Moose in Coastal Highway?

past caring

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47 minutes ago, past caring said:

I thought they only spawned in areas with the tree rubbings?

Yes, I do believe that is the intended behavior (are you certain you didn't just miss them? It's happened to me before :D)...  It is also possible you're experiencing a little bit of a bug in the spawning behavior.

On the other hand, on my current run I can say that I have seen a moose spawn on the bridge at Desolation Point... and I very careful checked over all the trees in the area... sure enough, no scrapped bark.  So, I suppose it's possible (unless that bridge is an exception or we are both experiencing a bug in the spawn behavior :D).


On 2/9/2020 at 1:18 AM, ManicManiac said:

I don't claim to know definitively... but the following is what I've personally observed (or what has been posted by Hinterland) about the moose behavior:

There are various possible moose spawning points.  At the beginning of a survival sandbox, spawn points are pseudo-randomly selected from amongst the pool of possible spawn points.  Only one moose will spawn at a time, and that one moose will "migrate" between all the spawn points that were selected at the beginning of the run.  The longest I've seen the moose stay in one location has been 4 game days.  By this I mean, that the moose will change locations at some interval between 1 and 4 game days - though this duration may have changed in more recent updates, and it's also possible that a longer stay in one location may in truth result from the same location being selected for consecutive intervals.  Once successfully hunted, then the population respawn interval for the moose (at the selected difficulty) must pass before the migration process will begin again.


On 6/7/2020 at 7:07 PM, ManicManiac said:

Those selected possible spawn points manifest as the scrapped trees.  These indicate an active possible spawn location for a moose.  Very similar to how bones in at the mouth of a cave (or other locations on some rare occasions - like the Low Blind) indicate an active bear spawn location.

Just like the "bear den," scrapped trees will always stay scrapped for the duration of each particular run, in much the same way that the bones indicating a bear den will be there whether a bear is there or not.


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thats really the only moose i like to hunt, so many places to duck in to.  and once you have the satchel it repairs with leather so its not overly imperative to have a backup satchel or moose cloak.  bears are much easier to hunt and more plentiful

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Yes - I'm aware of the benefits of the moose hide satchel and already have one (it's my number one 'must have' once I've got myself established). Guess I will now have the satchel and a cloak - which is a first for me.

Just really had no idea the moose could spawn in the vicinity of the gas station - and it took me even more by surprise as there are no scratch markings.

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2 hours ago, past caring said:

Just really had no idea the moose could spawn in the vicinity of the gas station - and it took me even more by surprise as there are no scratch markings.

It's just passing through for a quick fill-up.

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This happened to me. I was just going out the back door of Quonset Gas Station, with the intention of turning around and going back in, to save and quit the game. And I heard him off to the left. It has been raining bears there for me lately, but I thought, “that does not sound right.” And sure enough, moose delivery. Then I had to spend some time with the bow killing it. Then I had to harvest all the meat and put it in the trunk of a car. I did not get to quit when I expected. 🤪

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Yeah - raining bears for me too. Out gathering sticks just before dusk yesterday and a second one appeared - about 7 days after I killed my first. 

I popped him twice with the rifle and he ran off up the hill. Tracked him down further in the hill and found him collapsed and bleeding out. Decided to put him out of his misery with the revolver - and the fucker jumped up and started dancing round me in circles before running off again. I nearly shit myself. 🤣🤣

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Lure the bear back to a car and crouch with a bow. When they come close shoot them in the face and get into the car immediately without hesitation.

They may hang about the car but they will wander off after a bit. Exit the car, still crouched, and wait for the bear to come close again.

Shoot the bear in the face with a bow again and get into the car without hesitation.

The bear may be dead at this point, or you may have to repeat the process again. But this is better than following a wounded bear around in a forest.

The closer the bear is to the car, if the trunk is empty, the better as you can quarter it and then take the quarters into the car to harvest them. Then you can pop out and put the meat in the trunk.

All this will attract wolves while you are doing it because of the scent. But you cannot have a bear wandering around outside the gas station.

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Of course - you cannot leave a bear wandering around outside. I was hunting the bear using the cars as cover/bolt holes - but once it bolted up the hill I don't see I really had a choice but to follow it.

The only reason I'm at the gas station is it's a staging post en route to Desolation Point so that I can go to forge some arrow heads. I've scavenged 4, but my guess that isn't enough to make the bow and arrow a viable means of either hunting game or self-defense. I can't see that I will stick around here by choice once I've got enough arrow heads for hunting - though the possibility of using the cars as a quick bolt hole for moose and bear hunting may mean I have to rethink that (also the advantage of not having to lug the meat very far.)

