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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. I think it's obvious, Methuselah is an alien observer who was sent to the planet to study how human beings handle extreme crisis. The "aliens" who are watching are doing this as a pre-first contact protocol to gauge our reaction to unknown phenomenon. If you recall Jace mentioned that she and her "Advisor" were working out of a nearby observatory and had some arcane knowledge regarding the "event." Although she never fully elaborated on what that knowledge was, she intimated that she knew what was responsible from their research at the observatory. What better way to accidently discover the presence of an alien spacecraft entering our solar system than using a deep space observatory equiped with a massive telescopic and a slew of other electronic instruments. Even with the subsequent power interruption, the telescope could still be used manually to observe the spacecraft. or, Jace is actually Methuselah and the alien's technology is so advanced that they can change their appearance using advanced shape shifting technology or a holographic cloaking device.
  2. No worries @Leeanda! I think maybe a good discussion you might wanna start is where do players typically find a moose? There are some spots in the game where it seems almost a guarantee that you find a moose. From what I understand, there are some spots a player can almost always encounter a moose. Like near the Angler's cabin in the burnt forest area in Ash Canyon. Or in HRV up by Mammoth Falls. There's also a spot near the transition cave from Bleak Inslet to FM that there is almost always a moose present as well. Anyways, maybe it's just my dumb luck, but it seems I always run into a moose when I'm not looking for one or when I am least prepared to take it on. Either way, good luck on your adventure!
  3. nope, you presumed incorrectly. It's just straight up regular game. the logged area across from the gas station is a designated spawn area for the moose. i just got lucky that it appeared there when it did.
  4. you're playing a custom generated game right? I know I am often frustrated with the custom game settings. I've often launched custom games where I've dialed in maxium moosage expecting to see mooses popping up all over the map to never seeing any as I criss cross the island in a fruitless pursuit. perhaps you should consider the sage advice @UpUpAway95 is offering and start fresh. I'd suggest just launching a vanilla game, not a custom and I would then concentrate on searching those high probablity areas where players have typically reported moose sightings. Either way, I know how frustrating it can be. In my eariler post on your thread I found my moose in less than 20 in game days on a freshly launched vanilla, game so that leads me to really believe that there maybe something fundamental flawed in custom game settings that is obviously manifesting itself in your current game.
  5. As Erik braced himself for the charge of the bear while shakily aiming his revolver at the bear, his mind racing as to where he should aim as he knew he was only going to get one shot before the bear would get to him. BOOM!!! A shot rang out, suddenly and without warning from the doorway of the cabin narrowly passing by Erik's right ear as the rifle slug trajectory speed towards the bear's grinning visage. The bullet struck the bear just above it's left eye gouging a deep furrow as it glanced off it's hardened skull obliterating the bear's left ear in the process. The glancing impact of the bullet was enough to momentarily stun the bear allowing Erik to turn and run for the door. As he turned he saw Amy in the doorway struggling with a rifle desperately trying to work the bolt but struggling as she was shaking as the adrenaline was building up in her system. "Run! Run for the truck!" he yelled as he recognized Amy thru the gunsmoke wafting thru the open door of his cabin. Amy looked up and saw Erik quickly making his way to the door. Turning as ordered, she quickly started moving towards the parked vehicle just a few meters away from the porch of the cabin. Erik quickly exited the cabin, grabbing Amy's arm pulling her along in his flight towards the safety of his old pickup. He opened the passenger side door and roughly pushed Amy inside, quickly climbing in behind her and pulling the door closed. Just as the door was latching, the bear burst from the cabin and made a beeline towards the couple, the rage on it's face so palpable it would be etched into Erik and Amy's memories forever. The bear slammed into the door with such an impact that the entire truck moved from the impact, denting the door and breaking the side view mirror right off the mount. The wing window cracked from the stress and showered the interior of the truck's cab with tiny pieces of glass. With a slow and deliberate motion, Erik stuck the barrel of his revolver out of the broken window and started pulling the trigger as the bear continued thrasing and bashing about outside. Pow, Pow, Pow!!! The sound of the gunfire inside the cab of the truck was deafening. Amy's mouth moved as if she were screaming in terror, but Erik's ears were ringing so badly he couldn't hear her. They both looked out the window and watched in shock and amazement as the bear suddenly turned in his tracks and began to run back towards the tree line leaving a blood trail in it's wake. Upon reaching the tree line, the bear turned, reared up on it's hind legs and let out a bellow of rage and pain, it's glare of hatred contorting the bloody face into a demonic grin. It turned and swiftly entered the treeline and quickly vanished from sight.
  6. I'd have to agree with Glflegolas that an update to all the older regions would make sense in that there might finally be a complete uniformity to the island. To that end, it would really make sense that Hinterland might consider releasing a "Collector's Edition" after Episode 5 is completed where the entire island is made over using the lastest innovations. Nothing would please me more thank eliminating interior loading cells and having transparent light emitting windows that reflect the weather conditions going on outside as I gaze out the window.
