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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Amazing right? Wouldn't it be nice to just once in the game find a bunker that contained just a quarter of all that loot? Playing with mods definitely changes the loot in the game!
  2. I'm pretty sure there is a standard loot table for the bunkers based on the gameplay difficulty. Or at least that's what I've been led to believe. I may be wrong. I probably should have mentioned in the post that this was at stalker level difficulty so that may have affected the amount and or assortment of items that I discovered. What difficulty setting were you playing on when you found your bunker, if you don't mind my asking? as to finding arrows/materials in a tools bunker? hmmm, yeah okay, but it's a tools bunker. I'd just expect to find all the tools... With tools, I can easily chop down some saplings for making bows and arrows, dontch'a think? 😏 wanna see a proper prepper's cache?
  3. Yes, I know the area you're describing. There are literally two spots fairly close together one behind the ridge the hunting blind and another up along the ridgeline, above the cabin before you reach the clear cut area. There's a moose rub and a rabbit warren pretty much just below the hatch location. If you proceed further thru into the clear cut area, diagonally across the stump farm from the path that leads to the destroy fire watch up on the ridge, is where you'll find the firewood bunker. That one honestly is just about the most useless bunker find in the game. The only one equally mediocre would be the medical hatch. You'll find that one just at the top of the rope climb by the western passage.
  4. I think you would like the food bunker or the clothing bunker as it seems they typically yields a fair amount of just about everything in my experience, maybe even an occassional skill book or two. As to Guns, Guns, Guns a much sought after skill book, I do believe there's only a small handfull of locations where that particular book can be found. I've been fortunate to have come across them all at one time or another and on one particular playthrough actually got the weapons bunker on both PV and ML. That was obviously before BlackRock was added, so now there's one more chance of getting a trifecta!
  5. well, it seems to be working just fine for me so far. I managed to craft one using the workbench after I had the required materials. I place it in my new base camp and sleep tested it and rest tested the new bed. worked just fine. Since you are just churning these things out, maybe do another smaller bed. like the ones in mountain lodge. They appear smaller and maybe more practical considering some of the space limitations a player might find themselves in. One other thing, I think the post construction weight should be adjusted to reflect are little more realistic, lol, weight balance. maybe 15 kilos, like a battery? I shouldn't be able to spring carrying a bed, right?
  6. Oh, that might make the difference. the only thing I was not carrying at the time was any cured gut. I will go try it again. I was able to spawn the bed into my inventory using console commands so I can confirm it does materialize that way. I'll go back and make sure I've got the items. If the materials needed only displays 3 like you said it would probably be a good idea to remark on that in your release notes? Or maybe just eliminate the need for 6 items. I figured a bed would need wood and nails for construction. But pillows and bedding would need cloth, cured gut and feathers for making the pillows and mattress.
  7. Ok, looks like all the updates loaded but something is preventing me from actually crafting the bed. It looks like I have all the materials. I tried crafting at a workbench and I also tried crafting in a large open space indoors just in case it was an issue relating to items lying in proximity to the bed build. As you can see, it looks like I have plenty of material in my inventory, as well I have both sets of tools, simple and high quality but there's no craft button or "go" button whatever you call it. Any ideas? by the way, are you on the modding discord channel?
  8. Wow, I really appreciate the accolades, I never expected my frivolous posts to be used as a inspirational tool for a contest! I sure would love to win one of those coffee cups! Thanks again for the mention!
  9. Indeed? I never would pass up the opportunity to entertain another weary traveler. Especially for a guest willing to barter their superior mending skills and thermal underpants! From what I hear, thermal undergarments are really in vogue during this cold weather we're having. You are going to enjoy your stay, I am certain. I'll get started on crafting that rabbit pelt pillow... oh, and by the way, the rabbit satay's we make are devine!
