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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Of course I wouldn't mind! foxes gotta eat too, don't they? besides, we're sitting on nearly 100 kilos of meat between the moose steaks and the bear burgers!
  2. That looks like the cooking station from FallOut 4 Outstanding! I'll take it!
  3. I think we're gonna a bigger stove! I sure wish I had a big spit to slow roast an entire beast over an open outdoor fire!
  4. right? I guess I can use it for wheeling drunk patrons outside? I dunno...
  5. yes, you will find most of them here. I would suggest searching by "recently updated" as those mods are written to incorporate any of Hinterland's releases including fixes so as to be compatible with the most recent programming language. Just be sure to download and install all ancilliary mods as some require more than one background file in order to work properly. The great majority are all in good working order but I would still suggest that you only add one mod at a time, launch the game and insure all is working properly before adding the next. Although conflicts are few, it's a lot easier to troubleshoot your game that way.
  6. I think there might be a new recipe going on here... Moose Stuffed Bear Belly Bites? Now if we can just get a wolf to eat a rabbit, and then the bear eats the wolf we'd end up with Barolfbits...
  7. Yes, a few of the items are from Waltz's mods, I've got three foods mods going. Also there's a new DIY crafting mod from @stmSantana which allows for crafting the tables, chairs, cushions and wall mounts. I'm loving this mod so much! You should get it too! As to the clutter, that one is called Remove Clutter and if there was only one mod that I could use, that would be the one. Jeez, just because the power is out doesn't mean you can sweep up right? I never understood why a player had to live in a "dirty" basecamp just because there was an apocalypse.
  8. As my fixer upper project is drawing to a close, I've been asked what I did with the basement. Well, unlike most basements, the one in the lodge has a lot going on. It kinda is the nerve center for what goes on at the lodge. let's take a look at what's going on downstairs First thing is a full coal bin. I've been foraging the caves in FM and have with each successful run have managed to bring back a fair amount of coal, about 20 pieces on my last foray. The bin holds 200 lumps, it's not quite full yet but will be soon enough. where all the broken junk was is now storage for a few extra tables and chairs. I got some fresh table tops that I currently crafting for placement in the guest rooms. The lodge will be needing a few more tables for the room service amenity that we'd like to start offering our overnight guests. I'm glad I didn't hack up all the bunkbed frames I found downstairs. Turns out the bunk beds make excellent Drying racks for curing the various pelts of wolves and deer that typically end up on our menu. Turns out the if you flip one it's side, the bunk beds also make excellent pens or kennels for you pets! This is Socks. He's in his box. Socks in a Box. We try to keep Sock in his box, because he likes to eat, Here he is guarding the canned goods during an aurora... Further in the back, is the sewing and clothing crafting section. Staying busy making new cushions for all the chairs. It's a work in progress. I've torn down every curtain in every house on CH. I might need to raid Milton to finish off the project. It's pretty nice having a forge so close. I hope I get the new spear head firmly attached to the spear! Yes, the place is looking pretty neat and tidy. Plenty of storage still available and lots of room for additional shelving. Not sure what I'm gonna do with that wheelbarrow though...
  9. @Jeremy4200, You should check out the Developer's Diary all your question can be answered here: also there are a definitely a few problems for console players, you should follow the Episode Four - Technical Issues & Support thread for possible insight as to why your game crashes. also it would greatly assist the dev team if you are able to file a detailed troubleshooting ticket. good luck
  10. I'm with @manolitode on this one. Out of all the areas to choose from, this region does provide for the most compact yet rugged area that the island has to offer. No indoor loading screens, a definitely tenable dwelling complete with workbench and built in storage. Ice fishing shack nearby as well as copious amounts of wildlfe, both aggressive and passive so suit your playstyle. Not to mention the abundance of reoccuring fuel firewood adjacent to the hut. Plenty of caves scattered about as well and of course there is the spectacular view from the summit! (not to mention some good loot in those cargo containers...)
  11. Lol, we need to schedule a playdate for our foxes! I'm currently at the community hall teaching a survival seminar on how to effectively craft and deploy snares for maximum rabbit harvest production. I'll be there all week if you wanna hoof it over there!
  12. lol, you posted just as I was writing my reply to your query. So what color are you making yours?
  13. be sure you also install all the required ancillary mods. there are quite a few. also if you've launched and not found the fox, hit your "P" key and that should teleport him to your current location
  14. @peteloud, Hmmm, an interesting idea creating a Santa's Grotto. Hopefully the modding community will produce some frivolous decorations like a strings of colored lights and ornaments and such. A small pine tree would be nice. I do find it interesting that a player never finds a small tree anywhere on the island. They are all either massively huge standing trees or uprooted, but no small pine trees. Not much you can do with a leafless maple or birch sapling, am I right?
  15. @Catlover, I've name the fox, "Socks." He's kinda shy at first but if you sit by the fire in the great room, he'll soon come over and lay by your feet. Give him a couple of treats and he'll be your new best friend.
  16. @acadaand @Catlover Your rooms are ready and the banquet table has been set with fresh tablecloths in anticipation of your arrival! We've been busy gathering rosehips for the soaking tub, so if you got an extra two liter pot in your rucksack we'll get that monster filled in no time. And yes, extra meat is always a good thing! As Tom Bodett would say, "You're always Welcome at Piddy's Lodge, We'll leave a light on for you!"
  17. lol, I hope they develop a love for the game like you have!
  18. Outstanding! I'm loving your work!
  19. well, I just recently was in BI to check out the cannery and although there are quite a few things that can be scrapped using the remove clutter mod, there are also many items that cannot be scrapped. The things I'd like to be able to remove are firmly imbedded unfortunately. So I think I'll pass on the cannery for now. But the community hall does sound promising! It's a fair bit of walk now but soon as I get healed up from having to dispatch that wolf in the cannery I'll be on my merry way!
  20. that is indeed a mod called Toilet Paper. the rolls just randomly appear in game and are just there for decoration only. they cannot be harvested or used in anyway. I know times were tough on the island and many amenities probably weren't be delivered by the time the island was nearly completely abandoned, but at least one guy hoarded sufficient amounts to leave a roll or two behind!
  21. stepped out the door of the quonset garage and was immediately ambushed as the loading screen was cycling I could hear the wolf struggle and this was the image frozen on my screen when it finally finished loading...
  22. Not sure really considering that some of the spaces are fairly limited on what can be scrapped or the physical space is too limited. Is there any place you'd like to see in particular? I'm open for suggestions!