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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Yeah, there are a lot of things I find "wrong" or "disappointing" about this map. For example, now we have timberwolves, but when you kill one, the hide appears to b the same as a regular one after you harvest the carcass. Same goes to their weight. I would have expected a few more kilos considering their formidable size in the game. The key pad is another minor irritation, forget about the game mechanics, the missing zero is just sloppy artwork as it detracts from the otherwise immersive elements normally present in the game. they could have just made the code 1549 in the story and it would been right on point. am i right? For me, another disappointment was lack of a bed in the workshop itself. not a deal breaker by any stretch, but you'd figure that given the effort it takes to gain access to the workshop once your there, your probably going to want to stay there for while.
  2. Ice, you really know how to push my buttons...
  3. ...somehow i dont think this is gonna work???
  4. thanks for validating my claim @JMK
  5. yeah yeah, I know... If wishes were fishes, we'd all be eating! my wish would probably entail a complete redesign, but it would be cool, right?
  6. I was trekking thru Hushed River, grabbing the satchel up by the signal fire, finding myself with two satchels now got me to thinking how nice it would be to be able to use a satchel as a 5 kilo storage container when you weren't equipping it as gear. I kinda wanted to flesh that out a little more than just giving the player an extra 5 kilo carry advantage. Why not be able to store that 5 kilos of gear in the satchel? Then when you pick it up and equip it, you automatically get the weight increase and whatever is in the bag is now part of your inventory. A player could create a variety of go bags employing the satchel like one of the many backpacks we come across in the environment during our travels. In some way I could see myself crafting multiple bags each containing varying loadouts. I like the fact that a player can maintain the bag using cured leather. You find it fairly abundantly so that's an extra bonus.
  7. I was expecting to see the wolf pack pull down this horse, but was surprised when the horse started rolling about in the snow. The idea that the wolves had never seen a horse or anything bigger than themselves was an explanation that I'd never have thought possible. Goes to show you how little we really know about wildlife behavior.
  8. sorry it's not working out for you... nobody else has made an effort to comment, so not sure if problem you're experiencing is widespread or just problematic for you. if it's easier for you, you may just want to YouTube it yourself. just put in wolves vs. horses in the search bar and it should come up as one of the first clips on file.
  9. Outstanding! mind sharing a screen shot of that map? would love to see what it looks like without an smudge!
  10. at the very least once, for a quick look around. it's seems to be so much easier once you have some good gear and equipment. good luck @Lancja!
  11. great shot. reminds me of the iconic gun barrel views of the old James Bond movies introductory credits!
  12. ...just like when i was kid... constantly waiting on the Rocky and Bullwinkle show!
  13. I've had that happen to me before as well, but not on Stalker level. The instant degradation of recently dropped items has got to be a glitch. just another reason for me to avoid HRV...
  14. couldn't agree more. Maybe if it connected to another region and you had to use to transition to that area it might have greater appeal, but the complete lack of fishing spots and the lack of ability to craft clothing makes it less inviting or even relevant to the game or story line.
  15. the transition hatch between TWM and PV or one of the random spawing prepper caches?
  16. in the voice of William Shatner, "that's double icehole on you!"
  17. ...and your scraping every bit of cover off the map right? yeah daunting is a good word to describe this task. Plus your dodging wildlife too? exactly why I have never completed this accomplishment, requires real dedication and effort. I look forward to reading more of your adventures!
  18. yes, very warm and inviting. the shadowing of the chairs really adds some depth to the room. good eye!
  19. damn batteries and their constant bar-b-ques....