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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Holy Smokes Batman! This is gonna be epic! I could see this as a new addition to the challenges section. How long can you make it in a world that has gone dark? @ShieldHeart, I have one request, maybe two! Would it be possible to break out Carcass Moving Add ability to haul medium sized kills such as deer and wolves around the world map, including indoors. and Electric Torch Lighting Add ability to light torches using live wires and household outlets during auroras. and just have these two features as a stand alone mod? I'd love to be able to utilize these capabilities in the normal game world without having to be reliant on installing and enabling the Relentless Night mod in order to utilize the benefits that these two features alone would bring to the game. If I could only have one, I'd opt for Carcass Moving. I'm curious if such a thing is even be possible? Or worth your time?
  2. Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring... With all electronic devices having been incapcitated somehow, the absence of noise was profoundly deafing. After many days of relative silence the sudden ringing of the old land line telephone startled the two women, who looked at each other in shock and surprise. Amy looked at Christine with a look of concern furrowing her brow, "You gonna answer that?" she asked expectantly? Christine, suddenly turned deathly pale and practically whispered, "Your closer, maybe you could answer it?" her voice trailed off as she glanced from the ringing phone to Amy with a questioning look? Amy strode to the phone, snatched the handset from the cradle and placed the phone to her ear. She heard a series of beeps and clicks when suddenly a loud voice stated: "This is the Emergency Notification System! Please do not hang up the phone. The following message contains information regarding the state of this emergency! Please do not hang up the phone. The following message contains information regarding the state of this emergency!" "Christine, come here! You've got to hear this!" Amy shouted! Christine strode across the room and took the reciever from Amy's outstretched hand and placed it against her ear. Amy leaned in close to listen and the women awkwardly adjusted their postures so they could each hear the voice coming out of the handset's tiny speaker. "The Area is in a State of Emergency following the recent unexplained celestial electromagnetic phenomena that has disrupted Power Distribution and Cellular Communications across the country. Emergency Medical, Fire and Police services have been severly crippled nationwide as vehicles and communications equipement have all been rendered inoperative. Scientists have been unable to determine the cause of this event and there is currently no timeframe in which these services may be restored." "The Emergency Management Authority has issued a mandatory shelter in-place for residents during this period of crisis. Take self-protective actions immediately: 1. Go inside immediately and stay inside your house or building. 2. Bring pets indoors only if you can do so quickly. 3. Close all windows and doors. 4. Gather food, water and medicines. 5. Prepare for an extended period of self reliance. 6. Fire Stations and Police Stations have been designated as Emergency Evacuation Centers. 7. Reports of agressive animal behaviour have been noted since the disruption, residents are advised to avoid contact with wildlife." "You will be advised when this dangerous condition has passed and it is safe to go outside and resume normal activities. This message will be repeated." As the message began to run again, Christine listened for a few more moments and then abruptly turned and hung up the phone. Amy looked at Christine expectantly. "What should we do now?" she asked? "I don't know." Christine answered. As if on que, Emma and Mocha came rushing down the stairs! "I thought I heard the telephone ringing, Mom! she shouted with excitement. Caught up in Emma's excitement, Mocha started furiously wagging her tail, but the wagging faded as the dog studied her owners face. Emma noticed the glances and the frown on her mother's face too and suddenly her smile disappeared. Emma studied her mothers face. She could see the fear and uncertainty begin to creep into her mothers eyes. "It's bad. Real bad." she thought to herself. Feeling afraid for the first time, a tear began to form in the corner of her eye. As it slid down her check, Emma turned to her mom and asked, "What are we gonna do, Mom?
