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  1. According to Steam, about 8 hours from now...so, 10 am Pacific? Yes. Like it was before there was Steam and dlc and games came in a box and had expansions instead.
  2. Looking great; seamless integration from what I can see. If you want any modeling assistance, like on the oil rig interior or whatever, let me know. I can do nicer work that what I did for Forgotten Plateau; after all that was basically a concept sketch in its entirety so most every thing was only half-baked, just enough to get the idea conveyed properly. I'd probably not want to be doing the texture art though since I don't think I could do it justice.
  3. Interesting, I had no idea until just now that this place exists: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forbidden_Plateau ...I had considered naming the region this, too.
  4. Ah, reminds me of playing Risk; almost all land wars in Asia go through Yakustsk... ...btw what's being censored in this video; almost half of it's fuzzed out?
  5. GM48's 41st 48 hour game jam was last weekend, with the theme of "side effect", and Yukon was my entry. I wanted to try Canadian winter survival, but in the scene-to-scene style found in old games like King's Quest or Conquest of the Longbow. I also wanted to see if I could make a huge game world in just 48 hours, which I mostly failed to do. But there's enough there to make it interesting. So, what's the game's premise? A research mishap in the Yukon sends your metabolism through the roof, forcing you to frantically scour your frozen environs for any food you can find until a rescue helicopter arrives with supplies. https://gm48.net/game/1999/yukon
  6. Awesome that you guys like it! I'm already a member of The Long Development Discord, super excited about that project! I can definitely put a link for this over there in the suggestions section.
  7. Forgotten Plateau This isn't truly a mod region for The Long Dark, at least not yet, but in hopes that we will one day have a level editor for TLD, and also as a learning exercise, I've created an explorable region concept for The Long Dark in Unity, which can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bL6V4FBi9ZgJ-DIdgNLmm0NhVwVJ-OLH/view?usp=sharing Forgotten Plateau is intended to be a difficult region, with sparse shelter and supplies, hostile wildlife, and disorienting geography, made slightly more forgiving only by its relatively small size. Naturally, it also comes with a Whiteberry-style map, which has full spoilers so you might want to ignore it if you want the full experience of getting as lost as possible. I might experiment with VR implementation in the future, but I make no promises. PS. On the topic of white berries. Don't eat them. Likely to be either baneberry (cardiac arrest), poison ivy or poison sumac (every bit as toxic as you'd expect) or maybe dogwood or snowberry (gross and inedible) Images:
  8. The purple car is Jace's car in story mode. She does seem the sort who would opt for heated seats.
  9. I just recently confirmed that bear will not attack a wolf, on Voyageur, if the wolf is currently eating a carcass. It's a bit hard to see, since they are far away, but the bear is next to the river and the black shape next to it right on the river's edge is the wolf eating a deer. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1827897766232283642/95511B1A916458C5EDB0E1A9470AAEAD104405EE/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1827897766232283980/D7F651E5177BFE54DB1B0A2593E94D565BD2B034/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false The moose might kill wolves though, I know that patrolling wolves will flee from them. I believe they flee from bear as well; I seem to recall hearing a wolf get scared by the ML trapper's bear once. On the subject of glitchy CH wolves though, this happened on a custom game:
  10. Apparently the glowing ice as seen in TLD's ice caves can really happen: https://weather.com/storms/winter/video/glowing-plankton-form-dots-of-light-in-snow-in-russian-arctic
  11. As a long time World of Tanks player (or is it abused addict? Some days I'm not sure) I find this very interesting, particularly "The aim hacks allowed players to automatically lock on to targets and maintain 100% accuracy and always hit critical parts of the enemy" since Wargaming has in the past consistently claimed that a)illegal mods are extremely rare, and possibly that the specific pack of cheats alluded to in this lawsuit (I'll not name it here) may not actually exist and b) such aimbots are impossible due to the shot dispersion RNG being calculated server-side, making a guaranteed critical hit impossible (for indeed, the "fully aimed" aim in WoT is by far the worst I've seen in any game). The other bit of pertinent information this article excludes is that Wargaming has always welcomed modding in their highly competitive, statted, multiplayer-only game for reasons unknown to any reasonable person. And then they have some strange arbitrary decision making in place for determining what a cheat mod vs a legal mod is. So yes, aimbots and wallhacks and laser sights and tree-down mods and minimap aim and reload indicators and the like are generally officially banned, but as I see it many of the mods that are supposedly legal don't pass the "helps me" fairness test; basically if you can describe what the mod does as "it helps me _____" I would consider that an illegal mod in a multiplayer context - but Wargaming does not. So in summary, Wargaming might get a lot of money from this case, but they are themselves part of the problem. So as for me, have I noticed any cheating in 38,000+ battles? It's very hard to tell. Particularly because latency and hacks can produce similar apparent results. But there's so many ways in which Wargaming intentionally unbalances their game, and the playing field is as such so extremely uneven in virtually every battle (we're talking premium ammunition, +/-25% RNG for damage and penetration, an unreliable penetration chance indicator, tank crews of different skill levels, generally overpowered premium vehicles as well as general unbalance among tech tree vehicles, and a 3 tier spread for most battles, among other things), that a cheat advantage becomes very indistinguishable from a legal advantage. Perhaps I've seen the strangest things happen in clan battles and in tournaments with premium currency as the prize, perhaps. But strange and unexpected results are a common occurance in WoT.
  12. True, but what about things like level design, where you're using the game's existing assets to create new content? Or even something simpler like the mod that lets you move containers around? Hinterland's containers, theoretically "copyrightable" but with user altered/added functionality. *soap box alert* The more I research copyright law the more I'm personally opposed to it as a concept. Incompatible with human culture and stifles creativity and innovation. Also, almost entirely profit motivated despite its claims to protect creativity. It's not without reason the board game industry has unofficially done away with it to a large degree.
  13. Lost any remaining carcasses from my 1k+ voyageur run, about 4 days into exploring Blackrock after the update dropped. So they're clearly decaying at the normal carcass rate rather than sticking around indefinitely.
  14. Considering that: "In the United States, the underlying source code, and the game's artistic elements, including art, music, and dialog, can be protected by copyright law" meaning that modding by nature often infringes game copyright.