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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Outstanding! I'm always building fires near the door, never bothered to check the back to find a wind proof location. Gonna have to check that out as well. Only issue I have with location is proximity to a work bench. seems like a long walk to either the fishing village or the gas station. Which one do you usually use when your camped out at the log sort trailer?
  2. I do like that one as well, but it always seems to be burned up in most of my play throughs. So far, besides a couple of deer, I have not had one wolf sighting when i leave the house, although I have seen a bear on multiple occasions.
  3. i think @UTC-10, has the best explanation so far, as it best explains the results I've been seeing.
  4. yes, I do believe your onto something here. Your explanation does explain exactly what I experienced. I didn't even remotely think about fractional numbers, but it makes perfect sense, now that you've laid it out for me. Thanks!
  5. My understanding is that it takes 70 wildlife "hits" to achieve level 5. warning shots don't count for anything other than "frightening" wildlife
  6. The power of the internet brought to you by Aurora Telecom Power n' Light
  7. Oh, now that does make sense... if I am reading this right, you are saying that it's a cumulative number? 4+3+2+1=10 Well that would explain it then. Thanks @hozz1235
  8. I really like living on the Coastal Highway region of Great Bear Island. You get plentiful wildlife, good fishing, consistent fuel sources and usually an abundance of predators. There's typically three wolves that frequent the gas station in addition to a meandering bear and an occasional moose. Every morning when I open the door to leave the gas station I gotta be on my toes for wolf attack. Gets a little old after a while, right? So, one morning as I slip out to collect firewood, I decide to check out that house up the hill... Glad I did, too. Best decision I've made so far. Although the house doesn't have a fireplace or a stove, Al Fresco dining doesn't bother me. The weather does have an impact on food and water prep, but then the building does provide decent shelter from the wind allowing me to maintain a fire during some harsh conditions. The railing around the perimeter of the house is a good physical barrier as well. I'm also able to store fresh meat supplies up off the ground so predators can't get to the them. I use every opportunity to gather wood for fuel and there's plenty of wood nearby that replenishes itself every 2-3 days. I typically can pick up 60 sticks, 9 cedar and 3 fir logs on a typical sweep. Now, I have been living out of this house for a while now and so far I haven't seen a single wolf when I open the door to come out. I have seen the bear meandering along the road on a few occasions as I've exited the house, but mostly I see a couple of deer and that comes in handy too. Just behind the house is a little trail, that although a little step is very manageable even over encumbered. As you drop down, you can see the whole layout of the station and you have the height advantage over the wolves that patrol the area. I only use the station now for crafting. I call this house home. So where's your favorite player house? comments and feedback greatly encouraged and appreciated. thanks for reading
  9. Hey, this looks like a fun diversion. I think you should consider moving this to a thread all its own, this is brilliant!
  10. I would have to agree that it isn't a .44 Magnum, and I too am inclined to think it's a .357, but it could very possibly be a .40 as well imho. At any rate, at closer ranges, this handgun does better than fair when it comes to putting down wolves. if you crouch down and take deliberate aim on a charging wolf and take the shot before they pounce you are almost guaranteed a kill shot. When sneaking up on grazing deer, a close range shot can drop them in their tracks. A gut shot or flank shot and the animal may bolt but so far each hit of my trusty sidearm has resulted in the animal bleeding out. I have taken two bears, each with a single shot, both resulting in mortal wounds which have led to the bear bleeding out over the course of an entire day. Not so with the moose. I shot the moose in the head from close range and that merely pissed him off...
  11. I'm inspired to sing the Canadian national anthem when ever I sleep in this bed...
  12. yeah, i already read that and those are not the results I am getting. Thanks anyway
  13. can somebody please explain the condition per repair action because I am getting different results. For example, my weapon condition 91% and my cleaning kit is sitting at 16% before cleaning. I do a single cleaning repair action and my weapon condition improved to 100% and my cleaning kit declined to 10% condition. I am under the impression the number "4" indicated how much each cleaning action would improve my weapon. By the same token, I understood that the cleaning kit would deteriorate by 5% for each cleaning action. Do I have this all wrong or does all that previous rifle cleaning experience somehow impact the firearm cleaning kit since the updates? I would think the experience earned would be separate for statistical purposes at least. one a side note, does anyone know how many hits it takes to level up?
  14. ...everyone has a little secret they keep, i light the fires when the snow gets deep
  15. nice shot right thru the nostril... ouch, that had to hurt!
  16. I haven't pushed thru HRV yet in my search, but I did find one in PV in the fishing hut on Pensive Pond. I found another in DP in a section of one of the joined trailers. I presume the revolver in HRV would be up by the signal fire? I found one in a car outside of the hunting lodge and another in a cave up the hill from Camp Office. So far 4 in total and still looking
  17. Does anybody know or can anyone tell me if there are an guaranteed revolver spawn points? Is there a total to the whole island or can there be multiple like the rifle? Also does the hunter bunker or weapons bunker now also contain the revolver?
  18. Kudos on your commitment to thoroughly scrub the map clean. I start every new launch with that same objective only to fail miserably each time. Mostly it's because I often find myself running out of coal as I often ditch it to make my travel weight lighter. But there's something interesting about looking at a map that does have those spotty dark areas that remain unexposed, 'cause you know that's where the dragons be....
  19. Ditto on one shot killing, but only after a long bleed out. There's that bear cave on CH up on the logging road. Climbed that tree real far out and crouched down. Took deliberate aim and fired a head shot. Struck him on the top of the head as I was looking down at him. He promptly scampered off. I climbed down the tree , found the blood spatter and began to follow the trail. as per usual, a blizzard swept in and I ended up losing the tracks in the freshly falling snow. After spending the night in the nearby trailer, found the bear's corpse at the intersection of the logging road and coastal highway. Killed a deer and a wolf in the same fashion. none were instakills, but each shot fired resulted in the demise of my intended target.
  20. yeah, thanks man, appreciate the encouragement! I typically don't pay to much attention to stats but this took so long to complete, made me start wondering if i was playing the game wrong... lol