Hybrid Measurement System


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I normally use the metric system while playing the game, but I'm not fully accustomed to metric. For example, I'm better with celsius than I am with fahrenheit, yet I'm better with pounds than I am with kilograms. I'm from the US so I grew up with the imperial system, but I've been trying to learn metric since majority of the world uses it. This has caused a small predicament for me as now I have to (as of now) rely on both metric and imperial to fully understand everything. I use metric for temps and distance, but imperial for weight. My thought was, what if a hybrid system could be added to the game? Currently we can choose between metric or imperial in game, but why not both? 2 ways this can be done.

1: Have weight and temperature separate from one another. This will allow one to do metric for temperatures and imperial for weight or vise versa.

2: Have a hybrid system where it shows both metric and imperial units in game. For example, if the temp says 0°C, it'll say 0°C/32°F.  Same for weight. This would  be very useful for me since I use both metric and imperial. Also it can help me learn kilograms just a bit faster. 


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Same boat, but disagree.  Both temperature and weights become second nature after a short time.  Hinterland doesn't need to spend extra dev time to cater to us, when the whole rest of the world is already on the same page.  Let's just internalize these measurement systems and catch up with everyone else.

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1 hour ago, ajb1978 said:

Same boat, but disagree.  Both temperature and weights become second nature after a short time.  Hinterland doesn't need to spend extra dev time to cater to us, when the whole rest of the world is already on the same page.  Let's just internalize these measurement systems and catch up with everyone else.

It isn't second nature to me. I have made a quick decision based on the temperature or weight while forgetting that I was in a different measurement system than I'm used this usually cause me to have to divert my original plan due to the temperature or weight not being what I actually thought it was and in worse case scenario I have actually died due to this. this death is probably the most annoying due to it being easily preventable yet unfortunately with my poor memory I always forget. It also really wouldn't take that much time as everything is really already there all they got to do is add the option. Option 2 would only be an extra setting on the system you choose that being metric, imperial or metric & imperial. Option 1 just separates temps and weight allowing one to have metric temperatures with imperial weight or imperial temperatures with metric weight  for the ones who use only metric or imperial then they would just set both temperatures and weight to the same system they wish to use. 

And yes they don't have to cater to us it's their game they can do what they wish but they are open to suggestions if they wasn't this wish list wouldn't exist. It does so I suggested a feature that I believe would be a quality of life feature for those of us who uses both systems. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Learn to use the tools u have is part of the game learning to survive, just like the totally screwed and kid-sketchy map.

U complain about that bad decision that drived u to eventually die, it happened to me to die, not once but three times, only because i was not able to find a way to leave pleasant valley (hate that place with all my heart) using the game maps =D

Learn to use or die ^^

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US Citizen here.

Metric for weights, in general, make much more sense. Water is 1kg/1L. It's a very nice round number, and for me it makes inventory management much easier. I played using the Imperial System for about 2 weeks before I made the switch.  In my opinion, it's easier to shed the 3.5kg than to find 7.7lb somewhere in the .22lbs of matches or other items I have been lugging around. Math is hard enough already 😅.

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I don't like the idea of mixing metric and imperial.  I just don't see a need to confuse the issue... I think it should stay as it is (that is to say... separate).

I think it should stay a section between one or the other. 
I think that mixing the two would just look clumsy (and if I'm being honest, a bit silly).

Personally, I use metric.
However, I'm not speaking as someone who grew up with the metric system... I was someone who grew up with Imperial and learned Metric later on. 

I have to say, I think the base 10 system is just simpler to work with, and since the metric system units of measurement are also interconnected; it makes things nice and intuitive as well.  We can intuitively know that 1 liter of fluid weighs 1 kg (pretty simple).  I think the temperature scale works better as well (0* is "freezing" and 100* is "boiling" - pretty simple).

I tend to think that those who don't like the metric system are often just so hard-coded to "imperial" measurement systems that it's hard for some folks see how randomly disparate and cobbled together (in some cases very esoteric) the various units of measurement are.  Never mind all the formulas/ratio's one has to remember to convert imperial units to even other imperial unites (such as weight to volume).

Point is, regardless of a person's preference... I do not think it's a good idea to mix Metric and Imperial in the User Interface.

Edited by ManicManiac
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Personally, I find weight the easiest thing to manage regardless in which system it is displayed.  The overencumbered bar shows us visually whether or not we are over or under our carry weight and even uses the bar to visually show us roughly how much we are under our carry weight.  TBH, I don't often even look at the actual numbers even though they too are clearly displayed.  To manage inventory, we can also switch to display items sorted by weight.