  3. Having risen with the morning sun, I broke my fast and I set about sharpening my tools. Once everything had been sharpened and honed to a fine edge, I went upstairs in anticipation of more junk and disorder. Arriving at the top of the stair, I stood and stared at the filth and junk littering the upstairs landing. After a few hours of chopping, ripping and breaking down old cardboard boxes I got most of the landing spiffed up. The musty dusty smell of the old tuna boat mattress faded ever so slightly after I ripped it so shreds and hauled the scraps outside to be burned later. I decided to save the bedframes for last. I definitely need to get repair the hacksaw before I can tackle those frames. Turning immediately behind me at the top of the stairs, I turned into the "bathroom?" I guess you could call it that because there was this big giant cast iron tub in the room and nothing else. Maybe the previous owners were going to put in a working bathroom but never got to plumbing in a toilet or a sink. Either way I decided to get started. I made really good progress as most of the debris was small and easy to dispose of. once I got all the crap outta the tub I could see that the plumbing was still intact! That got me kinda excited. I checked all the pails and they were in good shape. I set them aside and took all the scrap downstairs and added to the growing pile of wood building up by the kitchen stove. Returning to the task at hand I looked into first bedroom to the left of the stair way. It was a good size room with a decent queen size bed. I checked the mattress and thankfully it was not from an old whaling boat and actually looked fairly new. Although a little musty I knew it just needed a good cleaning maybe flip the mattress over and put on some clean blankets. I got all the crap outta the way and reset the old trunk next to the rocking chair. Looked to me like this would be a nice and cozy spot to enjoy a nice cuppa herbal tea before bed. But that would have to wait awhile, I still had work ahead. Checking in next room, again I found a rats nest of soiled smelly old whaling boat mattresses completely. Utterly disgusting. I dont know what they did in here, but I did find multiple rifle rounds scattered about the area. I hope nobody needs this anymore... For a moment I challenged my inner Luke Skywalker and using the force, I was able to de-materialize one of the bed frames while levitating the mattress. It was a tremendous feat of will power, but alas, I grew weary very quickly and was unable to finish to the job. I moved to the final bedroom, the one situated to the right of the top of the stairway. This room looked very much like the others, with a bunch of old metal frame bunkbeds and of course on newer queen size bed and mattress. Having successfully repaired my hacksaw, I spent the remainder of the day breaking down the rusty creaky old bunkbed and the smelly mattress. I swept up the room, flipped the mattress on the bed and replaced the bedding. When I returned to the room from hauling the scrap wood to the kitchen, "Socks," my little furry compatriot decided that this was gonna be her room! It's been a full day and I was happy with the progress thus far. Having spent the entire day cleaning the upstairs, I find there is still much to be done. But there's always tomorrow. Time now to get some grub, let the fox out for a wee and soon it will be time for bed. I am not looking forward to working on those bunkbed frames...
  4. yeah, I wanna say that Astrid's scenes in the Redux have been nearly completely replaced the scenes from the original release. Much more detailed now comparatively. It's been many years since I played the orginal and to be honest and having just recently played the story line I am kinda on the fence about the changes. I think that Hinterland probably thought that the Redux improved on the story line or at least the playability aspect of the game, but I do think that something fundamental was lost in the process. Can't quite put my finger on it, but there it is.
  5. No. The Redux only was for the first two episodes. everything since is what you are currently playing in story mode
  6. I played the original before the Redux and as I recall you did have to repair Jeremiahs broken rifle. If memory serves, the broken spear was there too which needed repair using the forge at the maint. shed as well. I remember finding a rifle because when Will gets back to Trapper's Cabin he remarks to Jeremiah that he fixed the rifle but mentions he now also has one himself. one other thing was the radio. in the original version, Jeremiah had a radio which he kept in a secret floor compartment by the workbench in the cabin. If you look at the floor in the current game and in survival mode you can still see the "square outline" of the stash compartment in the floor. I'm curious if the timecapsule has the original episodes as well? if you really wanna see the evolution of the game, check out the time vault. you would not believe the progression of the game if you don't have a reference point from where it all started. It's just amazing to say the least!
  7. I hope your a pc player because that is a mod called "Wooden Statuettes." Each carving takes one piece of fir wood and about one hour to carve in game time and offers nothing else besides decoration, so no game changing mechanics making anything more easy or difficult. Just good to help pass the time, like when there's a blizzard and you don't have much else to do besides nap. Besides the wolf and deer carvings, there is also a bear and a moose! oh, I also use "place anywhere" a very decent mod that improves greatly on the object placement system in the game. I did my best to make my "savage nature" scene look kinda plausible, glad you liked it by the way!
  8. @Bearimpaler101, I keep an Episode 2 save game file myself. There is just something primal about taking out the bear spear and dishing out a little hurt every once in a while. I especially wish the animation would have left the bear spear sticking outta the bear's body at the end. I am always kinda disappointed with the ending scene in that regard. Game on my good sir! Game on!
