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Everything posted by Cranky

  1. I’ve had that same problem so many times in numerous regions. It’s definitely a kick in the nuts, it’s caused me to fall into the long dark. I’ve wondered if proximity to the rock/mountain I’m backed up to has anything to do with it.
  2. I took the same route. Waited for a clear late morning so I could see the lake and dock then headed down veering right. In all its a fairly obvious smooth way down, lots of snow and very few drops. I made sure I had no meat scent so not to attract unwanted attention. Did it again this morning to bring back all the goods I left in the many caves.
  3. Just really needed to share this with ppl who will appreciate. So on my current stalker run I didn’t want to ferry all that good plane crash loot down the long way and take multiple trips, last time I did that it took way to long. Instead, this time I loaded up on everything I wanted (which made me 17kg over weight) and goated my riches down the face of the summit. To be honest I was quite doubtful I’d live, being that I’ve never goated with that much over weight and thru a lot of deadly territory. But to my surprise I made it down with only one sprain and avoided the wolves and bears.
  4. Washington, close enough to the Canadian border to throw a baseball into BC.
  5. Because a dialed in scoped bolt action rifle is designed to be long range. My 308 for example is set up for shots around 300yrds. Both the scope and the rifle can make an effective hit a much further or closer range but that takes time to adjust the scope and a hell of a lot of practice. Range and accuracy with a scope takes time/practice and changing it on the fly is not as easy as one may presume especially if the scope is not designed to do so. Scopes are made to be accurate with in a given range, shooting at a animal 200 meters away is a lot different than a target at 20 meters and not all scoped will adjust accurately between those 2 distances.
  6. Cranky

    Hot Springs

    Great idea for a new, perhaps small, region possibly connecting Broken Railroad with Mountain Town or Des Point with Timberwolf Mountain.
  7. The scope concept has been suggested in wish list a few times by my count. I’m personally in favor of the idea. I think it should be a somewhat rare find and require a work bench and red tool box to attach/unattach. Could be used as a surveying tool (help with avoiding bears) and long range hunting but while attached the rifle cannot shot close range or have shitty close range accuracy.
  8. 5 types of arrow heads: metal, stone, bone, glass, wood. Each of these materials already exist abundantly in the game. Pros/cons: 1. Metal: longest lasting (indestructible), greatest damage, requires a forge. 2. Stone: requires stone napping as a skill, requires work bench and red tool box, not indestructible like metal but will last 2 or 3 arrow shafts, slightly lesser damage than metal. 2b. Bone: requires harvested bones, work bench and red tool box, similar to stone they will last multiple arrow shafts but not indestructible and slightly lesser damage than metal. 3. Glass: requires a work bench and blue or red tool box, breaks with arrow shaft, will not kill or cause bleed out of bears/moose. 4. Wood: requires only a knife/axe and work bench, will only kill rabbits and cause deer and wolves to bleed out but not one shot kill them. Wolves will charge regardless of being hit. I’ve mentioned stone arrow heads in other posts/comments and have seen others mention sharpened wooden tips so I thought the idea might grant a discussion. Also stone napping as a skill could open up a whole new type of crafting, stone tools like knives and axes for example. Cheers y’all.
  9. I like the idea, in essence it would be like what the rifle is compared to the pistol (more or less). I partially agree with Stinky tho. It being a rare find like crampons, backpack or flare gun is a given, but making repairs only limited to Bleak Inlet and having a high rate of arrow or bow decay would negate nearly any advantage. A greater bleed out effect would also have no purpose considering any bleed out causes the animal to die regardless. I suppose wooden arrows would work or an additional arrow shaft recipe could be added as well (requiring something like ski poles, a forge and more metal). The 2 biggest advantage I see are being able to 1 shot a moose/bear (providing its hit in a critical spot) and an increased effective range. A big problem I see is If arrow decay is significantly increased and birch doesn’t respawn then going thru a finite supply of arrows is gonna happen rather quickly. But if the arrow recipe required different ingredients and a forge to make the shafts, that along with its rarity could balance out the advantages.
  10. For me, finding combat pants in stalker and killing a moose with me bow.
  11. Has this happened to anyone in regards to any of the many fishing huts? I use them all the time in ML and CH while picking off wolves nearby.
  12. I’m not sure if this was some kind of glitch or if it’s a very rare occurrence. I don’t generally spend much time in TWM but on my current stalker run I’ve been really getting to know the entire region and thus been there for a significant amount of time. I set up camp in the mountaineers cabin on the lake and was killing wolves from the dock (starting to stock pile food, skins, and intestines). After I killed a deer and 2 wolves a third came along while I was heading in the cabin and figured it would run off as soon as I got inside (which has always happened). Just before I made it in, the wolf began to charge then proceeded to follow me in and attack me after I was inside the cabin (near the back by the shelves). This was a first for me, has this happened to anyone else, is it part of a new update, is it unique to this region? I did leave the door open.
  13. Or they could introduce climbing/ice axe. Make it craft only or a rare find like rifle or ultra rare like moose satchel and crampons.
  14. If sharp wooden tips were to be introduced then instead of arrows breaking the limitations could be changed so that they could only wound and not outright kill anything other than a rabbit. Also the lifespan of the tip would be rather short and need frequent resharpening which in turn would require more knife usage. Stone arrow heads would also be a nice realistic addition. Stone napping is a relatively simple skill to learn and if integrated correctly it could be another skill allowing the crafting of stone knives, axes, and arrowheads.
  15. Pea coat and military jacket together are a great defensive combo but do come with weight and mobility restrictions. Personally I think that either are the second best outerwear you can get but I don’t use them together. Pants, gloves and shoes also add a significant amount of def so you don’t need to put it all in the coat. 1% won’t be a significant difference. A few tips, rabbits are great for bow practice and upping arch skill (rabbit fur hats/gloves offer great warmth and defense), making arrows ups arch skill (if you make 20 arrows you will gain about 2 skill levels w/o having to use your bow), once you aim at a charging wolf it will juke left or right so back up as you aim and allow it to get close so you headshot it. A charging wolf will still charge if hit in the body but if you fight it off with a axe you will take only a little damage and the wolf will die. And lastly, carry enough bandages and antiseptic because learning to kill wolves with a bow will be quite damaging (unless you make good use of the terrain).
  16. The vague details of the mapping don’t bother me in the least. I find the mapping generally useful in the beginning but kind of useless once I’ve become familiar with the region. Now a days The only reason I map a familiar region is when I’m looking for bow/arrow woods. I just wish we could make notes on the map itself, I would find that incredibly useful.
  17. Cranky