Temperature is also easily managed regardless of system in that it is clearly also shown in white (when positive) and in red (when negative).   Our body temperature is clearly indicated as rising or falling by the up or down arrows.  The warmth bonus of beds is also shown, letting us know before we crawl in whether it's enough to keep our body temperature from falling as we sleep.

There was a thread a couple of day ago proposing the mere addition to display a total number of calories in the inventory.  I would find that a far more useful addition than showing weight and temperature in both systems.

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16 hours ago, wilsonaka said:

US Citizen here.

Metric for weights, in general, make much more sense. Water is 1kg/1L. It's a very nice round number, and for me it makes inventory management much easier. I played using the Imperial System for about 2 weeks before I made the switch.  In my opinion, it's easier to shed the 3.5kg than to find 7.7lb somewhere in the .22lbs of matches or other items I have been lugging around. Math is hard enough already 😅.

True kilograms is a much more thought out unit it's I just haven't learned it yet which makes it hard for me to really understand. It doesn't really make any difference like others said the temperature and weight is pretty self-explanatory but  for me some times I get them mixed up at a glance and end up keeping way more junk on me than I should be carrying making my loot runs a bit tedious as I end up having to backtrack to drop off gear as I misjudged my weight. I don't have a good memory so I don't always remember that weight is metric also. I've played others games before that has a hybrid system set like suggestion 1 and I thought that itwould be a small quality of life thing for the long dark. What I really need to do is just stop being lazy and learn how to read kilograms 😂

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14 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

Personally, I find weight the easiest thing to manage regardless in which system it is displayed.  The overencumbered bar shows us visually whether or not we are over or under our carry weight and even uses the bar to visually show us roughly how much we are under our carry weight.  TBH, I don't often even look at the actual numbers even though they too are clearly displayed.  To manage inventory, we can also switch to display items sorted by weight.

Temperature is also easily managed regardless of system in that it is clearly also shown in white (when positive) and in red (when negative).   Our body temperature is clearly indicated as rising or falling by the up or down arrows.  The warmth bonus of beds is also shown, letting us know before we crawl in whether it's enough to keep our body temperature from falling as we sleep.

There was a thread a couple of day ago proposing the mere addition to display a total number of calories in the inventory.  I would find that a far more useful addition than showing weight and temperature in both systems.

Yes but my issue is quick glances if I'm checking temps or weight I generally like to just do a quick glance and if you have a poor memory and think you're reading pounds instead of kilograms then that can make your run much more difficult and might even get you in trouble. That's why I suggested this it would be more of a quality of life thing for the ones who use both.

Edited by LoneWolf5841
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@LoneWolf5841. I don’t think your request is that big of a deal.  The game on is coded in metric and simply converts to imperial.  You’re only asking for a couple of toggles to separate temp, distance, and weight.  If it is something you “wish” for then “wishlist” is the place to ask for it. But, for some reason around here, it’s like that opinion test in high school; your wishes can be wrong. 😄. I hope you read this dripping with sarcasm because it is a shot at the naysayers.  Hinterland must be smart enough as a company to triage their own work load and decide what they can do and what they can’t do.

Edited by Derek0311
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6 hours ago, LoneWolf5841 said:

Yes but my issue is quick glances if I'm checking temps or weight I generally like to just do a quick glance and if you have a poor memory and think you're reading pounds instead of kilograms then that can make your run much more difficult and might even get you in trouble. That's why I suggested this it would be more of a quality of life thing for the ones who use both.

I understand that's your issue.  It's not an issue for me, so adding it in wouldn't really improve my QOL.  Therefore, I'd simply prefer they add something (calories) that is more of an issue for me.  That's all I'm saying.  Chances are, they'll ignore us both anyways.

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2 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

I understand that's your issue.  It's not an issue for me, so adding it in wouldn't really improve my QOL.  Therefore, I'd simply prefer they add something (calories) that is more of an issue for me.  That's all I'm saying.  Chances are, they'll ignore us both anyways.

True it may not but it also wouldn't effect you as you can leave it as it is now

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Metric is simply better yes, but ferenheit, or however you spell it, at least is a simple base 10 system. You don't have klumbats which are 38.6 degrees F. Man it's like 2.5 klumbats out here.

Pounds/ounces/grains are like that though. And I have seen too often people thinking that 4.2 pounds is 4 pounds 2 ounces. People who prefer imperial can't even use it properly. And don't get me started on ounces where there is oz and floz. If you have four ounces of sand what do you have?...what oz are you measuring with? It's a disaster.