  9. lol, the family that games together has the most fun! I do enjoy this game very much and I do follow some TLD enthusiasts on Instagram. One in particular, which, if she's your mom, means you are no average Bear Impaler! btw, if no one has said it yet, welcome to the forums!
  10. I left the gun rack of course. Gun rack over the fireplace just screams "Hunting Lodge Chic" and it would have been sacrilege to have destroyed it. When it comes to the layout, I too shake my head when trying to figure out how they designed it. I guess that's the beauty of an interior loadable cell vs. an open door concept like the guard room barracks in BlackRock? like an "N" dimension space, am I right?
  11. Thank you for the kind words! I plan on continuing to add to this story as I make the lodge in Broken Railroad my home. I hope to live up to your expectations!
  12. The one that I have never found which I think would be very cool indeed is a corpse in a car! Why not? If you were trapped in a frozen Hell during a blizzard and freezing to death, why would get out of the car? 🎶I don't know, I don't know, I don't know where I'm a gonna go when the blizzard is raging and down comes the snow!🎶 lol, ole Jimmy Buffet song just popped into my head
  13. you gotta admit though falling to your death is worthy of being called "Doing the RockFlop!" Kudos to @Bearimpaler101 for coining such an imaginative way of describing dying in TLD!
  14. Welcome to the Hunting Lodge! Based on the lore of the island, the hunting lodge is one of the Islands oldest intact habital structures in the game. Built as a getaway for a rich land owner, it served it as a retreat for the rich and later as a base of operations to the eco activist group the Forest Talkers. I was motivated to get inside as I heard the howl of a wolf pack off in the distance. The nearby rabbit warren was in a frenzied state so I quick timed it to get inside. I stepped thru the front door only to be greeted by a jumble of planks, broken shelves and dishes scattered about. The previous occupants left stained mattressing which smelled like they came off an old whaling boat despite the fact it was freezing inside. I started up the stairway and I looked back and could see the extent of the disarray of the what was once the great room of the house. My OCD kicked in and I couldn't go upstairs without at least putting some effort in cleaning up the room. So I got to work... Chop Chop Chop, my hatchet sang it's song of destruction. Soon I had enough reclaimed wood to burn for a few days The mattresses where the worst, stained with all sorts of ungodly gore of what appeared to be blood and other bodily fluids, I dulled my knife considerably in shredding those foul smelly relics of better days. I was surprised to find a trophy mounted to the wall after I cleared out the last stanky bed left standing. As I finished up with the first floor, I looked back and was pleased with the progress I had made thus far. I'd been at it for hours now and I was tired, hungry and my tools were dull. I made a nice hot fire in the fireplace, cooked up a can of beans and rolled out my bedroll for a much needed rest. I was bone tired after all that cleaning and as I began to doze off lulled by the warmth of the fire, I realized there was more to do...
  15. This is actually my first newly launched game in a very long time. I had been playing my long term stalker game but after hundreds of days it started to feel a little stale. So far I'm feeling the pinch in finding adequate clothing. Nothing says "freezing" like running around in pair of worn out tennis shoes...
  16. here's what you do when you are really bored while riding out a series of blizzards...
  17. @UpUpAway95, location confirmed! didn't find any rifles in the lodge, but did find another revolver in the lodge's basement. Now I'm packing dual heaters!
  18. @Leeandanope no mods. Newly launched stalker game. Find that gun here every so often but not always. came in handy as when I got out ole wolfy was waiting me for me outside...
  19. passing time during a series of blizzards... what do you think of my savage nature motif?
  20. you know @I_eat_only_wolf_meat, your probably right considering he is currently camping in PV on this current playthrough. @ManicManiac, does like to get up there in the backcountry as he works on his cartography project!
  21. Lol, yeah just sitting around can be boring when you're waiting out a blizzard especially 4 in 5 days so you just got to make up something to do. I like to sprint up and down the stairs until my stamina runs out. I keep doing that until I am so fatigued I'm tired enough to sleep. Then I work my way out to the car and take a nap. Benefits are I'm almost always fully rested and I never have to worry about cabin fever and before you know it, time has passed with minimal boredom!
  22. I'd be willing to bet that @ManicManiac's shot is from up on winding river?
  23. yeah, this location has always intrigued me. Only blind in the game where it appears the hunter was the one who got hunted. that human skull and ribcage sticking outta the snow, gotta love Hinterlands sometimes macabre sense of humor.