there and this is/was basically their reply. "unfortunately no. Not at this time. And probably not anytime soon either from what I understand. The big issue as I see it is the proprietary way that consoles are built and the subsequent internal programming languages used which in order to introduce mods requires some serious hacking. Since the hacks introduce new code unathorized code, the proprietary internal security software subsequently prevents the console from connecting online to the servers basically rendering the unit essentially useless. You can still play but not online and whatever warranty you had is now null and void. On a more positive side, suppossedly microsoft recently made some changes to their rules for enabling the developer mode (or more like keeping it enabled) on the Xbox which would allow users some access to content that they currently can't interface with. For many console unit owners, being able to access the internal developer's node would be a fantastic leap forward in their overall gaming experience." But it might be possible later on down the road that some of these mods in collaboration with Hinterland could be converted into recognized downloadable content. However, I suspect that if that were to be the case, they would already have the basis for a new TLD II game where all these suggestions have been written into the code and would be sold as a new or enhanced version of the game. sort of a Director's Cut or Collectors Edition so to speak.
  7. Fishing holes! I'm all for that. I've been asking about fishing holes since the Hushed River Valley region was introduced into the game so many updates long ago. It just makes sense that where there's a lake or even a frozen over stream or small river that there might be fish present in those waters that a survivor desperate for food or even the fish fuel oil from cooking fish for their lanterns would attempt to chop a hole into the ice and try their luck. I think I'm gonna drop this suggestion into the modder's discord channel! They'll probably knock something like that out in a couple of weeks knowing their ingenuity and tech savvy. Apologize in advance to you console users who are stuck with vanilla gameplay...
  8. I've had this happen before. just leave the region, cross over into either PV or Ash Canyon. Spend a day away and return. The algorythm should reset and bear should start reappearing.
  9. unfortunately no. Not at this time. And probably not anytime soon either from what I understand. I was just recently on the modders discord channel and asked the question about bringing mods to the console user community. The big issue as I see it is the proprietary way that consoles are built and the subsequent internal programming languages used which in order to introduce mods requires some serious hacking. Since the hacks introduce new code unathorized code, the proprietary internal security software subsequently prevents the console from connecting online to the servers basically rendering the unit essentially useless. You can still play but not online and whatever warranty you had is now null and void. On a more positive side, suppossedly microsoft recently made some changes to their rules for enabling the developer mode (or more like keeping it enabled) on the Xbox which would allow users some access to content that they currently can't interface with. For many console unit owners, being able to access the internal developer's node would be a fantastic leap forward in their overall gaming experience.
  10. Yes!!!! craftable plates, bowls and platters? Goblets, Spoons and spatulas? Forks!!! yes, yes, yes!!!!
  11. Hey @peteloud, I set back the tables so they are flush with the stove. Better? or still too much clutter?
  12. Thanks, @peteloud, appreciate the feedback! I think I could adjust those tables by pushing them back into the wall and evening up the edges to correspond with the stove. It would defintely make more sense to have them flush with the edge of the stove in terms of appearance and practical functionality! The furniture crafting is from a new mod I was testing and I think it's one you might be interested in using in your gameplay as well. It obviously doesn't affect your character's performance so I think you'd be on board with it. The mod does however take a ton of resouces in order to craft the furniture and rugs. 24 pieces of cedar for one table, so that is a lot of chopping and wood gathering not to mention having to actually forge the nails used in construction as well! The mod's author, @stmSantana, has done an excellent job in developing this oustanding enhancement for this magnificient game.
  13. Hmmm, I'll gladly take rifle and revolver cartridges as payment. Seems I have enough tp now with all those rabbit pelts...
  14. Outstanding story @peteloud, isn't it funny how we can get lucky sometimes with an incredible bow shot and not realize how truly magnificent that shot was until much later? I often wish I recorded my gameplay more often just so that I could replay those magical moments because some of them are truly unbelieveable.
  15. I was out on the ice on Coastal Highway to do a little fishing in the shack that sits across the way from Misanthrope's and the bear den when out saunters this bear. Just so happens that I had crafted a new bow and about 2 dozen arrows so I decided to see if I could hit him from the doorway of the shack. I had to adjust my aim by increasing the arc of each shot and kinda leading my target but finally on my 9th shot I managed to get ranged in and I finally landed a hit. For me that's gotta be my longest bow shots ever. I'm guessing the distance might be close to 150 meters more or less? What's your longest bow shot?
