What Place/Safehouse Do You Call Home

Guest Kane Parry

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Guest Kane Parry

Which Place/Safehouse in the world of TLD do you call home where you always seem to head to no matter what 

Mine is the Mystery Lake Lodge (Hunting Lodge) as it is full of gear and in a secluded area and i have always liked how it has looked 

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I think the Mystery Lake Camp Office will always be home in our hearts (at least for those of us who remember when Mystery Lake was the only region in the game)...
But nowadays, home is the Mountaineer's Hut in Timber Wolf Mountain.  :)

And also, I love that we have a Crystal Lake in this game :D 

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I always end up gravitating to the coastal highway, and set up shop in one of those houses right by the water with a fireplace.  If I'm lucky, a larger house will spawn, that has a nice fenced in area that offers wolf protection.  At least it used to, I assume it still does  About 80% of the time it spawns in as a burnt wreck so I haven't been there in a long time.... I think next time I start a game I will start on CH just so I can know right away if I want to start over and try for the good house.  Plus it actually looks homey, like the kind of place you could really settle down in.

And the region is just outstanding.  Workbenches, hunting, tons of fishing huts, beachcombing, and hardly any blind corners once you're out on the ice.  Just don't get lost if fog rolls in.

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Okay, I love DP. And I love to visit the Lighthouse. But I tend to set up shop in Hibernia, the Riken, and The Old Stone church. Main is Hibernia, Riken when or if I want to forge, Old Stone Church for CF avoidance. DP just holds a special place in my heart. And I am not creeped out by all of the bones at Hibernia. "...look at the bones!"

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I've long been a fan of stone age living in this game, and generally keeping away from the "civilized" areas... though not entirely. Really, the number one factor in picking a place is wood resources. So, in no particular order, here are my preferred spots.

DP: Stone Church. No CF, lots and LOTS of nearby wood for the fire barrel, rabbits close to hand for snaring, close to where the moose occasionally rears his head. It's definitely the spot. Getting to the work bench in Hibernia is not particularly hazardous; take the mine and hop across the road.

Crumbling Highway: The cave out in the pillar of stone by the shore. It puts out an astonishing amount of coal. If wood gets scarce, getting to the basement is not hard.

Coastal Highway: The fishing village. That outdoor crafting table is a gem. There's a rift in the rocks just to the west of the fishing village which is very sheltered for a cooking fire; I've passed blizzards huddled next to the fire in there with no problem.

Ravine: The cave near the ML exit... aided now by the truly incredible amount of birch bark that spawns in that area. Also awesome for rabbits and deer.

ML: Trappers. Just plain old bush living in a cabin, plus lots of nearby resources.

FM: Still working this one out. I think the best place is probably the cave just past the Overlook if you hug the southern shore when you enter from ML. The work table at Old Spence's is close, there's tons of wood nearby, rabbits, and deer. I'm currently holed up in the first one if you stick close to the north shore that's in the same rock pillar as the bear cave. It too is quite good with sufficient wood nearby.

BR: Has a paucity of caves. The one that's up in the upper corner of the Hunting Lodge area is quite good. The one down below next to the bear cave not so much.

MT: I've found there are two places I like. A cave in the basin is really good; there's lots of wildlife down there (not just wolves!) and lots of wood to be had. The trailer up near the cave to HRV is where I often pass my time when I'm on visits in from HRV to craft new arrows etc. Again lots of wood, rabbits nearby, deer.

HRV: there are a few caves that are excellent living choices. The cave up on Monolith near the falls is really good. The cave in the north-west corner on the middle-level is really good; the nearby bear cave is a bonus in that once you figure out the good spot to shoot him from you can keep yourself in bear steaks for extended periods of time. I've found living down in the valley below to not be so great... not really enough wildlife down there to subsist on.

Winding River: There's really only one spot; the cave where you can almost always find a bedroll, on the western shore of the river.

PV: I really like the Forest Cave. Lots and lots of wood, lots of wildlife, and it's the only place where there's fishing on PV. The cave near Three Strikes is pretty good too. The one near the waterfall above the rural crossroads will do in a pinch, but it's too far from decent hunting to be able to be a good long term place.

