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Everything posted by Pınar51-06

  1. No more sprain risks. It is soo annoying. And ıt doesnt make sense when we just walking around little hills. It makes sense only when we goat down from TWM summit or Raven Falls Trestle or we have above 55-60 kg. And also ı hate the sound of sprain.
  2. Actually yes. I loved episode 4 but that Astrid scene, not knowing how she came PM and how located BP in GBI make me think of that. I guess ı will think about more wisely after survival mode update and episode 5 launch. Thanks for lightening me ı am just a new curious pilgrim/voyageur player😬
  3. I was talking about last scene but now ı guess ı did not choose the right words sorry for my english (ıt’s not my native language)
  4. I always thought Blackrock is in east of the map, above Coastal Highway and right of Pleasant Valley but now ı guess ı was wrong. Lots of people say Blackrock is north of mountain town. But we saw astrid went to Perseverance Mills by sailing and ı am curious how will Mckenzie go to coastal regions in just one final episode.It looks far far away. There was a theory in forums that Hushed river and Ash canyon is actually close to each other maybe blackrock and perseverance mills are close too (a secret pass or mine or cave system) Anyway ı am looking forward for Blackrock in survival mode finally we will see its connection zones.
  5. Ok now ı understand what you were saying and ı can agree with you. I also think that gameplay>flashbacks but now we have just one final episode and ı guess mostly we will play as Mckenzie and we won’t see Astrid’s journey.
  6. Bende de hapishaneden kaçış sırasında üst kat merdivenlerde kalası kapıya sıkıştırırken oyun kalası gösterdi ancak bir türlü alamadım. Bir iki kez yeniden yükleme yapınca sorun düzeldi. Tavsiyem Hinterland teknik destek ekibine mail atmanız daha önce sorun yaşadığımda mail atmıştım kısa sürede sorunu çözüp dönüş yapmışlardı. Yeni hikaye bölümü ya da yeni bölge güncellemesinin ilk zamanları bu tarz sorunlar oluşabiliyor.
  7. I guess we will see some foresttalker guys in episode 5 and ı agree with you they have at least leading role in wintermute(maybe methuselah or atwood) Unlike you ı kinda like foresttalker cache clues ı didnt wanna find just a key in a box or body (ı like all mine section) ı wanna see how Astrid sailed to PM cause ıt felt a little weird but ı guess we will see that journey in flashback scenes(some says methuselah was in CH and he helped Astrid??)
  8. I like episode 4 too and ı can’t wait to play Blackrock Prison map on survival mode. Such a good region. It looks like a little bit AC and HRV but better than those. Thanks Hinterland. Yes wolves and timberwolves are sooo much and annoying but episode gave us a lot of guns, ammo and flares. I didn’t expect moose satchel and ıt was a big surprise. This mine region, foresttalker cache and mine elevator is my favourite. I just didn’t like the dangerous gas leak effect in mine and prison break (ı died several times for that)but ı guess ıt makes sense for mine and prison fire. ı am curious for episode 5. How did Astrid come to PM on sailing? Will we see her journey in flashback scenes? Where is Methuselah? Will our Hobbs choice affect the storyline?
  9. It was sooo annoying that they take all of new clothes esp. my full condition wool ear wrap and balaclava. But one time they didnt take my new running shoes (maybe it was a bug but whatever) I left my all clothes in prison enter building and ı go in but ı didnt get matches after. And ı fight with mathis ı was naked actually lol. They didnt say anything even Jace.
  10. Spoiler ep4 I also expect Methuselah after mine exit but he didn’t show up. I thought he was an imagination on Will’s mind or his older version but now ı don’t know what to think. Is he a foresttalker? Was he in prison? Is he still next to Carter Dam? Or ıs he already in PM? ı also thought jace was molly but when she showed up, ı was little disappointed because ı liked molly and ı thought we will see her again but now ı think we left her behind like greymother.