  16. Deal! @acadawhat time did you want that reservation for?
  17. Keep the gold... Do you have any toilet paper?
  18. With all the orders the chef has been getting for his wolf kabobs, it won't be long before those are gone! Besides he likes to show off with how fresh his dishes are by allowing guests to pick their own meal from one of the "catch of the day" meat bags!
  19. Back in town, pandemonium was running rampant. The recent governmental notification of the severity of the crisis had the remaining townsfolk scouring and scavaging everything they could find that wasn't secured and stealing it for their own purposes. Christine's family store had been completed looted, the front window lay shattered and broken as the looters had smashed their way in by throwing an old cinder block thru the big plate glass window. A foot of snow had blown into the interior and a light dusting of ice was beginning to form on the countertops. But that didn't dissuade the looters from continuing their search for whatever treasures remained in the store. The only thing that remained intact was the store's old cast iron safe which Christine's great great grandfather had purchased from The Bank of Montreal approximately 150 years ago when he had first opened the store. It was a massive hunk of metal with a huge brass combination knob in the center and an enourmous latch on the right side. The dial was covered by bloody fingerprints, long since frosted over due to the extreme cold and the fact that without a window the wind could reach all the way to the small back office. From the looks of things, the looter had injured himself on a sharp shard of glass before finding the safe but that didn't stop him from trying his luck opening the safe. It would have been evident to even a casual observer, had there been one, as to what had spooked and chased the looter away. Wolves...
  20. TimberWolf Mountain is by far my single most favorite region of Great Bear Island. What's not like about a map with only one usable structure on it that also sports a workbench? You've got the nearby bear den, two adjacent moose spawning areas in addition to an ever present deer herd and nearby rabbit warrens as well! You've got food covered for as long as you'll ever need plenty of natural resources as well as whatever loot can be salvaged from the wreckage of the downed cargo plane. Best to make this a base after you've collected or forged enough arrowheads to last and yeah, you gotta bring your own cooking pots but when you get there life is good if not golden. And if and when the shizzle hits the fan, you can quickly high tail it outta there to the relative sanctuary of the nearby perma bunker after a brief hike and quick climb down a short rope!
  21. you should check out the new mod by @stmSantana were you can make your own rug for you base using cloth and the crafting bench. check out my post Off Grid fixer upper - Dining in Style to see my new pawprint rug in front of the fireplace!
  22. lol, that is one hella expensive wool rug.
  23. It's taken considerable effort getting the old neglected lodge back into shape. Busy as a bee, I've been crafting the new tables and chairs to replace all the old broken furniture and even managed to weave a new rug for the fireplace. Huge effort has been worth it! The old lodge is now officially open for fine dining and the staff has been very busy indeed getting the lodge ready for new guests! First thing we did is fix all the masonry around the fireplace and hang up a few more gun racks! I've even managed to find the old Bear Spear and return it to it's rightful place at the head of the fireplace. The "library" has been restored and the skill books updated for our guests reading pleasure. The larder is slowly being refilled but now sports a good variety of dry goods and canned items. Soda pop is still a limited commodity so please limit yourself to one can when you visit. Oh, and don't touch the Stacy's Grape... yeah, those are mine! Wolf steaks are on the menu this week since we had to cull the local pack a little these last few days. We're also making a nice fish chowder with all the brooktrout and small bass we hiked in from Mystery Lake. I do like a Manhattan style fish chowder man with tomato soup and fortified red wine. Simply Delicious! There's now plenty of seating, smaller tables for two for more intimate settings complete with candle light or banquet style seating for larger groups. Our biggest table can comfortably seat up to 10 guests for a fun and festive fine dining experience. Come join us for some culinary delights as we delve into channeling our inner Emeril Lagasse and "BAM" kick it up a notch! And after a fine meal, join Foxey and me for a nice cuppa tea by the fire. Hope you enjoyed the food! please feel free to leave a comment or suggestion in the space provided below, we would love to hear from you about how we can make your next visit that much more enjoyable. Thank you, The Management