TSD - The Sitting Dead


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Came across this guy today when I entered the credit union up in Mountain Town


First thing I noticed was the nearly brand new pry bar sitting on the floor at his side.  His backpack, just out of frame  had a chocolate bar in it but was 
otherwise empty.  Then I saw the note taped to the atm... "NO CASH"

I immediately thought of Reddit's dumb criminals thread and this guy was a prime candidate for membership!

I'm thinking this guy broke into the credit union which is why the door is already open when you get there.  As he is working the door over outside, he is thinking about all the stuff he's gonna do with money as soon as he gets back to the mainland.  Gin, Girls, Gambling and Guns, the works!  He's already intoxicated by his fantasy that when the door pops open he casually saunters on over to the machine on the left, puts his bag down and gets ready to some serious business with atm on the right.  As he prepares to plunge the prybar into credit card slot, he sees the note, reads it and with a sobering realization slumps to the ground in complete despair.  He loses his will to live as he slowly comprehends the finality of his predicament.  maybe shoulda stayed on the bus?!? 

I'd like to ask you to please add your screenshot(s) and story if you come across any sitting dead in your gameplay.  I'd be fun to see how much we could grow this!


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No sooner had I finished looting the credit union, I head across the street to the postal office, urged on by the snarl of one of the patrolling wolves.

I secure the door behind me and start to scan the room and find this guy huddled in a corner, hunkered down clutching two cans of orange spray paint.


  I search his bag and it's empty.  The sun streaming thru the windows make it difficult to see, so I crouch down for a closer look.


Couple of bottles of pain killers sitting on the floor...  as I riffle thru his pockets, I find a stale crunchy bar.

I'd hate to speculate about his demise, but I think he killed himself with an overdose of pain killers and perhaps even was huffing the contents of these paint cans.
Upon closer examination, one of the cans was full, the other was half empty.  Well at least he departed this world feeling no pain.

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Following the caw caw caw of a murder of crows in the mist,
I stumble upon this poor fellow.



Tucked into a little alcove between the rocks with only a few branches and sticks nearby and not much anything else for fuel, 
it doesn't appear that he made a good choice.   Now just outside this little clearing is the road and just a scant bit away sits an abandoned car.  
I think our victim here was driving when of course suddenly his vehicle broke down.  Armed with only his lukewarm cup of gas station coffee and as
it was already snowing heavily he thought to himself if he can just hoof it down to the church, he can get outta the cold. 
but no sooner had he started when the weather turns into a full on raging blizzard a practical white out.  Disoriented he blindly stumbles into the alcove.
Realizing the wind was no longer so savage in this little protected space, desperately he gathers some sticks and tinder and with his last match starts a fire! 

apparently not enough.  

I took the coffee...  and although I don't wish to admit it, I took his worn thermal underwear...

...they were still frozen when I put them on...


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Lucky find on the TWO cans of spray paint!

I like these "crime scenes" Hinterland throws in the game.  In particular, I like the 2 guys you find in the cavern of one of the ice caves in HRV.  A pistol lies nearby while one guy has a knife sticking out of his chest.  Makes you wonder what they fought over?  Desperately hungry?

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1 hour ago, hozz1235 said:

Lucky find on the TWO cans of spray paint!

I like these "crime scenes" Hinterland throws in the game.  In particular, I like the 2 guys you find in the cavern of one of the ice caves in HRV.  A pistol lies nearby while one guy has a knife sticking out of his chest.  Makes you wonder what they fought over?  Desperately hungry?

...I told you I was saving that chocolate bar for later... now prepare to die!  I guess you can bring a knife to a gun fight!

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Working my down to the farmhouse in Mountain Town, 
wary of the couple of wolves that usually patrol the area
I find this guy sitting in the hay shed with a great view of the farmhouse 
and barn as the fog begins to clear.



He must have been stumbling about blindly in a snow storm to have given up so close to shelter.
His pockets were empty.  He died cold and alone.  utterly defeated.

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Found this sad looking dude in one of the cabins out in Mystery Lake



Not sure about the vibe I got here, but I think this guy might have accidentally cut himself 
with his hunting knife and bled out before he could administer first aide upon himself.
Besides an almost brand new knife, there were a couple of bandages on the floor and bottle of antiseptic.
Take this as a lesson survivors, always cut away from your body.  It only takes one slip of the knife to end your own life...

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This gotta be the most perplexing sitting dead I've encountered yet.


After extensive analysis of the scene, I have concluded this poor chap died of some pre-existing condition.  
Heart attack is my best quess.  Examining the details, plenty of fuel for the fire, both inside the cave and outside as well.  As I turned out his pockets I found
an unopened MRE and a candy bar.  Nearby was a can of summit soda along with a Field Dressing Your Kill skill book and a general knowledge book.  I also
recovered a revolver in good working order loaded with 3 live rounds.  Just outside  the cave is a climbing rope down and from the top of ledge you can see the
Camp Office down below.  This fellow had all the necessities to sustain life.  Perplexing, indeed.

