Non-Death Ending For Survival


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I originally posted the idea of a helicopter or boat rescue after a set period of time, but many, many comments pointed out how silly that is given the geomagnetic event and lack of electricity. So...  I propose an alternative:

When starting a new Sandbox, you can pick a survival goal you want to reach: short, medium, long, super long, random, etc.

After a slightly random # of days related to the length you chose something happens... An Earth Quake!! Felt everywhere on Bear Island. This opens up a new path out of one of the regions - say a new rock slide or a new pass appears.

If you make it to that path, you get a nice end-game picture and a "You escape into the great unknown..." type of message.

An alternative to suiciding or just abandoning your save game.

There could be achievements based on number of 'escaped' games you've completed of various lengths.

This would not need electricity, and would not run counter to the Wintermute story because for all we know our survivor didn't make it off the island. Or maybe they found other people, and built some rafts. Who knows... but you get a open ended conclusion to survival mode that isn't death. A satisfying option that would be totally optional if you don't like it. :)

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I didn't expect to like this idea, but I kinda do. I'm at the point in my current Birchman game where I have full skins, 17 arrows, a TON of bear meat just waiting for cooking 5, easy access to deer meat whenever I need it.

I was thinking of striking out for a new map, but it seems like that wouldn't be much of a challenge. It might be cool to think that somewhere on one of the maps is a secret "new thing" that I've never found before. Man, I would spend the rest of my game looking for that thing... As it is now, I'm torn between continuing and starting over.

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I don't think this idea should be implemented into the normal sandbox mode, but rather it should be a challenge with increasing difficulty. Such as survive x number of days, then go here to get rescued or something like that. That way the people who enjoy having no way of rescue cant get upset. Otherwise, those ideas would be a perfect challenge.

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@Sherri What I like most about your idea is that you have to wait for some sort of event before you can go for the exit. So instead of speed running, you still need to focus on survival until you can even chance an escape. Also whatever the escape is can be BRUTAL! 

What if the 'event' is a random number of days, but the length is based roughly on your difficulty? That way you can't really focus on just preparing for day 100 or the like, you just know you've got to last until it happens.

I love TLD as is, but it would be kinda nice to have a mild end game for sandbox. I don't even need a cut scene or anything. Just a triumphant swell in music and a fade to black with the words "You've escaped The Long Dark" and the credits.

Could be neat.

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15 hours ago, Sherri said:

After a slightly random # of days related to the length you chose something happens... An Earth Quake!! Felt everywhere on Bear Island. This opens up a new path out of one of the regions - say a new rock slide or a new pass appears.

This is the probably the most The Long Dark congruent version of a "happy" ending that I've read in a while. But like some other folks, I want survival to end in a dark fashion. And I prefer the game to end because I did something good or bad. Not because of a landslide that is completely beyond the player's control. Oh well, when did we ever have control of the fate of our survivor. Upvoted for a clever idea 👍


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  I don't like the idea of an "end game" in what I think was always intended as a "survival a sandbox."
I think the end-game or "you win" scenario, is what the "Wintermute" Story Mode is for.

I say we let the story mode, be the story mode... and we let the survival sandbox, be the survival sandbox. :)


On 5/23/2020 at 2:05 AM, ManicManiac said:

There is no "happily ever after" or "congratulations you win!" in Survival Mode, and I would argue there shouldn't be.  I really like that death is the eventuality, no mater what (regardless of whether it's because we've given up, or due to tragic circumstances - most often due to our own bad decisions). 

I really like the fact that once we are proficient in our survival tasks that it's really up to us to decided how we live in the world Hinterland has provided us and for how long.


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Maybe once Story mode concludes (or sooner if it is revealed) and we, as players, know what the outcome is going to be for Will and Astrid and the world then an end-game phase might be a possibility.  There is probably a general storyline that the devs are generally trying to follow and an end-game phase for survival mode - which was only put in because the survival sandbox was so popular an alternative form of the game - would either let the cat out of the bag - spoiling the story - or upset at least some when "story mode's ending (and/or its implications) was not like what the end-game survival phase indicated".

I intend to grind through every current sandbox (all in Pilgrim, :) ) of mine to get to the end point of The Long Dark whenever it comes out.  I suppose standing on an ice-covered shore watching the sunset on my civilization would be an appropriate ending, if that is where Story mode comes to an end. [On the Beach reference 😉]

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I would definitely play this mode.  Especially because once that hypothetical earthquake hits, I wouldn't be compelled to search for this exit if I didn't want to.  And I do sometimes use Nomad in lieu of Survivor so that I can voluntarily end the story on a high note by simply completing the objectives.  But voyageur is a walk in the park to me at this point, and I can't set Nomad to anything else.

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On 9/10/2020 at 4:23 AM, SpanishMoss said:

I don't think this idea should be implemented into the normal sandbox mode, but rather it should be a challenge with increasing difficulty. Such as survive x number of days, then go here to get rescued or something like that. That way the people who enjoy having no way of rescue cant get upset. Otherwise, those ideas would be a perfect challenge.

i dont think it sould be a challenge either beacause they all have an ending so it would be nothing new. it sould just be an option before starting a sandbox and then they as you : do you want and end game option and then you check yes or no so manic maniac would check no and i would check yes (no offense it was just a joke xD) and everyone is happy!

On 9/10/2020 at 4:28 AM, Gracia_WolfSlayer said:

@Sherri What I like most about your idea is that you have to wait for some sort of event before you can go for the exit. So instead of speed running, you still need to focus on survival until you can even chance an escape. Also whatever the escape is can be BRUTAL! 