  11. Pilgrim Quonset Garage. I love Coastal Highway. There are lots of houses, lots of meat when carrying rifle or bow. Working bench and fireplace inside. Going to mine for coal, going to Desolation Point for forge and also coal is fun. Going to lookout for beautiful sunrise vista. You can also find useful clothing like cowichan sweater. Voyageur or higher level I prefer camp office in Mystery Lake. Lots of player choose here for main base and they are right. It is easy for hunting wolves on lake or road to dam. It is close to Mountain Town for coal, cloth, some ammo and flares, ıt is close to Muskeg for forge. It’s like home. I like pleasant valley homestead but ıt’s dangerous for sure. Bear and wolves spawn that area quickly but also this place present great vision for hunting. But ı mostly prefer community hall in PV. Also ı like anglers den in Ash Canyon but ı don’t spend much time in AC, ı didn’t know the region very well and ı got mauled by moose two times so 🤨but ı intend to stay my next run(when ı went AC, ı run to gold mine, pick up technical backpack and go)
  12. I finished yesterday episode 4 on capable survivor level. Yes wolves and timberwolf pack spawns in a close distance and it is annoying but ı found 3 rifle, 45-50 rifle ammo, 2 revolver, about 60 revolver ammo, a pistol,10 pistol rounds, a bow, couple of arrows. I went all caches, I did most of the sidequest and the game gives you a lot of flare and marineflare. I am not a good player although ı killed them easily. Steam pipe and last scene in blackrock prison was harder than wolves. Just you pick all antiseptic and bandages cause you need them a lot.
  13. When ı play in DP on voyageur level a moose and after that a bear spawned on the bridge so ı thought same thing happened to Matt. (Maybe it was a bug ı didn’t know) and yes you are right about the crash. My imagination was a bit crazy ı guess ı thought car jumped, did not touch and just fell off. But ı guess the car glass was broken so there was a little harm😬
  14. Matt was going ahead to the broken bridge and beyond. (Maybe to Perseverance Mills) But suddenly bear spawned and Matt panicked, crashed and fell of the bridge. After some time he woke up, picked prybar for bear (poor Matt) and wanted to go to Riken. He wanted to bring some gas for warming. But he was bleeding so he fainted in a minute and faded to the long dark.
  15. Always carry your bedroll with you. (Esp. in timberwolf mountain, ash canyon and hushed river valley). Don’t waste your time. When you boiled you water, you can also repair clothes or clean rfle/revolver. Collect all of coal in mines. Even if you don’t, you just change their position so you can double amount of coal. Sometimes overconfidence may kill you so be careful even on easy level and easy region. Don’t go anywhere in foggy weather if you don’t know the region.
  16. Some people here including me want cougar. Firstly one cougar in a cage (maybe will rescue it from Mathis or other prisoners) and then a few around the region. It would be cool.
  17. I don’t know why but ı play survival mode ı always thought the cargo plane in TWM was my plane and ı have to see it one more time so ı always go to summit and feel a little bit sad. So ı never thought about your idea but ı think it may be a new challenge mode. Player has 10-15 days to find plane crash and some important stuff (like some clothing or gun that doesn’t appear entire the map or some marineflares because in 10-15 days timberwolves will spawn). Crash could be in any region (Like you spawn in AC and the crash is in HRV) and challenge be like stalker/ınterloper difficulty.
  18. We finally learn the location of BP in 12-13 days but thinking of there is only one episode left in Wintermute, ı wanna go east of map not play around in the middle. Beside that there is a cone theory that BP is the highest region in middle of Great Bear and Hushed River Valley, Ash Canyon and Timberwolf Mountain are close to each other (which is cool) So excited for episode 4!!!
  19. I didn’t expect Molly’s voice in teaser ı’m shaken a little. Thanks for your hard work Hinterland! Can’t wait to play.
  20. I like the birch area in Ash Canyon between pillars footrest and stone shelf cave. It’s so quiet and peaceful in bright sky. Also ıt’s a safe place for shooting moose and you can find polaroid near the fallen tree bridge
  21. I start TLD by playing Wintermute. I finish first two episodes ı killed the old bear and ı was good. I thought yeah ı can play episode 3 on capable survivor 😅 So ı begin episode 3 ı rescued gwen and around the red barn with her suddenly ı saw a bear and ı was like😱 “you were dead, ı killed you in episode 2” of course bear didn’t listen to me so gwen and ı faded the long dark😴
  22. @Stinky socksyeah Unlike teas or coffee🤔at least we must feel warmth about 10-15 minutes in game time