Unless of course he didn't have any matches and couldn't get his fire going and eventually succumbed to the bitter cold...

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A dead end..ing for this one, but...   where do the passages on that side of the barrier lead to?

This scene makes me think of a short story by Arthur Conan Doyle called, 'The New Catacomb'.  If you're really in the Halloween mood, there's an audio version read by Doug Bradley (Pinhead from the Hellraiser series) in a collection called Spinechillers.

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3 hours ago, Screenshot Pilgrim said:

A dead end..ing for this one, but...   where do the passages on that side of the barrier lead to?

This scene makes me think of a short story by Arthur Conan Doyle called, 'The New Catacomb'.  If you're really in the Halloween mood, there's an audio version read by Doug Bradley (Pinhead from the Hellraiser series) in a collection called Spinechillers.

lol, dead ending indeed!  Yeah, can you imagine you've been stumbling around in the dark for god knows how long, you finally see a faint glimmer of light in the gloom only to be
blocked from escaping by this metal gate.   Arrghhh!  

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This unfortunate soul got stuck inside the dam without any light source. Seems he had been stumbling around in the dark for hours. The final desperate attempts of a man at the end of his journey are evident. He collapsed far from any exits, clearly lost, overcome by exhaustion, hunger...and frozen limbs....before he faded away into the long dark. 

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9 hours ago, Lohaan said:


This guy left a note on his laptop. It reads: " “Happiness is only real, when shared". There were no other clues to indicate how he ended up here or why.  

nice composition with the 3 different light sources!  Well done!  What brings you to this cave during an aurora?  Doing the archivist challenge?  or just summitting for treasure?

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2 hours ago, Lohaan said:

Yep, Archivist. 

Outstanding!  That particular file was the last I needed to collect to complete the achievement. I remember limping in on a sprained ankle desperately trying to evade that wolf that patrols down there.  Good Times!  

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7 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

Outstanding!  That particular file was the last I needed to collect to complete the achievement. I remember limping in on a sprained ankle desperately trying to evade that wolf that patrols down there.  Good Times!  

It's one of my favorite challenges. I'm literally thinking of rolling Archivist but playing a survival game and have Aurora every night. There's no time limit to that challenge. I think I finished it in 4 days or something. Check this out.....


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Reading through these, I instantly remember the grim scene that I discovered back when they first added Revolver into the game and I made a new game to play with the new weapon in-game. This was in Mystery lake in the cave high above the Camp office, where the rope leads. The guy was just sitting there, with a couple of branches, and a revolver with three bullets loaded in it, the revolver still in his grasp. I instantly got creeps, as the whole scene looked like the guy was suffering hard right before dying, and just decided to end it himself.

Glad that at the time, there were no cartridges for ammunition yet. If there was one found there, it would be even more intense...

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2 hours ago, Mroz4k said:

Reading through these, I instantly remember the grim scene that I discovered back when they first added Revolver into the game and I made a new game to play with the new weapon in-game. This was in Mystery lake in the cave high above the Camp office, where the rope leads. The guy was just sitting there, with a couple of branches, and a revolver with three bullets loaded in it, the revolver still in his grasp. I instantly got creeps, as the whole scene looked like the guy was suffering hard right before dying, and just decided to end it himself.

Glad that at the time, there were no cartridges for ammunition yet. If there was one found there, it would be even more intense...

yeah, he's still up there although no longer clutching the revolver in his hand.  Still loaded with 3 rounds...  
I posted that shot up above in case you wanna get another look

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The Sitting Dead

Pensive Pond paints a pretty picture below this poor fellow who slumped to his demise
within mere walking distance of an enclosed shelter.

His hatchet was sharp but his bag was empty.



Working my way towards town,
I duck into the barn to get out of the wind for while.
Don't know what happened here but the dude was
wearing a brand new pair of boots.
As I'm looting the boots from his cold and frozen feet
Astride pops off saying "I hope nobody needs this.. "




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  • 2 weeks later...

The Sitting Dead

Wintermute Episode 1

Dead guy at tower in Mountain Town.  Will quips... 
"hey is that a dead guy just sitting there?"


yeah, that's a dead guy all right...  

This is probably one of the more brutal scenes I think you'll see in the game.


this dude struggled frantically before finally succumbing  here.  I think whatever it was might have severed his left hand in the process although I 
didn't bend that close down examine him.  Kinda looked like a pretty guy too.  Think he was maybe one of the convicts?  Blood trail leads to/from the old woman's door.
Did she maybe shoot him or did he get jumped by a roving pack of wolves at the doorstep?  we'll probably never know.

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I have to say


that's a nice project. Wonder if you will cover the dead Astrid. She is not sitting, but besides that it's Astrid this corpse is personal than the other ones because it's a different face/clothing i believe

13 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

The Sitting Dead


this dude struggled frantically before finally succumbing  here.  I think whatever it was might have severed his left hand in the process

He died of bloody diarrhea, that's obvious. With the left hand he tried to wipe... 🤣

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