  10. Yes, a bed would be nice. like the bed in Grey Mother's house. bed ingredients: 20 Pieces of Fir 10 Pieces of Cedar 6 Nails 15 Cloth 25 Feathers 10 Cured Gut どうもありがとうございます Dōmo arigatōgozaimasu @stmSantana
  11. You might wanna make some of these suggestions in the Modding thread. Things like traps seem ideal for the modders to make quickly available for immediate player usage
  12. As Christine retreated upstairs to tell Emma the news, Erik turned his gaze on Amy. "I'll take the couch." he said pointing at the lumpy sofa in the living room. "Yeah, okay." Amy stammered weakly, feeling her cheeks turning red at as feelings of guilt began eating at her. Turning her back on Erik, she made her way up the stairs where she could already hear the excited squeals coming from Emma's room as her mother was telling her about the road trip. Amy strood purposefully into Emma's room and said to Chrisinte, "I need a word with you." "What do you wish to talk about?" Christine replied in surprise. "I really wish you would have said something to me about leaving here first." Amy replied. "I'm not trying to be ungrateful, but the man did just help save us from starvation and now you expect him to drive us halfway across the island to some military base or something? Do you even know how to get there?" she demanded. Christine looked abashed as she collected her thoughts and stood there in silence. Amy stared at her with a mixture of surprise, contempt and apprehension. "I hope she doesn't kick us out over this," the thought of being thrown out by her up to now gracious host weighing heavily on her mind. "I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry. You're right Amy. I should have talked to you first. It's, it's..." she stuttered "It's just I got so excited when I saw both of you drive up and with all those supplies. I just couldn't hold it in." she blurtted Amy suddenly smiled and said, "Yeah, I get it. Finally seems like something is starting to go our way, right?" Emma stood up from her bed, looking at the two women quizzically and said, "I know I shouldn't interrupt adults when they are conversating. But do you smell that? Smells like pancakes?" Downstairs, Erik had fired up the old wood burning stove in the kitchen and was busily mixing a pitcher of reconstitued milk. Mixing bowls were neatly lined up and flap jacks were on the griddle. As the three women entered the kitchen drawn in by the enticing smell of the freshly made griddle cakes. Erik looked up from this chore and chuckled. "Hope you all like breakfast for dinner!" Erik said to the trio as he watched them lick their lips. "I even got some dried blueberries rehydrating. I hope you like blueberry pancakes little miss." He said to Emma with a big grin.
  13. @acada,that is a in interesting question for sure. My granparents heated with coal and as I recall they too have tons delivered. The coal truck had a chute that was attached to the back of the truck, much like the trough a cement mixer uses. It was "poured" down a coal chute into a big room down in the cellar. My granddad would open a trap door from the outside allowing the chute to be put in and the helpers would shovel the coal down the chute. I would suspect that the Lord of the Manor used a similar set up. There is that window on the landing just across from the bin. You can see it in the second pic. I presume they would have opened that window and attached a chute directly to the the bin. Or perhaps in a more labor intensive move they shoveled coal into the wheelbarrow from outside the window, a plausible theory considering there is another wheelbarrow half buried in the snow in the little shed behind the lodge. Being a rich man who owned his own railroad, I presume our Baron shipped in coal via railcar. Maybe the old blue pick up truck in the outside in the parking area was used to transport the coal from the rail car up to lodge? I guess we will never know.
  14. Interesting idea, very plausible that they may have used the wheelbarrow to mix mortar or concrete as they either made repairs or did indeed build a secret room or compartment. Who knows what could be entombed in those walls!
  15. Hey @stmSantana you are a mod making machine! Love having all those options. since you're knocking these things out with such speed and efficiency, how about a pillow for my bed? I've been using the chair cushions as pillows for my bed, why not an actual pillow? please and thank you! when you get around to it of course! No hurry!
  16. Well, it is an actual location. It's the little side room on the other side of the underground waterfall in Pleasant Valley. You might have been there before if you've played Episode 3 of Wintermute. There is a side quest in the game that leads you there. Of course there are no skulls. The blunt skulls are part of a mod called the "Festive Pack" that I have been evaluating.
