That is NOT how pressure works

Lord of the Long Dark

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2 hours ago, Bimbobjoejr. said:

I feel @Lord of the Long Dark is the equivalent of a salty, tryhardy spy, sniper, or scout on tf2, feeling superior and thinking he has the highest iq out of the server.

Then you have to show how I am wrong. Tel me how the puzzle is actually correct. 
 And you won’t. I 100% absolutely gurantee you won’t. Because you can’t. Just like no one else could. 

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2 hours ago, manolitode said:

Utterly curious how this topic hasn't been shut down yet.

Probably because the developers realize there is definite value in correcting the puzzle mechanics to be logical just as I demonstrated how smart people expected a Fibonacci sequence in my example. 
 Game developers are logical thinkers. They understand what I am saying and will not accept that “it’s a game with suspended logic” to excuse a logic puzzle that does not follow logic.  Maybe they are also entertained how people who claimed that “it’s just an unrealistic game” still followed logical sequence in my example and expected there to be a logical process with explanation. That was freakin hilarious lol. One guy even googled multiple sources about Fibonacci sequence hahahaha. I’m still laughing at that lol!!!

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18 hours ago, camel said:

@Lord of the Long Dark what is binary?

all of us living in the real world know:

binary means 0 or 1; on or off;

since your hated steam puzzle only allows you to turn every lever on OR off... it is - by definition - binary... a choice between 2 states -> on or off

one can describe the solution to the steam puzzle in binary; tld's steam puzzle solution is: 0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1 -> where 0 means valve is off and 1 means valve is on...

and for everybody out there who does not know fibonacci:

he was an italian mathematician who introduced the "fibonacci numbers": a sequence where the 3rd number in a sequence is created by adding the 2 preceding numbers together

fe. 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34 etc. -> because 1+1=2; 2+3=5 and especially 8+13=21

it seems you chose the fibonacci numbers by mistake to represent your dishonest example... that may be why people keep telling you about fibonacci


couldn't have put it better myself


and for letting me know there is an ignore button ;)

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Funny how when I did this puzzle...especially the first did take a lot of time.

But after a lot of careful looking, and careful switching I was able to logically deduct where I had gone wrong and fix the first part of the puzzle.

The rest was much simpler once I'd logically figured things out in the first section.

(And I would've been done much faster if I had slowed myself down and carefully looked at the puzzle rather than rushing at the start and making hasty moves without taking the time to think things through first).

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18 minutes ago, RossBondReturns said:

Funny how when I did this puzzle...especially the first did take a lot of time.

But after a lot of careful looking, and careful switching I was able to logically deduct where I had gone wrong and fix the first part of the puzzle.

The rest was much simpler once I'd logically figured things out in the first section.

(And I would've been done much faster if I had slowed myself down and carefully looked at the puzzle rather than rushing at the start and making hasty moves without taking the time to think things through first).

So when you “looked” at the puzzle, what did you see. What did you see that made sense to you?

For example, I looked at it and saw that by reducing the flow I should be able to increase pressure. You know, basic fluid dynamics. But the puzzle didn’t Match that logical approach. 
 So what did you see that make logical sense?

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I knew that I had to move something from one location to another by closing and opening pipes.

So I simply started from the left and worked my way right...too quickly so I made some mistakes.

But eventually I got everything lined up and thawed my pipe and moved on.

I simply used my eyes and ears to get me through the puzzle, that's all. I call doing that logical.

Edited by RossBondReturns
Spelling fix.
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1 hour ago, Corso said:

couldn't have put it better myself


and for letting me know there is an ignore button ;)


at that point I was still trying honestly to resolve this

sadly, counter to any game, in RL there isn't always an option available, some things just cannot be done.

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1 hour ago, RossBondReturns said:

I knew that I had to move something from one location to another by closing and opening pipes.

So I simply started from the left and worked my way right...too quickly so I made some mistakes.

But eventually I got everything lined up and thawed my pipe and moved on.

I simply used my eyes and ears to get me through the puzzle, that's all. I call doing that logical.

So you just did trial and error then lol.  Yeah. Exactly rotflmao.  You “knew you have to move something from left to right so you just throw switches til the gauges moved.” hahaha

 see, if you understood how pressure works you would know which switches to throw just looking at the pipe structure.  You move the switches accordingly, by how pressure would react. That’s solving it logically, not by trial and error.  If the puzzle was designed right you could solve it without even going left to right. 
  But because the puzzle logic is flawed even people who see the logic have to guess like you did.  
 SMH. Just SMDH. 

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1 hour ago, RossBondReturns said:

I simply used my eyes and ears to get me through the puzzle, that's all. I call doing that logical.

Exactly! The puzzle took me quite a while (and being steamed to death twice) because I totally missed one of the doors somehow. My DH took a peek at a walk-through and corrected my mistake, but once that was done, it was simply a matter of following the lines & the hallways, getting to the obvious last valve and returning!

I honestly don't understand the "anger" that I am sensing from the OP. Yes, the puzzle probably should  follow strict physics rules, but it doesn't, so deal with it, it's just a game after all.

Not solving it instantly isn't some sort of huge crushing blow to the ego, creating the need to belittle and use silly/mean tricks to make a point.  I think perhaps the fact that some here knew Fibonacci was a shocker too. :)

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7 minutes ago, Lord of the Long Dark said:

So you just did trial and error then lol.  Yeah. Exactly rotflmao.  You “knew you have to move something from left to right so you just throw switches” hahaha

 see, if you understood how pressure works you would know which switches to throw just looking at the pipe structure.  That’s solving it logically, not by trial and error. 
 SMH. Just SMDH. 

I did not use the term trial and error.

I listened and moved the handles with purpose. Made a mistake here and there...and fixed those with purpose.

And move onto the next it down to 2 mistakes.

After which I didn't make any further mistakes.

I'm sorry to break your narrative but I certainly didn't use trial and error as I made clear in my first post. Perhaps you need to borrow my glasses.

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12 minutes ago, twyn1 said:

Exactly! The puzzle took me quite a while (and being steamed to death twice) because I totally missed one of the doors somehow. My DH took a peek at a walk-through and corrected my mistake, but once that was done, it was simply a matter of following the lines & the hallways, getting to the obvious last valve and returning!

I honestly don't understand the "anger" that I am sensing from the OP. Yes, the puzzle probably should  follow strict physics rules, but it doesn't, so deal with it, it's just a game after all.

Not solving it instantly isn't some sort of huge crushing blow to the ego, creating the need to belittle and use silly/mean tricks to make a point.  I think perhaps the fact that some here knew Fibonacci was a shocker too. :)

Think about it what you are saying. Don’t react- just THINK. 

 Do you have to guess multiple times to solve a Fibonacci sequence if you know the logic? That’s a yes or no. 
  Q.E.D.   (Again)

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Yep exactly as I predicted. I said you either would not answer the question and try to distract OR your answer would contradict actual pressure mechanics.  I 100% guaranteed it. 
and I see once again I was right. 
 And we did solve the puzzle the same way.  By trial and error. The only difference is you don’t know it.  

that’s my issue. There is no other way because the design is flawed. Just like my Wumpus puzzle example showed.  Smart people should have been able to answer 21 and be correct the first time. 

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