I'm a bit mystified by the use of the car trunk to store the quarters and meat? It doesn't preserve it any better (outside is outside) and unless dropped specifically as a decoy, it doesn't attract wolves? So what am I missing?

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1 hour ago, past caring said:

I'm a bit mystified by the use of the car trunk to store the quarters and meat? It doesn't preserve it any better (outside is outside) and unless dropped specifically as a decoy, it doesn't attract wolves? So what am I missing?

Convenience and organization mostly.  If you have a big pile of bear meat on the ground, you can't easily count how much you have without picking it all up first.  But if it's in a trunk, you can tell how much you have at a glance.  31kg remaining?  Cool.

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On 6/12/2020 at 3:22 PM, ajb1978 said:

Convenience and organization mostly.  If you have a big pile of bear meat on the ground, you can't easily count how much you have without picking it all up first.  But if it's in a trunk, you can tell how much you have at a glance.  31kg remaining?  Cool.

Hmmm -would the two lockers at the foot of the stairs in that open at the sides shed of the Hibernia Processing Plant count as 'outside' - i.e. the same as a car boot?


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missed a word out
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18 minutes ago, past caring said:

Hmmm -would the two lockers at the foot of the stairs in that open at the sides shed of the Hibernia Processing Plant count as 'outside' - i.e. the same as a car boot?

Yup, any outdoor container counts.  Cars, lockers, plastic or metal containers on the ground, backpacks, rock caches.  Hell, even dead bodies.

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When I harvest a bear or moose, I take the meat in ten kilo lots, then move to a short distance and drop it on the snow then go back to get another lot.  Each pile represents ten kilos of meat.  When I bring the meat to my base or cook station, I tend to take one lot at a time and dump them into a discrete piles if I don't put them into some kind of arrangement.  That works better for me.  Since I tend to not get everything cooked or, more particularly, consumed before it reaches ruined condition, putting the meat (raw or cooked) into a container is not something I would do ever.  But it would be one way to organize things. 

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On 6/12/2020 at 9:04 AM, past caring said:

…and unless dropped specifically as a decoy, it doesn't attract wolves? So what am I missing?

I found that if I had meat on the ground, quarters in particular, then it did attract wolves. This may have been a coincidence, but the first bear that walked by the back door of the gas station, its meat drops appeared to be wolf magnets. On the other hand, for a long time now, if I drop bait/decoy wolves just ignore it.

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On 6/12/2020 at 9:04 AM, past caring said:

I'm a bit mystified by the use of the car trunk to store the quarters and meat? It doesn't preserve it any better (outside is outside) and unless dropped specifically as a decoy, it doesn't attract wolves? So what am I missing?

Dropping meat as a decoy is no different than opening your inventory and dropping a selected piece of meat.  Neither will attract animals unless a wolf or bear is "locked on", following you.  In that case, pressing the "drop decoy"  key or opening the inventory and dropping something smelly will function as a decoy.

Don't store quarters any longer than necessary.  They deteriorate quickly and disappear when they reach 0%.  At least the rate of decay of quartered bags is the same indoors and outdoors, so it doesn't matter if you leave them inside or outside until you harvest them.

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On 6/15/2020 at 2:26 AM, MrWolf said:

Don't store quarters any longer than necessary.  They deteriorate quickly and disappear when they reach 0%.  At least the rate of decay of quartered bags is the same indoors and outdoors, so it doesn't matter if you leave them inside or outside until you harvest them.

Yeah - I've noticed that after initially assuming that a quarter left outside would, overall, deteriorate at the same rate as a steak cut ready for cooking. But they do go off quicker. Whether that was intentional on the part of Hinterland, who knows? But it does make sense, probably - i.e. a huge quarter of meat would retain heat longer at its core, so parasites and microbes would be active for longer.....

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On 6/16/2020 at 5:07 AM, past caring said:

Yeah - I've noticed that after initially assuming that a quarter left outside would, overall, deteriorate at the same rate as a steak cut ready for cooking. But they do go off quicker. Whether that was intentional on the part of Hinterland, who knows? But it does make sense, probably - i.e. a huge quarter of meat would retain heat longer at its core, so parasites and microbes would be active for longer.....

Also, quartered meat would still contain the bacteria & waste from the digestive tract = faster decay.

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