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Everything posted by Hotzn

  1. I laughed a lot seeing this reference to the olden TWM run II. The wording is actually from Lords of Midnight - to me one of the best video games ever, with an AI of a couple of bytes steering the forces of evil in a manner which I find baffling until this day. The author and programmer (a one-man team, those were the days) was a phenomenal writer, too. Shame he died.
  2. The dead guy with the laptop is an interesting find. Wonder if the laptop will fire up when an aurora is on. Maybe it will display what the guy was doing there...
  3. Following this, obviously...
  4. Intense ending. Rep handed out, well earned. Due to time restraints, I am currently unable to read survival reports in detail, let alone verify hypotheses according to the principles of TLD science. But I skimmed through it, and the end result speaks for itself - 50 days in muskeg with these settings should catapult you into the Hall of Fame of TLD. Which means your name may also be occasionally whispered at a campfire.
  5. Barkman - excellent. I advocate that future Deadman runs including Birch bark tea consumption shall henceforth be titled 'Barkman'. Should the notorious @Drifter Man start new adventures in this field, a new thread titled 'A few Barkmen' should be opened.
  6. That sounds really interesting. And yes, there would need to be some indication that a long-lasting blizzard is on its way. Otherwise, the risk of being hit unprepared would be too great. Even if you have stashed away enough resources to make it through a long blizzard, you might still be caught while travelling around somewhere else, and that would be it. But 'events' in the sandbox could be cool - there could be an automatic 'story writer' like it is advertised for Rimworld. In other words, the game could make a string of special events which would then occur in a sandbox game (like a long blizzard, or a big bad bear stalking you (like in the challenge), or a message from another survivor forcing you to race across the maps to another location in only a couple of days).
  7. Hotzn


    Candles must be one of the most-wished-for features in TLD overall, second only to multiplayer mode (arrgh) and a sled for hauling around a gazillion items (hrrrch). I remember the devs explained at some point that candles are difficult to program as the game would need to track a potentially high number of candles burning in different places and their current status. But I may be mixing things up.
  8. There should be more variety in toilets. Like there being really filthy toilets with non-potable water, and clean toilets with potable water.
  9. +1, would be a quality-of-life improvement. And yes, the stalks are slightly OP (although I appreciate that they don't decay). They were even more so when they were introduced, their caloric value was reduced later.
  10. The tablets have been the most redundant item ever since I have been playing this game.
  11. Has been suggested multiple times and might be a cool feature. However, I have no idea how much programming effort this would require in relation to other changes.
  12. Interesting, never saw/heard about that. I would actually find it cool if fleeing deer could run the player over, potentially causing some clothing damage and/or injury.
  13. Rules (for Interloper survival (or harder settings)): 1. Before leaving your shelter, have a plan. 2. Stick to the plan.
  14. Is that experience from a certain difficulty setting? Does it apply for, let's say, Interloper?
  15. Dammit. Hinterland keeps making things easier. Do they not know what we can do? That we can walk outside of the boundaries designed for normal players, hop along the fringes of maps, not intended to ge gazed upon by mortal eyes? Survive on scraps of code debris, exist almost on nothingness? Do they not follow the Deadman reports of the notorious @Drifter Man(his name only whispered at the campfires, his dropping-of-the-fish-naked-BAM and dam subsistence legendary)?
  16. Thanks, Hinterland, for the update. I really don't understand how some people are able to complain right after downloading that something is NOT in the update. I would rather look at the things which ARE there, and they seem great (no time to play since the update, but surely will do so as soon as I can). I also hope that there are little changes in the landscape/level design here and there which are not mentioned in the changenotes. I always like getting back into the game after a while and finding little surprises here and there.
  17. Just caught up on this. It actually has me more on the edge of my seat than yesternight's episode 3 of Game of Thrones...
  18. Ah, the sense of urgency and impending doom such cliff hangers convey... It's strange to think how weird such phrases would seem to the average layman, uninstructed in the arts of TLD. To us, they are wonderful insights, a murmur of wisdom from one TLD survivor to another. Yay, verily, cook-eat the rabbit and build that defensive fire twice. Then shoot over your shoulder, and the invisible swordsman shall appear and guide ye (lest ye accidentally shoot him over your shoulder).
  19. Excellent read as always. Hope everybody had a happy Easter time.
  20. Huh. Anew Drifter Deadman running... didn't expect that. Hardly playing myself these days due to work, so it's good to see someone else bearing the torch. Rep earned. Do I recall correctly that the well-fed buff was not part of the original deadman challenge. Has deadman - gasp - become easier?
  21. Just read the whole thread. Good run there, refined technique.
  22. Excellent writing, transporting the fresh view of a new 'Long Darker' very well. Rep earned. This is all still voyager, but I have a feeling of a new Interloper star rising on the horizon... and I imagine Nhotz from the Interloper Monthly Magazine (IMM) already sharpening his pencil and turning a new page on his notebook for a soon-to-be interview...
  23. Report those. Would be good for immersion if they disappeared. I could live with them if there was a short stumbling/falling to the knees animation which would explain how the wrist could get sprained from walking. But as things are, I dislike unexplained wrist sprains from walking. And as RvL said, apparently they are un 'unintended feature'.
  24. Arrrgh... well... excellent run (&read) anyway. Thanks a lot. Rep earned.