Dumb ways you’ve died

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I’ll go first I was on a custom run that was basically interloper with guns cause my main goal was to get every single variant and bring them all to the hunting lodge in broken railroad which I made my main base. It was day 76 I had every thing I could ever need at the hunting lodge I had well over 300 pounds of meat plenty of cooking supplies about 60 rifle rounds over 100 revolver rounds 30 something arrows all the fire wood I could need and every single variant but one bow I genuinely think this had been by best run up until I died I looted half of great bear and brought it back to the lodge but when I went to forsaken airfield to get the last variant that’s when the run ended I was at the island cottage (the cabin that’s to the right of you look at it from the hanger) and i thought I’m going to to the other cabin and see if the bow is there (I didn’t know where in FA the bow was I just knew it was somewhere there) but I went the wrong way and just started walking into the woods I didn’t think to bring fire wood in case there was a blizzard cause I thought the cabin was right next door (even if I did go the right way it’s still pretty far) then as I foreshadowed a blizzard started and I thought that’s ok I’ll get to the cabin before I freeze so I just kept walking deeper into the woods slowly freezing to death i tried to turn back at some point but it was too late I had faded into the long dark.

Edited by Just some guy being a dude
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On my stalker run, I was in the birch area at twm and thought it'd be fun to tease a wolf...  however I wasn't far up enough on the fallen tree and got a good mauling..    down to about 20% health I  started back to the hut but a blizzard blew up.. panicking a bit I got slightly disoriented and veered too far right....   By the time I could see the fishing hut I was a few seconds from death... Knowing I didn't have enough wood for a fire I carried on to the hut and died next to the jetty...........      I completely forgot I had a stim on me  ..  😅.      That was my first attempt at stalker after playing pilgrim .. a good way to end a 150+ day run though.

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9 minutes ago, Just some guy being a dude said:

It’s always the blizzards that get me I have no sense of where I am even if there isn’t one 😅

Lol..     😁.     The only place I'm guaranteed not to get lost on is the train tracks through mystery and forlorn

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The dumbest way I've died that was not (strictly speaking) "my fault:"
Instant kill-walls while goating in an otherwise safe looking area (so no, I'm not talking about trying to goat down cliff faces at Raven Falls Ravine).  There are at least six spots that I know of where kill-walls just "are."   The dumbest location I remember finding a kill-wall was on the rock formation just behind the trailer at the Train Unloading area in Coastal Highway.  


As for dumb ways I've died that where absolutely my fault:
When I first started playing TLD in the later part of 2014, I made all the misstates and stupid deaths that any new player makes... but I think one of the most memorable examples would be:

On 6/13/2022 at 7:33 AM, ManicManiac said:

While it wasn't my first encounter with a bear... it was one the most memorable.

I was hunting the bear that liked to stalk through Hibernia on Desolation Point:

  • I let it get too close; it started to charge
  • My shot was panicked and failed to bring it down
  • I back peddled to try and get another shot... heard ice cracking under my feet.
  • Got mauled...
  • Fell through the weak ice immediately after... pulled myself out (of course soaking wet and hypothermic)
  • Got mauled again, before I could even stumble away...
  • Very promptly died.  :D 

Never made those mistakes again.


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I remember on one of my longest runs on stalker, I was in Desolation Point forging some arrow heads in the Riken, but I quickly realized that I was completely out of food. So I went outside and thought that the best method of getting food was to visit Scruffy's cave, and try to harvest some meat off of the animal carcasses in there. 

I entered Scruffy's cave rifle in hand, and in an effort to save bullets, I decided to just get into a struggle with scruffy and try to kill him with a knife. I was very quickly added to Scruffy's supply of food in that cave.

Why I didn't just bother shooting one of the wolves or even deer outside I won't ever know. Definitely one of my dumber deaths.

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This was on another game but it was similar in that if you die you're just dead and you start from the beginning with nothing. I was probably about 6-7 hours in and I was walking in a room and I touched a chair and fell over dead. I think it tried to calculate collision damage or something and messed up. I seem to recall having the same sort of thing in TLD too at the crashed plane where I looked off the edge of the cliff and my character must have just died from joy at the view. This was back in 2018 or 2019 though so that probably doesn't happen anymore.

