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Everything posted by Enigmaecho

  1. @Admin I wanted to bring this up again in light of the latest update. The new hand coverings, rifle animations, harvest animations are all wonderfully immersive and transformative for the play experience and with that and the implications you were looking to tackle other immersive animations I was inspired to bring this up again, I know this was the old iteration of the journal but I really would love to see something more like this come back in replacement of the menu style we’ve had since you changed this design. Also of note, would still love to see the missing transitions added to the day counters, ZOC is currently not tracking days at all, notes/mementos are inaccurate there are more items than the counter max i.e. I have 47 of the “25”notes and 48/44 mementos Final note, I love the new immersion and I can’t wait to see what else you decide to animate
  2. I have a custom with higher loot settings i did the whole region and found 3 pairs
  3. I REALLY hope this is not the logic and they’re going to unleash the cougar on the whole island. Keep the danger floof in its own region!
  4. So let’s talk about time creep. This run started 420 days ago at around 9am and over the 420 days the time the new day counter loops has slowly crept towards noon and then a little after, once ZoC dropped my time inverted now my days loop at midnight, did I gain or lose 12 hours somewhere? I’m so confused 🤣
  5. If I might inquire how new to the game are you, asking because the far territory maps can come across as overwhelmingly difficult for no reason but the case is more they are trying to offer a balanced experience for new players and a challenge for veterans. I don’t think tales is something really for new players and not in a condescending way it’s just very involved and if you’re still learning the basics expecting to traverse the entire island and complete SV and BE is a BIG ask considering there’s vet players who only play the base regions from a decade ago or haven’t seen the whole island. Personally I think the region is fantastic, one of the best they’ve done in terms of scope, variability and challenge, half the map is like bleak inlet half the map is like hushed river. the mine is something that’s been long needed there’s talk and talk about how great bear was a major mining community and the majority of the mines are a few hundred feet long on one level and blocked off any other paths. For me I found the vast majority of the gas is navigable without a mask there’s maybe 3 sections you absolutely need it 1 is just loot and dead ends and the other two sections you can just go the long way around to bypass them and the pools of nasty are big glowing bogs they’re super easy to avoid the region isn’t even a week old give it a chance
  6. Where’d you find a sport bow? I found a miners flashlight and I’m over to moon! Just need the foresters revolver that didn’t make it on my existing and I’ll have it all but I’d love another sport bow
  7. Oh wow no not like that lol, the one I got was like in cartoons when it’s mid day and then a second later it’s midnight so while I was in the tunnel parts they brightened up then passing the falls it shifted back to night then back to day in the other side tunnel then night at the exit
  8. That’s a personal problem and simply not true overall. If no one loper+ wanted tales that side of the community wouldn’t have thrown the fit they did when it was said to be not in loper in the the first place, the region has a lot of supply and workbenches the argument that “why go for basic loot” is weak at best as that applies to literally any region why play on nogoa at all if you’re committed to doing the same safe strat over and over it’s very likely there will be an ammo forge in the last region making this a great resource hub to do a far territory only run your complaints seem to be that you want the region made easier for your intentionally beyond the game setting’s difficulty, this touches back on a different thread about no bare hand harvest or micro harvest. Why set it to super challenge and play to brag on those settings just to cheese exploits and complain that they didn’t address the map from a pov of someone’s playing outside standard settings and the hardest possible settings at that. It’s very reminiscent of the meme shoving a stick in your own tire and blaming someone else
  9. I went back in the day same things it was glimmer fog but looking out past falls crystal clear sky’s lol, come to think of it I think I remember it happening on the ash canyon path of the same type 🤔
  10. Same happening to me seems to be all or nothing at the moment to be safe
  11. The one in omega is my snuggle buddy and I make the trip just to use that bed 😊
  12. I’m definitely going to hang onto the rest and only use them in dire emergency no telling what perils the installation will bring (even if it brings some more canisters 😂)
  13. I haven’t figured either and I’d have to test based on the wording though I wonder if nourished slows down your hunger rate and maybe gorged slightly lowers your carry capacity temporarily? Or maybe speeds up sprint consumption?
  14. I wanna say I killed about 13 canisters clearing looting and tale I have 9.5 left but while spending time in the mines I went through the effort to spray paint danger at the beginning and end of each gas zone and i didn’t run into one I couldn’t easily run through no mask in later testing (except maybe one long section I think around the 500 level) and if you panic there’s plenty of time to bring first aid up on the wheel and put on the mask in a hurry 👍 cabin fever in the mine is a little odd I wonder if the cabin fever buff foods have any impact
  15. Now that’s some immersive safehouse customization!
  16. Lighting bug: Enduring Waterfall path: when walking along the cave path the cave lights as though mid day clear skies looking out past the falls and the light in the cave abruptly shifts light to dark, this happened during an aurora
  17. Oh for sure I wasn’t implying it would be a light update just thinking of the “major” announcements there’s the third region, cougar, trader and last tale im figuring it’s most likely the cougar is going to home the secret facility region and the trader as well
  18. I’ll see if I can’t find the tweet but short answer that looks like an oversight someone asked about the refresh and Raph said to the effect of “if it’s not on the patch notes it didn’t happen” I would assume that it will be the “Big” thing for update 5 along with maybe another animation update and some new recipes for the tin can
  19. It’s a good change same with the removal of micro harvesting to speed run 5 cook, I’ll never get why folks choose to play interloper then want to cheese the hell out of it 🤷🏻‍♂️