Anyways I had a point beyond ranting about how terrible imperial is, and that is people in canada aren't standardised yet so to me it would be perfectly natural for our survivor to use a mix of pounds and celcius. I don't know anyone who would use gallons though. That would be weird.

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On 1/2/2021 at 2:31 PM, odizzido said:

Metric is simply better yes, but ferenheit, or however you spell it, at least is a simple base 10 system. You don't have klumbats which are 38.6 degrees F. Man it's like 2.5 klumbats out here.

Pounds/ounces/grains are like that though. And I have seen too often people thinking that 4.2 pounds is 4 pounds 2 ounces. People who prefer imperial can't even use it properly. And don't get me started on ounces where there is oz and floz. If you have four ounces of sand what do you have?...what oz are you measuring with? It's a disaster.

It is definitely a strange system if you think about it that is one reason why I've been trying to learn metric that and the fact 90% of the world uses metric.

On 1/2/2021 at 2:31 PM, odizzido said:

Anyways I had a point beyond ranting about how terrible imperial is, and that is people in canada aren't standardised yet so to me it would be perfectly natural for our survivor to use a mix of pounds and celcius. 

Canada uses both? Hmm didn't know that. That makes me wonder why a system like I suggested isn't already in the game, there's other games that allows the user to use both units simultaneously so the concept isn't new by any means.

On 1/2/2021 at 2:31 PM, odizzido said:

I don't know anyone who would use gallons though. That would be weird

Here in the US we actually use both gallons and liters for example if you buy a jug of milk it says gallons on the bottle yet if you buy a soda (unless it's a can or a 20 FL OZ bottle) it's in liters. it makes little sense why we use both but luckily due to us using both it does mean I understand both liters and gallons pretty well. 

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My parents both use imperial and they feel they are more comfortable with it. I use metric probably more than average since I know I am 178cm tall but I am not quite sure how many feet/inches that is. I think most people use feet/inches for people. Same with pounds. Almost all of our people scales are in pounds. Our ovens are often in F too. I know a pizza cooks well around 435 degrees F because growing up my ovens have only ever had F. Of course if you tell me it's 80 degrees F outside I have no feeling as to how warm that is. I am completely C for outdoor weather. Ovens I am more comfortable with F but I think 220? is about pizza temps? I am sure a celsius oven would be comfortable for me within a week.

I just looked it up. We converted to metric from 1970 to 1985. No wonder my parents use imperial. I was born in 82 so I was at the very edge of the imperial system.

Hardware shops typically are very imperial heavy too. I remember recently I needed something around 63cm long and the (older) guy I asked looked at me like I was speaking klingon. I should have said, oh, I am sorry, I meant 0.125 rods....or do you want it in furlongs? chains? Ah you like inches....248 deciinches, thank you. Gotta still get that metric in there.

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On 1/4/2021 at 4:03 AM, odizzido said:

 Ovens I am more comfortable with F but I think 220? is about pizza temps?

I always say 200 because it's a nice even number, although really anything 150 or over would probably work if you're willing to wait. That's hot enough to trigger the Maillard reaction that causes the cheese to turn golden brown.

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On 1/4/2021 at 3:03 AM, odizzido said:

My parents both use imperial and they feel they are more comfortable with it. I use metric probably more than average since I know I am 178cm tall but I am not quite sure how many feet/inches that is. I think most people use feet/inches for people. Same with pounds. Almost all of our people scales are in pounds. Our ovens are often in F too. I know a pizza cooks well around 435 degrees F because growing up my ovens have only ever had F. Of course if you tell me it's 80 degrees F outside I have no feeling as to how warm that is. I am completely C for outdoor weather. Ovens I am more comfortable with F but I think 220? is about pizza temps? I am sure a celsius oven would be comfortable for me within a week.

I just looked it up. We converted to metric from 1970 to 1985. No wonder my parents use imperial. I was born in 82 so I was at the very edge of the imperial system.

Hardware shops typically are very imperial heavy too. I remember recently I needed something around 63cm long and the (older) guy I asked looked at me like I was speaking klingon. I should have said, oh, I am sorry, I meant 0.125 rods....or do you want it in furlongs? chains? Ah you like inches....248 deciinches, thank you. Gotta still get that metric in there.

For measuring length... I'll change when the CFL starts telling me that that my team is going a third down with 0.9144 meters to go. 😀

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7 hours ago, peteloud said:

What does that mean?

The Canadian Football League is still using Yards to mark off the playing field, so my post was referring to situation of 3rd Down and 1 yard to go and the team deciding to go for that yard rather than kick the ball to the opposing team.  (The American Football League uses 4 downs rather than 3.).  So, even though Canada converted to the metric system many, many years ago, not everything has changed over even today.

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