  17. In Mystery Lake, if your fortunate enough to find it, every once in while the tools and hardware bunker will spawn. It only spawns in this fixed location. High up on the ridge overlooking the fishing shacks and cabins. It's easily accessible but a long way to walk for sure. climbing down into the interior you'll find shelves with items on either side of the ladder. On the left side of the ladder I found a metal shelf with a prybar, two hatchets along with two sharpening stones and standard toolbox. The locker adjacent to the metal shelf yielded a very worn pair of climbing socks. The shelf to the right held to rusty jerry cans each containing approximately 2 liters fo fuel. There was also a hurrican storm lantern in like new condition as well as a couple of jars of stump remover. The bonus was finding a revolver in decent condition along with two boxes of bullets. To the right of the shelving I found a four drawer filing cabinet, which was empty save 1 piece of scrap metal. The desk drawers were equally empty but I did take the addtional beat up lantern that was sitting out. Crow feathers were appreciated as was the old newspaper. Across the room, was another metal shelf with a couple of cans of acclerant along with some food items a newspaper and a tinder plug. I found a couple of road flares and some matches on a carboard box. Nothing inside or under the box. In the corner of the were the air vents and ducting. Checking the vent yielded nothing but you never know, sometimes there's good stuff in a vent. The metal shelf held another flare, a gun cleaning kit along with some high quality tools and an addtional box of standard tools. The bed was a standard size bed, adding 5C warmth bonus. The crate and cardbox box were empty, nothing inside or underneath. The papers will come in handy for starting some fires. The last objects in the room where a locked locker and another metal shelf. Fortunately I had a new prybar so I forced the door to the locker and found an old flashlight and a box of rifle bullets. The shelf held a variety of items, food, medical supplies, water as well as a useful hunting knife and can opener. I always wonder about these bunkers. Why isn't there more stuff in them? Has somebody found these before and just didn't take it all? Or did the original owner just not get the chance to finish filling up their cache? What are your thoughts on bunkers? Do you search for them or just don't bother? Your thoughts and comments much appreciated.
  18. Hey, @Leeanda wanted to share this with you, because it just goes to show you how oddly the game algorythm's sometime play out. I just launched a new game spawning in ML right by the rail tracks leading into FM. Being close to Trapper's I set out and go there. Find a moose. Go inside I'm immediately rewarded with a rifle, cleaning kit and box of bullets. Come out and kill moose. Spend next two to three days or so cooking moose meat. Head over to unnamed pond then over to small cabin with outhouse and find another moose! What? Another new moose just 3 days apart? That's when the irony hit me and I thought about all your exploits, trials and tribulations trying to get your moose and here I go and get two in my first week of gameplay... yeah, algorythms, fickle algorythms
  19. I appreciate your saying so. I know I'm not being humble but I gotta agree with you, that stick cross turned out pretty good! I hoping that some modder will come up with a burying the dead mod. Maybe have craftable crosses like the ones in front of Trapper's or like the graveyard by the church in Milton. Maybe something with a little "R.I.P." engraved on it? That would be awesome!
  20. Well given that stone are replenishing like tree limbs and sticks, makes collection doable at the very least. But as you said, it probably would give some gamers something to do after they have systematically explored and looted the entire island.
  21. lol, you had me going on this one. so, yes, indeed piling stones or dropping them does work but frankly it takes an ungodly amount of stones. Here's how you find em... My best rendition of a stone piled burial mound. Obviously used the place anywhere mod to place the stones and the make the cross. I'm particularly happy the way my makeshift cross turned out. The way the sticks clipped together looks like they could have been pushed together that way irl, so it felt pretty immersive as I viewed. The only drawback, is that this mound is comprised of 400 stones. Good thing I have could open the console and load up the stones, otherwise if you had to collect them it would take weeks of gameplay to collect enough stones to do the job. so what do you think of my handiwork?
  22. of course you can just drop stones but I was thinking more along the lines of creating a stone burial mound. You could certainly use the place anywhere mod to skillfully arrange stones around a corpse. I've often just built a stone storage carin over the corpse as well, but the only issue with that is the game only allows for 5 carins per map and often there are well more than 5 corpses laying about. I'd really just settle for being able to remove a corpse from inside a building, especially if I wanted to overnight there. Just something creepy about sleeping in the same room with a dead body sitting on the floor or laying in an adjacent bunk...
  23. Currently there aren't any NPC mods. So much work as they would need dialogue and animations. That would be a project of some magnitude and probably would not be free as most of the current mods are. I would want a corpse removal mod or a burial mod. the first guy I would move is the dead guy in Camp Office! I'd bury the rest. Too bad we can't use those stones for something besides throwing them at wolves or making a storage carin.