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6 hours ago, ManicManiac said:

The dumbest way I've died that was not (strictly speaking) "my fault:"
Instant kill-walls while goating in an otherwise safe looking area (so no, I'm not talking about trying to goat down cliff faces at Raven Falls Ravine).  There are at least six spots that I know of where kill-walls just "are."   The dumbest location I remember finding a kill-wall was on the rock formation just behind the trailer at the Train Unloading area in Coastal Highway.  


Ah that's what it was! I died like this when I just started playing

I was doing Wintermute's first chapter in Milton and was in the area where you climb down after finishing the mother's tasks and she gives you a rope. And I saw the Milton Basin and thought that it would be fun to try to climb down there. Or maybe I slipped...anyway, just as soon as I stepped off the first edge, boom, dead. Been scared of that edge ever since : D

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I was playing Interloper and only had two arrows (hadn't made it to a forge yet, but had found two broken arrows). I shot the first wolf and the arrow broke. I hit the second wolf and it ran off with my one remaining arrow. As the wolf ran past me I noticed the "simple arrow" prompt pop up briefly which prompted the dumb decision to attempt to grab the arrow out of the wolf. I followed it and it looked like it was stuck running into a rock face so I snuck up to grab the arrow. Technically I succeeded in getting the arrow, but the wolf immediately attacked. I was already under half health and this finished me off. 

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I sucked up my pride and me bribed this in another thread recently, but I’ll take the walk of shame again. I was about 100 days in on Stalker. I was locked and loaded, feared nothing, and had just gone to the top of Timberwolf just for kicks, didn’t even really need the gear. When I got to the top I went to cave to sleep, and I think it was just overconfidence, and probably the edibles I consumed in RL (legal here in Boston), but when I went to sleep I selected 12 hours without thinking. The moment I went to sleep I realized my mistake and froze to death, fading into the long dark. My mouth dropped to the floor. I had to take a week off from playing as I just kept rehashing the event in my head. 

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4 hours ago, James Hickok said:

Falling off wooden railroad bridge in ravine - Check 

Falling off climbing rope (forgot i had  prison vest on) - Check

Burned in fireplace -Check


One of my stupidest deaths was falling too. On the Coastal/Mystery railroad crossing. I refuse to even use that crossing now and will spend a couple days going around the long way instead. PTSD. 

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Dumbest way I've died: I was in the Muskeg on my first run outside of Pilgrim. Lost at night I goated down to a ledge. Set a fire and camp for the night and cooked some deer meat. Ate part of the deer and went to sleep. Turns out the ledge i was sleeping on with meat on, was right above a bears cave, the one near the Broken Railroad transfer, and I didn't know it. The bear made his way up to where I goated down, and followed my path. Next thing I know I'm getting mauled in my sleep and after that, the bear was stuck up there with me. I panicked and started to fight back vs leaving. Needless to say, I didn't win the engagement.

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Reading other's replies, I'm really surprised in my 2200+ hours of playing, I've never fallen off the trestle.  I even play quite inebriated at times.

Walking through the Dam at night and having an aurora trigger as I happen to be walking over wires though..."shocking" surprise.

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I recently died reading. This is why I prefer video game stories to reading books man, theyre dangerous. 
I jest, but Im trying to unlock feats and such so I thought, ill read outside the door and then it counts as spending time outside, what a good idea. Anyway it was really mild when I started reading too so I thought great, Ill read for 6 hours it'll be fine. 
It was not fine, I just got the faded into the long dark message, im guessing a blizzard hit me or something lmao. What a dumb move. 

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I started an interloper run recently in ash canyon. Made it to the gold mine as planned and traveled to TWM mountaineering hut. Here I wanted to heal up before the summit. So I slept for 10 hours - without a fire to save fuel. Died during a nights blizzard. I stared at the "You faded into the long dark" screen for quite a while...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I started a Stalker game with random spawns, and was placed in Blackrock at almost midnight. Blackrock is already a rough enough spawn for me, and the fact that it was pitch black didn't help. Found a flare beneath one of the power lines and immediately heard the howls of a Timberwolf pack detecting my location. I just lit the flare, turned and ran. Almost immediately I cornered myself between the river in Blackrock, and Timberwolves. So now I had the choice of either getting eaten by wolves, or drowning. I decided to take the swim and not feed the wolves.

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