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Everything posted by SysGhost

  1. So the tactic with these are to make sure the night is long enough for one to get in, take a look around and get out before the night is at an end.
  2. That's okay. Just knowing they do exist and that one do get trapped is good enough for me. Awaken the curiosity even more. This is now the most likely way I'll end up a survival run now. Thanks. 😉 I haven't had a single aurora happen for over 25 days now so I know how rare they can be. Another time it was just a few days between them.
  3. On the fandom wiki page (not official afaik), I read this about auroras: I wonder... Are there any such areas in the survival mode only accessible during auroras? and if so, do one risk getting trapped inside or is there an alternative exit? Where are these areas?
  4. Nah. One would just turn into some primitive caveman covered in animal furs, tossing sticks and stones at the wildlife ... ...oh... wait...
  5. Covered in snow... Now this would be a nice feature in the game. Makes one wanna check suspicious looking snow piles/humps in the landscape.
  6. *hmmmm* ... Now I'd like to see "Dog" from Half Life 2. Chasing wolves around. Tossing cars about. Wrecking up the Blackrock prison.... Obviously Dog would only be operational during auroras.
  7. 12v/24v from a car battery is far too low to pose any electrical hazard. But I'd welcome it if it ever get introduced. Doesn't have to be scientifically exact, as with many things in the game. As long as it adds reward with risk and challenge. I'll copy the suggestion I gave on the mod suggestion thread. Maybe something similar could be introduced native in the game:
  8. I suspect the random spread isn't as wide with the skill. Most noticeable when shooting things on distance. Personally I prefer to wait til I can watch the wolf in the sclera before I take the shot. (Just moments before the wolf jumps at me after charging). It's almost a guaranteed one-shot that way. With the risk of engaging in a death-struggle with the wolf of course. In this case this skill/bonus wouldn't help much anyway. I guess one could be safer and be more accurate on longer distance with this skill/bonus.
  9. Yeah. Don't clean up your desk. If you do, you'll end up dead.
  10. I've had Wintermute bug out on me a few times. I learned to keep multiple saves around so I always can go back a few steps to redo things that seemed to have buggered out. I discovered that quick load and quick save often mess up scripted events that rely on each other in a chained manner. There I had to quit the game, restart it and reload a save where it isn't bugged out/ have started that particular set of events yet.
  11. I noticed that wolves was much more aggressive in the 4th episode. Although I've always had "Capable Survivor" since day 1 first episode. Now playing a regular survival/sandbox on an equivalent level and I notice the wolves are less aggressive in the Blackrock region. I suspect it's something with the story mode (Wintermute) to make wildlife more challenging. But I might be wrong. I just assumed as much. EDIT: One time, just below Cook's Farm with the two pickup trucks on the road. I had to encounter 9 wolves at the same time. 3 timberwolves and 6 regular wolves. Let's just say it ended up with a lot of meat and materials i couldn't carry.
  12. 52. Just got away from a moose trampling one down bad and about to take shelter in a nearby cave. ... with a bear.
  13. Constantly keeping a look out for bunkers. Well.. As I live in the outskirts of Stockholm this is actually a thing. There's plenty of underground shelters and underground structures scattered all around. They had a shelter fever during the cold war era.
  14. Squirrels! Yes! Just... don't stare at em for too long or they will turn on zerg mode on you.
  15. A tiny one: Have the focus follow the mouse pointer. When I scroll items in storage/containers with mouse wheel I want the scroll to happen where the mouse pointer is hovering.
  16. Chopping down trees. But they always fall in the direction I stand making it a challenge in its own. Will I be able to step out of harms way in time? Was that a wolf just behind me? Now crushed under the log? Gee! I guess I was lucky there.
  17. The little I checked in for mods in this game, I discovered that one requirement is Windows. Would it be possible to have the Linux build of this game moddable too? Why not make mods and addons platform-independent? Afaik, the mods themselves often don't require Windows. It's just the installer and the 3rd party launcher that does.
