TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY, Part Five -- "Last Horizon", Launches June 24th at 10AM Pacific


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On 6/22/2024 at 5:41 AM, Valuable Hunting Knife said:

Please forgive the off topic post, but that ship really reminds me of the Karluk:


recommended reading if anyone is interested:



That would make a great deal of sense; I have seen a number of artistic and historical Canadian references in this game.

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On 6/21/2024 at 4:37 PM, Raphael van Lierop said:

just before it drops, when I can imagine all your faces when you open it up and see what's in store...

Thanks for making me feel like a little kid the night before Christmas Kids Opening Christmas Gifts Images ...

Edited by hozz1235
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As the given release time approaches... I would like to remind folks that we will still need to be patient.

The update is coming by way of several different platforms that each seem to have their own unique timeframe between when an update is released and when those individual platforms are able to deliver that to their various customers (that Hinterland probably doesn't have much control over).

Those of us who have been around awhile may remember that Steam is usually pretty quick (but sometimes Steam does lag a bit behind)...  Xbox and Epic can sometimes take a while longer and can lag behind Steam...  GoG can sometimes take days (or longer)...
***To be clear, this is just what we (folks in the community) have seen play out in the past***

So again, I know we are all excited... but I do also very much urge patience.

Hang in there survivors, it's going to be alright. :)

Edited by ManicManiac
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I'm so excited. I'm actually taking some personal leave from work to get home a few hours early. I've been excited for the puma for so long ❤️ 

Did they say if our current saves will have the new content added, or if this will be the sort of update where we'll need to start a new save to get all the new goodies? Genuinely couldn't really matter to me, I love starting new runs. :)

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2 minutes ago, Gracia_WolfSlayer said:

Did they say if our current saves will have the new content added, or if this will be the sort of update where we'll need to start a new save to get all the new goodies? Genuinely couldn't really matter to me, I love starting new runs. :)

Sounded like all the new features will be added to all saves. Cougar will be optional for your existing saves (and new ones). Although I'm not sure they said if cheat death would be available for old runs or not. I assume it's available to all existing runs since it wasn't stated otherwise. 

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Another thought...

The Cougar shows up after you've stayed in one zone for a while. I wonder if that will be a timer with a set number of days, or if it'll fluctuate a bit to keep things less predictable?

Also, say you've been in Mystery Lake for 20 days, now you download the update. Will the cougar 'timer' start at zero, or will it take into account your current stay length in your current region?


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  • Hinterland
12 minutes ago, Gracia_WolfSlayer said:


Also, say you've been in Mystery Lake for 20 days, now you download the update. Will the cougar 'timer' start at zero, or will it take into account your current stay length in your current region?


We specifically set it up so that the countdowns only start once the update goes live, to avoid people suddenly finding themselves in Cougar controlled territory and with no time to react or adapt to it before ☠️

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14 minutes ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

We specifically set it up so that the countdowns only start once the update goes live, to avoid people suddenly finding themselves in Cougar controlled territory and with no time to react or adapt to it before ☠️

Thank you so much for the info. ❤️ You all rock, thank you for making my favorite game of all time!

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Going to politely suggest that anyone who will have a breakdown and spam bad reviews if there's a launch-day bug... maybe wait a couple days for hotfixes... :rabbit:🤣

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8 minutes ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

Here's the countdown to the video premiere, for anyone that likes to anticipate stuff.


Who doesn't in this game😁.  

How are you all feeling right now?   

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3 hours ago, ManicManiac said:


As the given release time approaches... I would like to remind folks that we will still need to be patient.

The update is coming by way of several different platforms that each seem to have their own unique timeframe between when an update is released and when those individual platforms are able to deliver that to their various customers (that Hinterland probably doesn't have much control over).

Those of us who have been around awhile may remember that Steam is usually pretty quick (but sometimes Steam does lag a bit behind)...  Xbox and Epic can sometimes take a while longer and can lag behind Steam...  GoG can sometimes take days (or longer)...
***To be clear, this is just what we (folks in the community) have seen play out in the past***

So again, I know we are all excited... but I do also very much urge patience.

Hang in there survivors, it's going to be alright. :)

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26 minutes ago, borishu said:

Great so ANOTHER delay for switch players. We're over a year out of date at this point given the last quality of life update didn't actually fix most of the glitches, and y'all just quit trying after that. Are switch players going to be expected to pay full price when it releases? PC, Xbox, and PS players got sale prices when it released. The least Hinterland could do is give switch players a discount for low-key treating the switch community like gum stuck on their shoes.


Either way I hope I get to play it before I'm 70 ❤️ maybe my grandkids will get to see a finished game even 

I understand you're upset but there's no need to be rude or disrespectful.. 

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2 minutes ago, borishu said:

I feel that Hinterland support has been incredibly disrespectful to the Switch community, so why is this not a two way street? There have been months long spans of silence, ignored emails, and general disregard for any questions or concerns. Even now you're not answering any questions, you're just policing tone of one snarky comment at the end of legitimate concerns. 

I've been playing this game since 2015 (originally on PC), and I've tried being polite and kind and courteous, and those messages and emails never got answered or acknowledged. Multiple people have in this server have tried being nice and they've been ignored or brushed off. The staff just ignore the entire switch community regardless, so what has being respectful gotten me or anyone else? 

I'm a volunteer moderator,it's not my "job' to speak on behalf of them concerning development  and in house stuff..

They have made numerous comments and information about the switch and explained the issues they've been having.., along with Nintendo..

Regardless, there is still no call to be rude ,there are strict guidelines and rules when you join the community. And it's my role to make sure they are followed..   

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