What if the 'event' is a random number of days, but the length is based roughly on your difficulty? That way you can't really focus on just preparing for day 100 or the like, you just know you've got to last until it happens.

I love TLD as is, but it would be kinda nice to have a mild end game for sandbox. I don't even need a cut scene or anything. Just a triumphant swell in music and a fade to black with the words "You've escaped The Long Dark" and the credits.

Could be neat.

yup i like the earth quacke idea but if it is always an earthquacke at the end it would not be as impressive as it is and also how whould we find where the earthquacke has opened a path (this sentence does not say that im against the idea). i would love to se multiple endings and they generate randomly depending on the settings you choosen before.


this one is just an idea and i know that it would never happend im just saying it for fun. this ending would be the longest to achieve it would start at day 600. the first things that will happen are the global temperature going up, then some days later you wil l start to see that the ice starts to weaken and its spreads further and further near the costs amd in the middle of the lakes. Then the snow on the roads will start to melt and forlon muskeg will slowly be inacessible the more it goes and if you want to finish the game youll have to join milton before it happens ( you cannot go from ML beacause it melted and the cave collapsed. you only way to go there is by FM. once you arrive by marsh ridge you head up to milton bassin and then the paradise meadows and the first thing you see is a big bear rushing at you (just kidding)... the fisrt thing you see is a beautiful spring that is hitting the plains if you enter the house is says you are now free to prosperate or something like that... a beautiful spring

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6 hours ago, oplli said:

this one is just an idea and i know that it would never happend im just saying it for fun. this ending would be the longest to achieve it would start at day 600. the first things that will happen are the global temperature going up, then some days later you wil l start to see that the ice starts to weaken and its spreads further and further near the costs amd in the middle of the lakes. Then the snow on the roads will start to melt and forlon muskeg will slowly be inacessible the more it goes and if you want to finish the game youll have to join milton before it happens ( you cannot go from ML beacause it melted and the cave collapsed. you only way to go there is by FM. once you arrive by marsh ridge you head up to milton bassin and then the paradise meadows and the first thing you see is a big bear rushing at you (just kidding)... the fisrt thing you see is a beautiful spring that is hitting the plains if you enter the house is says you are now free to prosperate or something like that... a beautiful spring

This is a beautiful idea! Thank you for sharing it with us. I think that would be lovely. Essentially surviving the long harsh winter until the snow thaws. Superb.

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On 9/10/2020 at 1:50 PM, ManicManiac said:

  I don't like the idea of an "end game" in what I think was always intended as a "survival a sandbox."
I think the end-game or "you win" scenario, is what the "Wintermute" Story Mode is for.

I say we let the story mode, be the story mode... and we let the survival sandbox, be the survival sandbox. :)



I don't really mean this as a win scenario. But just a way to conclude a save-file without jumping off a cliff.

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On 9/10/2020 at 7:50 PM, ManicManiac said:

  I don't like the idea of an "end game" in what I think was always intended as a "survival a sandbox."
I think the end-game or "you win" scenario, is what the "Wintermute" Story Mode is for.

I say we let the story mode, be the story mode... and we let the survival sandbox, be the survival sandbox. :)



we could make the end game scenario an option before starting the sandbox or just optional even if the end game possibility comes to you you could just make the choice to pass over it and continue surviving

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I just really like the fact that once we are proficient in our survival tasks; it's really up to us to decided how we live in the world Hinterland has provided us... for how long.  I respect and really appreciate that all sandbox runs end in death; either due to tragic circumstances... or because the survivor effectively gave up.

Also, given that the Survival Mode is a sandbox...  I think the story we experience should be our own (created thought our gameplay).  I frankly really don't want to see these kinds of forced narrative elements bleed over from story mode into my survival sandbox experience.

This is why I think we should let Story Mode be the story mode... and we should let the Survival Sandbox be the survival sandbox.  


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Just now, ManicManiac said:

I just really like the fact that once we are proficient in our survival tasks; it's really up to us to decided how we live in the world Hinterland has provided us... for how long.  I respect and really appreciate that all sandbox runs end in death; either due to tragic circumstances... or because the survivor effectively gave up.

Also, given that the Survival Mode is a sandbox...  I think the story we experience should be our own (created thought our gameplay).  I frankly really don't want to see these kinds of forced narrative elements bleed over from story mode into my survival sandbox experience.

This is why I think we should let Story Mode be the story mode... and we should let the Survival Sandbox be the survival sandbox.  


you wouldnt agree even if it is not scenarised and optional?

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It was just my opinion on the topic.  I don't mean anything negative towards anyone personally.

In terms of what I would accept... I would accept whatever Hinterland decided they wanted in their game.

As for optional content.  Sure, anything I can opt out of should I not like it... I'd naturally be fine with (because I could opt out).
However, that wouldn't change my opinion that I wouldn't be a fan of it's inclusion to begin with.
Which would bring me back around to the previous point: I would accept whatever Hinterland decided they wanted in their game.

I just think the sandbox ought to be treated as a sandbox.
I love Wintermute for its story/narrative conventions... and I love the Survival Sandbox for giving me an open world where I can (as the name suggests) survive until either my character dies or I decide to end the run. :)

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Just now, ManicManiac said:


:D fair enough.

I guess I try to err on the side of caution a little more these days.  I never know who is going to take my perspectives personally. :)


speaking for me i never take perspectives personally and i hope nobody does for me  xD i love to discuss about that game and i like to hear any feedback even if you say you does not agree with me haha

Edited by oplli
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