  7. the dead deer was already laying there when I arrived, it was just out of picture in the first pic and when I stepped further back for the second screenshot it was in frame. I can't claim any Jedi power in bringing down the deer.
  8. The biggest fish that a player can catch can be found only in Episode 3 of story mode. The local legends side quest that tells the story of "The Big One." As the story goes this particular fish has been landlocked in the pond for a very very long time and although some have had the fortune to see this big fish, none have ever caught it. There's a bit of strategy involved and not every player who pursues this monster is successful in catching it, but when you do... This BIG BASS tipped the scales at over 18 kilos when I caught him. t took many trips to the pond in story mode before I finally was able to land him! It sure cooked up nice! the resulting fish oil that I havested was phenomenal as well.
  9. I play stalker mode so I'm exposed to all the potential ailments that the game has to offer and have had a few bouts with parasites early on in the game due to eating bear and wolf meat before reaching level 5 cooking. I have however developed a good strategy that allows me to balance out my exposure by eating just enough predator meat that keeps me sustained and then switching to deer to mitigate the parasitic buildup. There's more than enough deer running around to keep that balance in check as I rung up the cooking ladder to level 5. Throw in all those bunnies in the area and if lucky a moose appears in game then I'm golden. As to micro harvesting, which I don't practice myself, why pooh pooh such a brilliant workaround, Glflegolas? Sometimes I think that the game designers themselves enabled certain practices that could be implemented by players whose resourceful cunning allowed them to thrive despite the rigors they face. I have to quote Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft; “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” If microharvesting is the answer to quick level 5 cooking, therefore being able to avoid parasitic infection, than I for one applaud the player who figured this out!
  10. I love a good challenge! Flaring gunning a moose is a lot more difficult than it seems... Here's my story I successfully retrieved a flare gun from the crashed tram car in Raven's Ravine. 5 shells came with the distress pistol but I knew that might not be enough, so I transitioned to ML and looted the dam where I found a couple more flare gun shells in the process. I made Camp Office my main base as I diligently scouted every possible moose loitering area on the map and found none. I did find a bunker back behind the unnamed pond where I also obtained another couple of shells for the flare gun as well as a useful old fashioned parka and some pain killers. With 9 shells in my possession I felt it was a good omen that I might soon find a moose! I moved to Trapper's Cabin, while I was there waiting for a moose to appear, I mended my gear and crafted a couple of new arrows using the arrowheads I had salvaged from the broken arrows I had picked up along the way. I snared a few rabbits as well while I waited outside the door of the cabin for a possible moose sighting but after nearly a week of sheltering in place, I became more discouraged by each passing day so I decided Mountain Town might be better luck. Having easily transited from ML to MT, I made tracks for the old Orca gas station, my new headquarters and spent the next few days doing a quick loot and scoot and managed to find a couple more flare gun shells bringing my total to 11 rounds. What do you think happened next? I left the gas station early in the morning. Just shortly after dawn. The air was still, no wind blowing and the light was flat, when I hear that unmistakeable bellow of a bull moose off in the distance. I pull my flaregun from my backpack and load a fresh round in the chamber. Not wanting to be stomped out in the open, I flank the bull, remaining out of sight until I reach higher ground where I finally expose my position alerting the beast to my presence. He shakes his giant paddles at me and slowly begins to saunter over to my perch on the rocky ledge. I crouch back down and reposition myself on another nearby ledge. I've got this beast dead to rights, I think to myself as I slowly and deliberately take aim and POW! I fire the salvo right at him! Blinded by the muzzle flash of the flare as it arcs, I look down to see that my shot had missed, the shot shell burrowing deeply into the crusty snow as the burning flare sputtered and hissed in the melting snow. The crows overhead laughed at my missed shot while the shadow of an old dead standing tree pointed the way in which the moose had fled. I quickly reloaded and began my pursuit. I find the moose over by the port o potties and I sneak up behind him. At this range, I am thinking, I will use the portable outhouses as shield if necessary. I take aim and fire! And MISS again!!!! I am now thinking to myself what a shitty shot I am... I set up for another stalk as the bull moose hasn't run all that far, after all my failures so far this morning, I am sure the moose is just waiting for his turn to get a couple of licks in of his own... I heard him before I saw him. So taking advantage of the hilly terrain, I crouch walk up and around the hillock where I again see the beast Having learned my lesson from my previous attempts, I aim higher than what feels normal. But then again, hunting a moose with a flare gun isn't exactly normal, right? WHOOSH!!! The brilliantly burning incandesent missle erupts from my hand cannon with a deadly accuracy! Striking the big bull moose squarely between the shoulders, the resulting thud of the projectiles impact drops the beast in midst step! The moose slumps to the ground as the impact and the intense heat of the shell claim his life essence. I quickly clamber down from my perch to inspect my prize! I quickly reload my "weapon" as the moose's subsequent death throe, whilst music to my ears, has definitely alerted the other denizens. And no sooner than I had finished reloading the first of many of my furry friends wanted to come out to play. It's been a helluva morning to say the least! Now all that's left to do is butcher this beast!