TWM: The Hut rocks of course, and no matter what any survivor hunkering down for an extended stay in TWM will be through there a lot as it has the only crafting table on the map. The Waterfall Cave is a great spot, and so is the cave in the Deer Clearing.

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Guest Kane Parry


I hardly spend any time in DP and if I do I get in and get out Idk why I don't spend much time there but im definitely going to stay longer next time 

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Guest Kane Parry


Im same as you I like more rural areas of TLD I do love the mystery lake lodge but I really like FM and BR and HRV as there isn't many human made structures and you haft to live off the land 

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Guest Kane Parry


Agreed coastal highway is always a good place to stay for a while as you said there is many resources and places to go and stay 

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Its a two way tie for me between one of the tucked away homes with a fireplace in CH (I'm with @ajb1978 there's a cabin that sometimes spawns in town with a fireplace, a good deck and a fence that's my favorite), trappers cabin in ML. For hunting camps my favorite are the cave in the Ravine, Waterfall Cave in TM and the sheltered ledge in FM.

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I make the mystery lake camp office my main dwelling and I normally go on trips form there and sort of go back there when I have dried an area out. Think it has a lot to do with that It was the area I started to play in 2015, so not so many areas to choose from.  Like when I hunt I drop the hides inside there and come back after a wile and make my rabbit skin mittens or wolf coat. Even if its a blizzard or fog its easy to find due to the railroad. I get lost a lot... you can get fish from the lake and wood from the area around. A nice by the water to snare for rabbits and hunt if you got a weapon. So one of my favorite things is to start a random game and see how long it takes me to get there.. its like my first goal when I start a game. :) 

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Pleasant Valley Farmstead.  Six burner stove, storage, workbench in basement, and car trunk outside is convenient for refrigerated food storage.  Plus PV is central to all the other regions, with a good supply of game and cattails.  Lack of nearby fishing is the one detriment, although it's not too bad to trek to the picnic area.  Other downside is the weather.  I love it when a bear visits the farmstead and I kill it right next to the house.  Convenient butchering, cooking, and food storage!

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Quincy's has been my forever home ever since the  Coastal Highway region became available. Once it's cleared of wolves, the abundance of cloth, the numerous hunting areas around it, the bear that occasionally forages in town, and the moose that sometimes appears in the clearing right in town make it a place that's difficult to compare with others. The sheer amount of container storage makes it especially useful for a hoarder such as myself. It lacks a protected outdoor fire near it, but a campfire in the corner of the extension, next to the cable reels, is unlikely to get blown out by the wind.

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19 hours ago, ThePancakeLady said:

Okay, I love DP. And I love to visit the Lighthouse. But I tend to set up shop in Hibernia, the Riken, and The Old Stone church.

I know what you mean about the lighthouse. It's a pretty place, but it's just so difficult to access. There's only one way to get to it, and it will likely involve wolves and unsafe, low visibility terrain. Plus it doesn't have a workbench.

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Guest Kane Parry
2 hours ago, MrsValkyrieCat said:

I make the mystery lake camp office my main dwelling and I normally go on trips form there and sort of go back there when I have dried an area out. Think it has a lot to do with that It was the area I started to play in 2015, so not so many areas to choose from.  Like when I hunt I drop the hides inside there and come back after a wile and make my rabbit skin mittens or wolf coat. Even if its a blizzard or fog its easy to find due to the railroad. I get lost a lot... you can get fish from the lake and wood from the area around. A nice by the water to snare for rabbits and hunt if you got a weapon. So one of my favorite things is to start a random game and see how long it takes me to get there.. its like my first goal when I start a game. :) 

I agree like today I started a new game and it was already foggy and the railroad helps a lot so very easy to find and drop of supplies :)

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Guest Kane Parry
1 hour ago, katiebour said:

Pleasant Valley Farmstead.  Six burner stove, storage, workbench in basement, and car trunk outside is convenient for refrigerated food storage.  Plus PV is central to all the other regions, with a good supply of game and cattails.  Lack of nearby fishing is the one detriment, although it's not too bad to trek to the picnic area.  Other downside is the weather.  I love it when a bear visits the farmstead and I kill it right next to the house.  Convenient butchering, cooking, and food storage!