  18. While I played come up with a few ideas I'd like to see in mods or game updates. Maybe get myself in making these mods if I ever get into actually making mods for this game. But if someone wants to "steal" my ideas you're more than welcome to do that. It's why I share them. Maybe the ideas already exist in for of mods. I just haven't looked around hard enough to find them. Please do tell. The backpack. Have the ability to take the whole backpack off so one can get out and explore/survey the area without the need to carry everything or have to empty the backpack into a bunch of containers/floor somewhere. Pockets. Clothes often have pockets. While one have taken the backpack off, one should still be able to carry some items depending on what pockets the clothes have. Military pants obviously have more slots than jeans do. Military coat sure have a lot of pockets which the windbreaker do not have. Perfect to carry a few bandages, painkillers and charcoal for when surveilling the area. Also useful to stuff the pockets with sticks and other small items. Stuff that can be used in other areas: Cloth/fabric of various kinds are good as fire starters. Not just for repairing clothes and making bandages. Bandages can also be used as fire starters. Wrappings/packages from various food items works well as fire starters. Plastic bags of various kinds. Meat do degrade too fast when outside imho. But I understand from a game mechanic perspective that it's shouldn't be "too easy". I'd love to store cooked or raw meat outside in the freeze. Understandably meat do turn bad even when frozen if it's not protected. That is where plastic bags would come in. Frozen meat (raw or cooked) in a sealed plastic bag lasts for a very long time when frozen. Idea: Two types of plastic bags: regular bags and sealable bags. The former won't last as long as the sealable one. Plastic bags are essential in I.R.L. survival. One can pack clothes and other items to protect them from moist and, in case one fall into waters. That way one always have a set of dry clothes and/or food items. I personally find it curious how all the matches survive every time I fall through the ice making me soaking wet all over. If it be real life, all matches should've been destroyed the moment they got in contact with water/moist. And that my crackers are still "cracking dry" after a "swim in the pond". Let's not make it that one finds plastic bags around every corner. Make it "lagom" Making wind shelters. The ability to make wind shelters in game are lacking. We have the snow shelter but it has its limits. Another kind of wind shelter that give a bit more freedom than the snow shelter, is the bushcraft wind shelter. An angled flat surface that breaks up the wind protecting any camp fire you might have. Idea: Collect a bunch sticks, stones and cloth. Find a fir/ceder limb somewhere and with the menu option on the limb, convert the limb into a bushcraft wind shelter. Tools and items required: rope of some kind (maybe cured gut). Axe or saw. Sticks and a bunch of cloth. Result: if angled correctly, it breaks the wind making it easier to set up and maintain a fire. Not as insulating as the snow shelter. Carrying large items. In wintermute story, one can carry persons although heavily weighed down and slowly. I'd like to see this game mechanic used in other scenarios: Carrying limps. Bundle a bunch of branches to carry. Carry small and medium boxes. Killed wolves/animals that aren't too heavy and not yet frozen. More movable items. How many times have I wished I could move larger items around. Boxes, tables, chairs, desks ,etc. Existing game mechanic: Right-click an object in the game world, and one can move/carry it without putting into the backpack. Left-click to place it in the new location. Use this mechanic on larger items even if they cannot be placed in the backpack. Electronics. This could be a large separate game-enhancing mod in itself. I know electronics are bust in the game story due to "electromagnetic reasons". But they still operate to some limited degree during auroras. Like metal scraps, have the ability to collect electronic scraps and rechargeable batteries from radios, laptops etc. How to use these? New craftable items in a separate category: Electronics: Rechargeable batteries found in laptops and maybe radios. (Think: 18650 cells) Aurora battery charger station: Charge battery cells during auroras for use in electronics later on when there no aurora in the sky. Holds a very limited charge and are not as efficient as it was before the "event". Enhanced flashlight: Can use charged batteries for use even when there's no aurora. Batteries can be replaced and recharged in the mentioned aurora charger station. Portable music player: Listen to music while you travel. Music sources: Cassettes found in the game. (There's actually cassette tape items in game already, although non interactable ) Electronic lighter: Yet another source of ignition to start your camp fires. Electronic hand warmer mits: For a short time reduce the chill. Can be the difference between death and barely alive. Stun gun: Quickly stun the wolf that just attacked you. Struggle to get it into position and *zap*. Off the wolf go with the tail between the legs.
  19. Från Stockholm och har precis avslutat de första fyra episoderna i Wintermute. Just satt mig in i en "survival game" och ser hur länge det kan hållas. Var lite rädd att spelet skulle vara betydligt svårare i survival mode än vad jag just nu upplever. Tror jag valde en för lätt nivå. Men jag traskar vidare och upptäcker nya områden som wintermute inte har introducerat mig i ännu. Har funderat på att sätta in mig i mod-communityn för detta spel, men vet än så länge för lite om det, men det kommer.