  11. I always find it amusing how everybody gets polarized over their views of this "game." I think it's fairly obvious this game is not a survival simulator. Hinterland never intended for it to be portrayed in that way. It is however, "survival fantasy!" Pure and simple. With all the artistic license that a fantasy game embraces! The wish list has more posts than any other thread on the forums, over 38,000 posts comprising 183 pages of requests for new items, ongoing ideas for improvement, debate and opinion. If the game mechanics were truer to real life conditions, then we probably wouldn't be seeing some of the mods that have been introduced by the modding community of players. As to modding, choose to mod or choose not to mod. It's your game afterall, play the way you want to play! Why just survive, when you can campout and thrive!
  12. After a busy few days of cleaning house, chopping wood and bringing the old lodge back to life I was inspired to take advantage of the foresight the ole Baron had when he brought that magnificent cast iron tub to the lodge! My morning started with boiling water. Lots and lots of water. But yeah, totally worth it! Good thing I had looted all those cooking pots from Milton. They came in handy despite all the trips I had to make to get them all to the lodge. Not to mention I got another great workout running all those hot pots of water upstairs. Nothing like a nice long hot soak in a tub full of rosehibs by soft candlelight! my fresh towels were neatly stacked nearby and the soft cured moose hides were so pleasant on my bare feet. I hung my clean woolen underwear and bear skin leggings on the only towel bar in the room along with newly crafted deerskin and wolfskin boots for when I finished my soak. ah, I haven't enjoyed a bath like this for a long long time. If you find yourself up this way, come check out the tub!
  13. iirc, typically you can find a rope in the little cave next to the log loaded railcars across the way from the tree bridge? Been a while since I've played pilgrim so now I often bring one along anyways just in case. Always good to loot the summit and get all the clothing you need, right? and you're right, there is often a moose as well. If not by the cargo containers near the bear den, then often near the mountaineer's hut. Convenient either way! on a side note, I fairly often run into a moose by Pensive Pond in PV. That fishing hut comes in pretty handy as nice place to camp out while when you're moose hunting.
  14. Isn't the easiest place to find a guaranteed flare gun down the rope climb in Raven's Ravine?
  15. I did not know that. That is a good piece of advice! Especially if you know the container's contents are something you could really use.
  16. sometimes you get what you wish for! I need more accessory slots please, lol
  17. ha ha ha, that made me laugh! Been there, done that! and after I got to 500, I figured I'd go for the 1000. but my run ended unexpectedly at day 852 when I "stepped" of a ledge near Carto Hydro resulting in a fatal fall... yeah good times!
  18. Thanks, nice to be appreciated. We are all amateurs when it comes to surviving the rigors of life in this frozen wasteland we call home! I honestly don't play much interloper as I love playing with the guns. There are some definite master class interloper players here on the forums who can give you much better advice as to how to be better prepared for a good Interloper difficulty survival experience. I suggest you use the search feature and you'll find some really good discussion threads on how to better prepare yourself for a successful interloper run.
  19. there is always a guaranteed cache that will spawn in ML in survival mode. It may actually appear in the same location as the Hank's hatch in story mode but you won't find Hank in it if you do. That particular location is one of 9 possible spawn points for a bunker to appear in survival mode in ML. If it does appear there, it's usually a clothing bunker and that can be a bonus because an Expedition Parka is typically part of the loot that most players will find inside. In survival mode, you will typically also find a green backpack with a polaroid inside leaning up against a tree nearby. Sometimes a corpse as well but not always.
  20. As you head down the tracks towards the tram, turn right at the loading area and head down the logging road. when you get to the begining of the logging area, where you see the first stumps on the right side of the road, head over to those stumps and follow the natural slope back up and around. You'd be walking right back toward the dam but your line of sight will be blocked by the rocky elevation. You'll find the cache nestled up about mid way tucked in the curvature of the terrain behind some trees.
  21. looking at that gorgeous moon, I feel my inner werewolf struggling to be free! Arrrrwwooooo!!!
  22. That's the archivist challenge, and although you can collect them all in a standard game, I do not believe there will be an award or acheievement unlocked unless you play the acutal challenge game separately. Good luck either way!
  23. Considering all the emphasis on Methuselah in Episodes 1 & 2, and Molly in Episode 3 I curious to know about their fates in the story when the final episode releases. Last I saw Methuselah he was sitting outside of Carter Hydro and he was just chilling trying to get me to hang out with him and just as suddenly as he appeared we never heard about him again in the story. As to Molly, I'm pretty sure she killed every last dude in PV and like that old bear in Episode 2, I think Molly has a blood lust that hasn't been satiated. She's a tough old farm girl who knows her way around the island and I won't be surprised when she shows up in the final story to put a couple of arrows into some of the murderous convicts! I really hope Mackenzie was able to get that fire started and save Jace from death by freezing. She holds the knowledge about what's going on, but what if Methuselah and Jace are the same person? Because he/she is a shape shifter from the future sent here to observe humanity during a "natural disaster" or as they call it, an Extinction Level Event...
  24. Ok, but I still think it only applies in this case to first run loper players.