I haven't really explored PV as you said the weather is horrible :D but I do love the farmstead when I do pass though PV 

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Guest Kane Parry
1 hour ago, shade_grey said:

Quincy's has been my forever home ever since the  Coastal Highway region became available. Once it's cleared of wolves, the abundance of cloth, the numerous hunting areas around it, the bear that occasionally forages in town, and the moose that sometimes appears in the clearing right in town make it a place that's difficult to compare with others. The sheer amount of container storage makes it especially useful for a hoarder such as myself. It lacks a protected outdoor fire near it, but a campfire in the corner of the extension, next to the cable reels, is unlikely to get blown out by the wind.

I'm same as you collect everything even if I have no space for it :D

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I don't really collect so much as I cache... all over the place. That's why my list is so long. All of those places have wood, water, food, and hides. I've spent significant amounts of time at all those locations hunting etc to get it so I can stumble into one of two or three caves in HRV say and be able to just hunker down for a week.

My long run guy hasn't been back to TWM for around a year or so; I'm planning on returning there once I complete the mapping run I'm doing to try and get the Cartographer achievement. I'm in FM right now. When I got back to Spence's after having been gone for well over a year I was very happy to find wood and water and food. Sure the dog food was at zero, but cooking five, so... anyway, I'm curious about the state of wildlife up there when I return. I'm wondering if there's a bounce back effect if you leave a wild population alone for long enough.

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7 hours ago, katiebour said:

Pleasant Valley Farmstead.  Six burner stove, storage, workbench in basement, and car trunk outside is convenient for refrigerated food storage.  Plus PV is central to all the other regions, with a good supply of game and cattails.  Lack of nearby fishing is the one detriment, although it's not too bad to trek to the picnic area.  Other downside is the weather.  I love it when a bear visits the farmstead and I kill it right next to the house.  Convenient butchering, cooking, and food storage!

Ten burners, if you include the 6 on the stove, the 2 on the fireplace, and the 2 on the fire barrel outside.  But as you said, the weather is abysmal, and the sheer size of the region makes it infeasible as a settlement.  To me it's a transition zone, nothing more.  The Coastal Highway is the best region IMO.  Yeah, there are no default cooking opportunities, of Pleasant Valley's caliber, but it has hunting, fishing, beachcombing, work benches, and a forge not far away.

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PV Farmstead. I like the abundance of game and the terrible weather - makes planning ahead interesting. I spent the first 50 days of my current run collecting all the good stuff from around and centralised it at the Farmstead.

I also like having to plan expeditions to forges.

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No single place really pops out since it depends on my mood.  If I'm being logical, I choose a place with a bed, 6 burner stove, easy access with minimal wolves (usually end up in Milton).  Scenery?  TWM.  I have spent quite a bit of time at Quonset too (despite the wolves).

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When I wanted to take it easy for a while I usually settled in the Camp Office.

The Dam is currently my headquarters, more than home. Ugly, there's only a fire barrel it takes ages to reach, no bed. Horrible. But there's a bed in the trailer near the gate, the Ravine with no wolves and a cave is a few steps away, and it's the closest thing to the center of Great Bear I could imagine. It connects the coast, the railroad regions and the PV-TWM area. And last but not least, it has almost infinite storage space.

I stocked the PV farmhouse with enough tools and resources to call it a base, and I plan to establish another in the Coastal Highway, or maybe DP. Maybe I'll go back to the Paradise Meadows to use it as a stronghold to start the HRV campaign.

Now that I said that, I'll probably sneeze and fall to death trying to reach the dam's window.

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As cute as it is, I don't like the Mountaineer's hut. Same goes for the Forsestry Lookout and Milton Park office. The lack of a loading screen forces me to find another way to save the game, and more often than not my gaming sessions are too short to be worth sleeping.

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After having spent about two months straight in Milton, collecting all 13 buffer memories, I have to say I've now developed a particular fondness for the Paradise Meadows farmstead.  I have to move on to collect memories elsewhere, but I kinda don't want to leave.  The region itself lacks extreme long-term viability, on account of lack of beachcombing or fishing.  But in terms of places I simply enjoy staying at, I gotta admit, I love that house.  It's the kind of place I'd literally consider buying and living in, for real.  I mean...in a real world setting.  Not one where the house is falling apart and there are murderous wolves everywhere.  Just imagine the Paradise Meadows farmhouse, but in a market-ready condition.

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