    Todays Ideas

    😉 glad I could help
  18. Cranky


    Thanks Hawk, that explains a lot. Lol, I’ve spent a hell of a lot of time looking for bunkers that are not there.
  19. Cranky

    Todays Ideas

    I’ve used my large accumulation of cans to create blizzard/fog routes. Tho I like your idea of being able to use rope instead. Would be very helpful in ML when fishing for hours and needing to get back to camp. Sled and candles are also ideas that many of us have discussed and would like to see implemented. Hotter fires = faster cook times, coal would be the obvious necessity and a common resource but generally only found in specific areas.
  20. I’m I bit perplexed, are the bunkers random? To clarify, are they not always in the same spots in the same region? I’ve made my fair share of runs on both voyager and stalker but not to every region in every run. I swear I’ve seen bunkers in spots that they are currently not in (Myst Lake & Pleasant Valley). On one of my previous runs I found 3 in PV but they are not all there.
  21. I’ve played with them both but never really found much use of the spray paint. I do use the notes section a bit. Personally I don’t find the spray paint all that useful except for when I’m exploring regions unfamiliar to me. I want to be able to pull up my map of a given region I am in and see all I need to see without having to travel within that region to see any paint marks I’ve made. I would prefer this tool over the notes section because all notes would be on the regional map itself, it’s a visual thing.
  22. Exploring each region and mapping them out is one of my fav parts of the game. The only additional thing I wish we could do to our charcoal maps is make notes on them. At this point in my gameplay I am so familiar with many of the regions that I rarely if ever use the map. However, I would find it very useful to be able to make notes and demarcations of where I’ve stashed certain items (my cashes), bear routes and wolf territories, fishing huts with doors, cabins with a fireplace, locations of a workbench, caves with makeshift beds, ideal hunting locations (fallen trees to be on or under), etc. Am I the only one who would find this useful?
  23. I’ve explored and charcoal mapped Forlorn Musk, Myst Lake, Mountain Town, Winding River, Pleasant Valley, Coast Hwy, and DP on voyager enough to know them without ever getting lost. I’ve probably spent well over 300 in game days in those regions (in total, not in a single game) and at this point never use/need mapping for them. All other regions I'm either still exploring or have yet to. After I’ve mapped out an entire region I will go online and pull up that regions map to see if I’ve missed anything (about a third of the time I find that I have). HRV I am finding very difficult to get familiar with due to all the different elevation and terrain.
  24. Lots of good advice given I see. Here’s my bit. Id stay in ML, lots to loot and lots to fish n hunt. Use rocks to divert wolves (stay crouched so not to be detected) if needed. Break crates apart with your hands in the dam for lots of wood, you will need lots to make perpetual fire. Make a fire in barrel and take a few torches, maybe 5 or more. Keep a torch lit then go forage along the river for cat tails and sticks, you can throw the torch at wolves if needed and use dying torches to light new torches. While foraging make fires along the way and always keep a torch lit so that you don’t have to use matches. You can do this all the way to the fishing huts/cabins or along the railroad to the derailments (I’ve used the technique numerous times). Basically if your able to make perpetual fire you don’t need matches (wind can and will fuck up this process) but it’s also good to have a flare or 2 if possible. At the first single rail car closest to the dam there is a logging road to the right. If you go that way there is a group of 3 trailers that usually has some clothing in them and getting from there to the lookout isn’t a far travel. The lookout usually has some good loot as well and is a good central location to get to trappers or camp. As long as your condition is about 3/4 full and you have a knife or axe and first aid then a wolf attack won’t kill you. If your condition is full then you can easily survive 2 wolf attacks if you got a hand weapon and first aid.
  25. Take shots from any place you have to crouch to be in (under fallen trees), wolves and bears cannot reach you in those spots. Also if you have your back to a cliff wall, boulders, or structure then you can make a fire or 2 in front of yourself and shoot from there. Bears and wolves won’t cross a fire but will go around if possible. Also you can use a fire with a fallen tree, fallen tree in front of you and fire behind you or vice versa.