Old Hermit

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Everything posted by Old Hermit

  1. i think it's unnecessary. there are tons of resources to overcome the dark in any game mode except Interloper (in which that would be a balance-breaker). remember that light is a key resource in The Long Dark
  2. i upvote it totally. it would turn the wildlife interactions a bit more dynamic and not-so-predictable. but the way that happened to me is bad, all the carcasses vanished at the same time, and now i can't find a single one anymore. now i must consider my save as "bugged" for the rest of life (at least THAT life ^^) thanks for clarifying @Leeanda
  3. As title says. all the spawned prop carcasses just disapeared. I noticed at least 4 of them: travelling through Coastal Highway to Desolation Point, spent some days there and got back. there was 2 carcasses near the Log Sort (close to the road and another over the rocks close to the logs); on Crumbling Highway, another 2 (close to the entrance by the right, and in front of the cave). they all gone. not even crow feathers present. and not, i didn't touch them, what would trigger the despawn timer, or whatever. Stalker, 74 days, level 4 carcass harvesting any clues about that, or similar issues? (using translator)
  4. this is what happen when u take a 2-year hibernation
  5. my problem with cairns is the lack of an identifying the "visited" and the "not visited". when u have 3 or 4 different playthroughs and u are constantly moving, it's impossible to know if you're clicking a visited or unvisited one. there are band-aid solutions (put a stone or stick close to it), but i hate this. currently i prefer to ignore them completely, so i agree with @Serenity (using translator)
  6. my house rules: • always crouch when i go examine a corpse, or harvest carcasses, or read (assuming that the survivor is kneel or sit), and other similar activities • never use ridiculous goating • don't grind for skills; make it progress with natural use, or read books • only prepare teas / cook food when i need it • use tinder plugs/cattails (when available) even after fire skill 3 there must have some others, but i can't remember at the moment.
  7. even the dev team name is being acronymized (HTL) LOL
  8. i noticed many animals doing the same behavior, after the last update, both inside and outside Blackrock region.
  9. If you walk through the opposite side of the river, you can reach the fishing hut with no thin ice problem. There is only one obstacle, it's when the wolves spawn directly on the river, so u must avoid them somehow. Also, if you deal with the wolf at the bridge, there is a one-way passage straight down to the hut. But you'll have to take all the way through the river around when u come back. (using translator)
  10. i'm playing currently at this place now, and here that car painting is actually gray =D
  11. Yes, please a real "escalating over time" challenge
  12. Is this abbreviation obsession an USA thing? I think i don't see much of this with other languages (at least the main Latin-derived languages).
  13. Apparently the dev team willingly made the things even worse this time: the roads were not marked, not even poorly, while in the other areas they're there. Also, the transition zones doesn't show on the world map. Terrible
  14. I didn't pay attention to that, and had my main stalker run a "premature end of life event" ^^ I was really heavy loaded when i tried to sprint through the gas, and even reached the elevator, but not much more beyond that. 😭
  15. As far as i know, there are 4 possible spots for the key to spawn: body inside barn, body behind house, tractor floor, pickup panel. I checked several times, and looked every corner around the region. No luck. I even found a backpack on a hill close to the barn, but no sign of the key. Is that intended? a zero spawn chance? edit: yes, i searched about it on forums, no luck there too
  16. Water I am wondering why it's one of the coldest regions, and yet is the only that has running rivers (liquid water), although other regions are totally frozen with "softer" temperatures and weather. Also, the waterfalls took a diferent direction, in terms of art, compared to the rest of game. I'm still deciding if i liked or disliked that The thin ice additions are very nice. Took my heartbeat away sometimes ^^
  17. Also, the "damage" to the morale seems different for each device (flare, marine, torch), or am i mistaken?
  18. From the hut, follow the river up (beware of the bear), climb the rope and stick to the left.
  19. LOL really? i explored the "north" face of the map again and again, so i gave up and tried the TWM entrance (sucessfuly) before that, i tried some new runs starting on Blackrock. not recommended... =B
  20. I noticed that some shadows (cast from terrain, rocks etc) disappear a few times and returns when i come closer. It never happened before to me, even in episode 4 update. The blizzard sound missing i noticed only once.
  21. the best friend of the Stalker player is the Crouch key (Ctrl on PC) =D minimize your signature, travel light and carry zero animal meats during long travels. about the clothes, i use only rabbit hat and 1 wolf coat (the scare factor is too vaulable). all the other pieces i use human made clothings. quality clothing it's relatively easy to find in Stalker mode, in all regions. so, weather is not a big problem after some time. my advice communes with another advices above: don't leave the secure area with low Condition. Rest bar is also important, due eventual struggles. Keep a hatchet, one torch or two, and a flare with you all times. Have a good time on surviving (using translator)
  22. Alternatively, the temperature could be shown when u press the key to check the sun clock.
  23. i like the idea. i played Wintermute a very long time ago, but i barely remember a moment when a landed crow shows up, or am i delusional? (using google translator)
  24. 500cal for a 0,10kg item? it sounds very good to me. Just compare to the other available bars.
  25. that engineering fail could be the main reason for the Carter's bankrupt 😂